Monday, 16 February 2009

Robyn's E News 16 Feb 09

Hi all,
It may be bucketing down again today but I'm thanking the weather gods for a weekend that allowed many of us to get our long training done.
Long is the focus for a number of our members at the moment with Ironman Malaysia, Ironman New Zealand, Ironman 70.3 Singapore and Australian Long Course Championships all on the horizon as well of course, Ironman Australia.

But closer to home, look forward to this weekend's Challenge Race (mtb) at Lake Alexander. It will be fun, it will be challenging and you won't know what you are doing until the race brief. Make sure you come mentally prepared as well!


1. TA Challenge Series - Hobart, 1.5km swim, 40km bike, 10km run

Male: Paul Attard 1.58.11 Female: Rachel Paxton 2.06.06

Kyle Gear 8th M20-24 2.06.06

2. Elite National Sprint Championships - Hobart, 750m swim, 20km bike, 5km run

Male: Courtney Atkinson 55.30 Female: Annabel Luxford 1.03.41


Sunday 22 Feb 09
Challenge Race (MTB)
Lake Alexander, 7am
Distances to be confirmed


Race Director: Aaron Caden
Registration: Ian Pollock / Sandra Yee
Timekeeping: Monica Stewart / Jodie McLeod
Fruit / Ice: Simon Wiese

1. This is a challenge race - expect the unexpected and perhaps have the napisan ready and waiting.

1. PHYSIO AVAILABLE: “Ali & Stu Fitch are back in Darwin after 3 months travel and competition. Ali is again accepting private physiotherapy patients, and is keen to focus on sport/triathlon related matters. Call Stu on 0418 437 075, or 8981 3001 to make an appointment. Rates are $70 for initial 55 minute appointment, and $55 for subsequent 40 minute appointments.

2. WANTED TO BUY: Second-hand road bike: women's, light weight frame, approx. 49-52 cm. call Bill: 0408 853 797 or e-mail

3. Items for E News by 8pm Wed please (Next E news will be late edition this week)

4. FOR SALE - Club Uniform - Ladies 1 piece swimmers (Size 12 M) available $70; 1 x XS Ladies Tri Suit $155; Contact Robyn or email

2. FOR SALE - Club Logo Towels - $25 - Final few - Contact Robyn or email


1. AUSTRIAN athlete Yvonne van Vlerken won $1000 as runner-up at Ironman 70.3 Geelong and donated her prize-money straight to the Geelong Advertiser's Bushfire Appeal.

2. The results from the aquathlon and the mtb race are now up on the club website. Thanks Al.

3. Junior report from Nerida: The Juniors met at the Leanyer Water Park on yesterday morning, with Race Directors intention of a Duathlon only because of Power problems there during the week. With the beautiful weather and the power restored, over 40 young competitors enjoyed a slightly longer than normal Triathlon and a shorter Teams race afterwards. The race included quite a lengthy run to transition and then out to the Bike path for a good slog up towards Karama. The run tracked out the gates back towards Leanyer and return, and found most juniors thriving in the conditions. Each week we have new members and many able and keen parents coming along to assist. We appreciate their time and enthusiasm each week, and welcome any input they have to give. Next junior event is a Mountain Bike Triathlon at Lake Alexander on 1 Mar 09.

4. Sport & Rec are running a Presenter/Assessor training course 8 & 9 March. Further details phone Sam on 8982 2378

5. The Darwin Cycling Club is under new management and would like it known that a number of opportunities exist for junior and senior cyclists to participate in recreational level bike racing and bike handling skills development. Further information or phone Tim 8928 0039.


Q: What is T1 ?

A: Transition is either of two parts of a triathlon where competitors change disciplines, first from swimming to cycling (T1) and then from cycling to running (T2).

Triathlon 3 x the fun

Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club
E News

Club website:
Facebook Group: Darwin Triathlon Club

Robyn's E News 13 Feb 09

Hi All,

Looks like a typical wet season weekend coming up, enjoy. Spare a thought
for those down south battling the bush fires and if you have the capacity to
give, please do.

Attached are details of a fundraiser you may be able interested in
participating in.


1. MTB Triathlon Results - amended

1 Mark Anzin 1 hr 04 mins 37 secs; 2 Phil Brownscombe 1.07.14; 3 Rob
Weatherald 1.08.24; 4 Pete Brady 1.09.41; 5 Stuart Young 1.09.58; 6 Blue
Watt 1.10.03; 7 Roger Decurtins 1.10.49; 8 Jason Cook 1.10.54; 9 Simon
Cruickshank 1.11.04; 10 Brian Gallagher 1.12.17; 11 Mark Edmonds 1.12.58; 12
Jon Clark 1.13.13; 13 Simon Jeggo 1.13.40; 14 Ron Griep 1.14.10; 15 Jack
Reedy 1.15.03; 16 Jim Miles 1.15.08; 17 David Croser 1.15.41; 18 Tom Kaye
1.16.07; 19 Roland Edwards 1.16.19; 20 Pete Svara 1.16.20; 21 Paul Carson
1.16.54; 22 John Thyne 1.16.55; 23 James Geddes 1.17.04; 24 Phil Hatty
1.17.05; 25 Arullan Naidoo 1.18.21; 26 Rosie Sullivan 1.19.17; 27 Lisa
Quinell 1.19.35; 28 Bill Piper 1.21.36; 29 Bertram Birk 1.22.10; 30 Peta
Jeggo 1.22.25; 31 Phil Blumberg 1.22.51; 32 Tara Worby 1.23.08; 33 Dave
Friebel 1.26.39; 34 Belinda Birk 1.26.43; 35 Brooke Smith 1.29.25; 36 Alison
Reedy 1.29.35; 37 Emma Liveris 1.29.55; 38 Jodie McLeod 1.30.07; 39 Eathan
Neaves 1.31.44; 40 Team Hannon/Connor McLeod/Charlie Birk 1.32.58; 41 Team
Belinda/Will Birk 1.33.21; 42 Kylie Sheffield 1.33.26; 43 Kathryn Green
1.35.22; 44 Tymeka Mibus 1.35.23; 45 Bethaney Jenson 1.35.26; 46 Nerida
Godfrey 1.35.51; 47 Ernie Koch 1.48.10; 48 Asha Mahasuria 1.58.17; 49 Rosie
Stephens 1.58.17; 50 Daryl Stanley dnf; 51 Robyn Stanley dnf; 52 Col Smith
dnf; 53 Lachlan Hatty dnf; 54 Brett Reedy dnf; 55 Team Sam/Tony West dnf;
56 Shaye Hatty dnf; 57 Bella Hatty dnf;


1. The juniors are in action at Lake Leanyer this weekend with a triathlon.
Registration by 7.30am please.


Sunday 22 Feb 09
Challenge Race (MTB)
Lake Alexander, 7am
Distances to be confirmed


Race Director: Aaron Caden
Registration: Ian Pollock / Sandra Yee
Timekeeping: Monica Stewart / Jodie McLeod
Fruit / Ice: Simon Wiese


1. WANTED TO BUY: Second-hand road bike: womens, light weight frame,
approx. 49-52 cm. call Bill: 0408 853 797 or e-mail "

2. Items for E News by 8pm Sunday please.


1. Please see attached details regarding a fundraiser by NTPFES for the
victims of the Victorian fires. Its been suggested that some of our members
might like to get a team together.

2. Kyle Gear is racing in Hobart this weekend. He knows the course having
raced there in previous years. Good luck & hope it's a PB Kyle.

3. Arafura Games registration is now open. Once you have registered you
are provided with a password code. Don't forget to go back into your record
and complete the event details eg. category, TA number etc.

4. Canberra just got their Challenge Series event over in time. Lake BG
has been closed to swimming again this week.

5. There was a hiccup with the discount code for the Bali International
Triathlon. This has now been rectified so those interested people can now
register and receive their club discount.

May 2009 at the Sports Super Centre - Gold Coast, QLD.
The next course is scheduled for 2011. The course is aimed at triathlon
coaches working with state and national standard athletes at junior, age
group, under 23 and elite level and all triathlon race distances.

Guidelines for acceptance to the Level Two Course:

a.. Must be a currently accredited LEVEL ONE Triathlon Coach.
b.. Must be identified by a State Triathlon Association or Triathlon
Australia as a currently practicing triathlon coach in Australia.
c.. Must have held a LEVEL ONE Triathlon Coaching accreditation for a
minimum of two years AND provide evidence of active triathlon coaching
during that period.
a.. Coaches who have held a level one accreditation for less than two
years may apply for special consideration.
d.. Must be prepared to complete some pre reading on sports science and
coaching topics in preparation for the course.
e.. Must have paid the course fees in full before acceptance to the course
is confirmed.
Course Applications close - 6th March 2009 More information here:

Triathlon 3 x the fun

Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club
E News

Club website:

Robyn's E News 9 Feb 09

Hi All,

What can you say? It was challenging, it was muddy, it was slippery and that was just the swim ....

Our thanks to RD Dingo Hall for setting up a MTB Triathlon Course that had everyone on their toes from start to finish. Sales of Napisan will have rocketed and there will be full bike cleans required, but the 60 odd competitors enjoyed every minute. A big thank you also to the many volunteers who assisted Dingo, especially those who jumped in to help marshall.

Suggest this will be a much talked about event and there will be mud stains on race gear forever !


1. MTB Triathlon - Lake Alexander - 300/13/3 (Provisional - please advise any corrections required, errors or omissions by 7pm)

1 Mark Anzin 1 hr 04 mins 37 secs; 2 Phil Brownscombe 1.07.14; 3 Rob Weatherald 1.08.24; 4 Pete Brady 1.09.41; 5 Stuart Young 1.09.58; 6 Blue Watt 1.10.03; 7 Roger Decurtins 1.10.49; 8 Jason Cook 1.10.54; 9 Simon Cruickshank 1.11.04; 10 Brian Gallagher 1.12.17; 11 Mark Edmonds 1.12.58; 12 Jon Clark 1.13.13; 13 Simon Jeggo 1.13.40; 14 Ron Griep 1.14.10; 15 Jim Miles 1.15.08; 16 David Croser 1.15.41; 17 Tom Kaye 1.16.07; 18 Roland Edwards 1.16.19; 19 Pete Svara 1.16.20; 20 Paul Carson 1.16.54; 21 John Thyne 1.16.55; 22 James Geddes 1.17.04; 23 Phil Hatty 1.17.05; 24 Arullan Naidoo 1.18.21; 25 Rosie Sullivan 1.19.17; 26 Lisa Quinell 1.19.35; 27 Bill Piper 1.21.36; 28 Bertram Birk 1.22.10; 29 Peta Jeggo 1.22.25; 30 Phil Blumberg 1.22.51; 31 Tara Worby 1.23.08; 32 Dave Friebel 1.26.39; 33 Belinda Birk 1.26.43; 34 Brooke Smith 1.29.25; 35 Alison Reedy 1.29.35; 36 Emma Liveris 1.29.55; 37 Jodie McLeod 1.30.07; 38 Eathan Neaves 1.31.44; 39 Team Hannon/Connor McLeod/Charlie Birk 1.32.58; 40 Kylie Sheffield 1.33.26; 41 Kathryn Green 1.35.22; 42 Tymeka Mibus 1.35.23; 43 Bethaney Jenson 1.35.26; 44 Nerida Godfrey 1.35.51; 45 Ernie Koch 1.48.10; 46 Asha Mahasuria 1.58.17; 47 Rosie Stephens 1.58.17; 48 Daryl Stanley dnf; 49 Robyn Stanley dnf; 50 Col Smith dnf; 51 Lachlan Hatty dnf; 52 Brett Reedy dnf; 53 Jack Reedy dnf; 54 Team Sam/Tony West dnf; NTR: 55 Shaye Hatty; 56 Bella Hatty; 57 Will Birk;

2. Ironman 70.3 Geelong - 1.9/90/21.1

Male: Craig Alexander 3.50.51 Female: Sam Warriner 4.14.33

Stu Fitch 1st M55-59 4.55.16
Scott Bevis 46th M25-29 4.56.14
Kathy McKay 19th F35-39 5.53.44
Belinda Townend 48th F30-34 6.12.50


Grif Weste 1st M60-64 4.47.05
Mal Baguley 65th M30-34 4.51.15
Jenny Kirkby 27th F35-39 6.23.01


Sunday 22 Feb 09
Challenge Race (MTB)
Lake Alexander, 7am
Distances to be confirmed


Race Director: Aaron Caden
Registration: Ian Pollock / Sandra Yee
Timekeeping: Monica Stewart / Jodie McLeod
Fruit / Ice: Simon Wiese


1. FOR SALE - Club Uniform - Ladies 1 piece swimmers (Size 12 M) available $70; 1 x XS Ladies Tri Suit $155; 1 x M Tri Top $80; Contact Robyn or email you are interested.
2. FOR SALE - Club Logo Towels - $25 - Final few - Contact Robyn or email

2. Items or re runs for E News by 8pm tomorrow please.


1. In response to a number of requests, a new club order form was emailed on Friday together with the various size charts.

2. There is a minimum number required before we can place an order and the order will only proceed if there is sufficient interest.

3. Thanks to those who have already forwarded their order forms.... very prompt & certainly makes it easier for the volunteers coordinating the order.

4. Expressions of interest in club uniform MUST be received by Friday 20 Feb 09.


1. Did you know that Darwin Triathlon Club's website contains a section where members can post items for sale, let others know of training possibilities, find riding partners etc etc. A "how to" will be published soon for those not familiar - otherwise just bungle through like I do. No anonymous postings please (although my user name came up anonymous, I did sign off & I'll get better).

2. Stu Fitch's age group win at Geelong yesterday was his third. Also means he is the Half Ironman Series age group champ in M55-59. Well done, Stu.

3. A calendar review is currently underway. If you have any comments or suggestions for next season's events now is the time to speak to one of our committee members or contact Mick Outhred who is driving this review.

4. The Honour Board on the club website has been updated to include perpetual trophy winners. I would also like to include our age group pointscore winners so watch that space.

5. The special fares on Garuda Indonesia look like tying in nicely with the Bali International Triathlon (28 June 09). Don't forget race directors are extending a special Club Discount to our members of $25 US. Club members can type: BALI09 into the discount code section on when they enter. Further information:

6. The timekeepers yesterday did their best in a difficult situation but we are missing some times so may not get splits done. Please email me if you finished the race & there is no result showing, or it's incorrect. Also let me know if you did not finish. If I can have by 7pm tonight please it would be appreciated.

7. We extend a big welcome to those members who have joined the club recently. It's great to see you out there enjoying the sport of triathlon.


Any questions you want answered on triathlon? Send them in .... (read: sorry don't have time today to come up with something for this section & your suggestions are welcome for future use)

Triathlon 3 x the fun

Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club
E News

Club website:
Facebook Group: Darwin Triathlon Club