Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Robyn's E News - 21 Jan 09

Hi All,

Kyle is the big pre race pick to take out Race 2 of the Aquathlon Series (and the NT Aquathlon Championships) and make a clean sweep. I'm sure that's not going to stop a whole lot of guys having a red hot go at running him down. Anticipate some great racing, whether you are participating or come down as a spectator and encourage the competitors from the sidelines.

If you do come down & don't race it would be fantastic if you could check with the RD that evening as to whether extra volunteers are needed.


Saturday 24 Jan 09
Race 2 Aquathlon Series (incorp. NT Aquathlon Championships)
Lake Alexander
6pm (registration closes 5.45pm sharp)
750m swim, 5km run

Race Director: Mick Outhred 0422 738 969
Registration: Aaron Collins / Robyn Orchard
Timekeepers: David Crane / Owen Hales
Fruit / Ice: Brett Verity


1. Male and female winners will be awarded Australia Day sports medals.


1. POSITION VACANT: Full and part time staff wanted at Cycle Zone to work from Monday to Saturday; If you have an interest in cycling or fitness, they provide a fun and interesting work place; Experience not necessary, enthusiasm and ability to accept criticism a must (only joking). Please phone Aaron on 8981 4436 or email for application criteria

2. Info for E News by 8pm Sunday please.


1. The 36th NT News City 2 Surf Fun Run will take place on Monday 8th June 2009, the Queen’s Birthday weekend. For further information visit the website

2. In M55-59 Stu Fitch, on 200 points, is leading Kevin Lowe (198) in the 08/09 Half Ironman Series. Stu has had age wins at both the Gold Coast & Canberra Half Ironman events.

3. I saw something about the Enduroman Arch to Arc Triathlon. The Challenge is to: Run 87 Miles from London to Dover ; Swim The English Channel and Bike 180 Miles from Calais to Paris. The current record for this Race is held by Eddie Ette who completed the gruelling triathlon in 81 hours and 5 minutes.

4. The Cannibal Gold Coast Half Ironman 2009 date has been confirmed - Sunday October 4, 2009 with Online Entries Opening March 1

5. Haven't forgotten Arafura Games .. more info coming shortly.

See you all Saturday evening at Lake Alex,

Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club
E News

Club website:
Facebook Group: Darwin Triathlon Club

Monday, 19 January 2009

Robyn's E News - 19 Jan 09

Hi All,

Wow, it must be an Arafura Games year .... so many people are out and about training, it's fantastic to see. It was pretty warm out there over the weekend and I know of one guy with sunburn stripe marks on his head (helmet obviously well ventilated). Good idea to make sure you are covered in sunscreen and know the location of all the taps around the place.


1. Challenge Wanaka, NZ - 3.8/180/42.2

Male: Chris McDonald 8.37.41 Female: Gina Gerguson 9.28.27

2. Spec Savers Ironman SA 70.3 , 1.9/90/21.1

Male: Raynard Tissink 4.02.04 Female: Lucie Zelenkova 4.46.40

3. Youth Olympic Festival Triathlon - 750/20/5

Male: Jonathan Brownlee (GBR) Female: Holly Aitken (VIC)


Saturday 24 Jan 09
Race 2 Aquathlon Series (incorp. NT Aquathlon Championships)
Lake Alexander
750m swim, 5km run

Race Director: Mick Outhred 0422 738 969
Registration: Aaron Collins / Robyn Orchard
Timekeepers: David Crane / Owen Hales
Fruit / Ice: Brett Verity


1. The junior program gets underway again 1 Feb 09 with an aquathlon at Nightcliff Pool 8am


1. FOR SALE: Club Uniform - Ladies 1 piece swimmers (Size 12 M) available $70; 1 x XS Ladies Tri Suit $155 & 1 x M Unisex Tri Top $80 Email you are interested.

2. CYCLE ZONE CITY WIPEOUT SALE - Friday 16th Jan - Sat 24th Jan - IN STOCK ITEMS DISCOUNTED- All Zoot triathlon gear - 10-30% off, Zoot running shoes - 30% off, Oakley sunglasses - 20% off, 2XU compression garments - 25% off and various other specials. Also Blue Seventy Swim Skins and Body Glide Anti-chafing skin protectant now available in store. Cycle Zone, 6/41 Cavenagh St, Darwin City, Ph- 08 8981 4436

3. LOST - Lost at Aquathlon at Nightcliff pool last weekend (10/1/09)- Pink Newton running cap. Contact Emma ( if found.

4. LOST - Goggles (black) at Aquathlon. If you inadvertently pick these up can you please contact Harry 0408 893 309

5. FOR SALE - 1 x women's XS DTC tri suit outer. Never worn. No matching crop top. May fit one of the older juniors. Offers. Contact Kylie on 0414 494 853.

6. FOR SALE - Tubeless Continental tyre for race wheels. Never used, pre-glued,

7. FOR SALE - Single Corima carbon race wheel (front). Going very cheap. Makes you cut through wind like a knife.


1. Arafura Games Race Director Steve Denton is on the job. The proposed bike course, if approved, will be a definite crowd pleaser. Watch for more Arafura Games info over the next few weeks. Please contact Steve if you would like to volunteer as a medal presentation team member or be a sports trainer at the Arafura Games (courses run).

2. Photos from the first aquathlon are now up on the Flickr page.

3. Defending NT Aquathlon Champions are Jerome Bosmans & Michelle Gailey.

4. "Once Lance Armstrong has finished his cycling comeback, his sporting career will turn full circle. Armstrong has confirmed widely-held speculation that he will eventually compete in an Ironman triathlon. As a teenager, the record seven-time Tour de France champion was a top-class triathlete over shorter courses in the late 1980s. But he eventually switched to road cycling, where he has become one of the sport's greatest competitors.

"Whenever I'm done with this (comeback). I can unequivocally say yes to that," Armstrong has told the American magazine Outside about entering an Ironman.

"That's a fact and I get asked that question every day. "I don't know when it was, less than a year ago, that I got some of these Ironman DVDs - I said 'let's see what that's all about'.

Typical of Armstrong, he also wants to be competitive when he attempts the gruelling Ironman distance. An Ironman consists of a 3.8km swim, 180km cycle and 42.2km marathon run. The winner finishes in around eight hours and the cut-off time for the late finishers is between 15-17 hours. "I'm definitely motivated to do an Ironman," he said."We'll go back and I'll be close to 40, but I've swam more in the last three years than before that."

5. Information on a raffle being conducted by Port Macquarie Triathlon Club was sent out yesterday. 100% of the money raised goes to Alani Cockshutt, a local 5 year old little girl who has been diagnosed with Leukaemia.

6. Al's back and splits from Race 1 Aquathlon Series are now up on the website. Don't forget to check and let me know of any discrepancies
with your age group, pointscore allocations etc so that adjustments can be made if required.

7. Those dogs out near Finlays did bite someone! The owners have now been ordered to fix the fence. Only one of the dogs was registered. If you have any trouble with dogs chasing you while out riding, please take the time to report to the appropriate council.


... a new bike ups your enthusiasm for cycling by 100%
... you have a stash of Fixamull in your race bag (all cut into useful lengths)
... you are always wet .... sweat, pool, lake, sea water, shower, bath, or rain

Safe training,

Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club
E News

Club website:
Facebook Group: Darwin Triathlon Club

Sunday, 18 January 2009

Alani's Leukaemia Raffle -

Hi All,

Here's an update on the raffle being conducted for Alani. Even if you have already entered IM OZ 2009, you have a chance to be refunded for your entry (refer link below). Lots of other prizes are also added. If you win you get to choose which prize you would like, then 2nd gets to pick, then 3rd etc etc.



2009 Ironman Australia Leukaemia Raffle for 5 year old Port Macquarie girl, Alani Cockshutt.

Prize List UPDATE: 17th January 2009

Hey guys. Sorry about the mass email but it really is the best way to let you all know about exciting updates to Alani’s Leukaemia Raffle…

I have just been contacted by Peter Teschner CEO of TTG. I am very pleased to announce that Peter has very kindly donated a Teschner Tempest Tri Frame to the list of the prizes for people to win.

VALUE $2699.00

The size of the frame will be optional for the winner.

At this stage other prizes include:

2009 Australian Ironman Entry

Ironguides Australia 6 months Coaching value $1800
Trigger Point Therapy Australia Complete TP Therapy Kit and Education ($398 worth)
Ironguides 20 week download IM plan Value $200.00
Trigger Point Therapy Australia Signed memorabilia from Belinda Granger
Art of Tri Hoodies, Tee's - $150-$200USD
Cefar Australia 2 X Cerfar Electro Muscle Stimulation Machine (EMS) - (Value $200.00 each)
Aust Triathlete 12mth Subscription and a couple of Headsweats visors (Value $150.00)
K-SWISS To Be Confirmed
Rydges Port Macquarie Dinner voucher in Waterfront Restaurant to the value of $150.00.
Nike 1x Lunar Trainers 1x Lunar Racers
Oakley Sunglasses 2 Pairs of Oakley Sunglasses
High5 High5 product

With many more prizes still awaiting confirmation.

That’s over $7000.00 worth of prizes up for grabs so far…

Please check out the following Link to the Port Macquarie Triathlon Club Web Site Forum where you can find all the details relating to this venture…

Many Regards

Darrell Nash

Port Macquarie Triathlon Club Juniors Coordinator

0418 213 866

Robyn's E News 14 Jan 09

Hi All,

It's great to see so many people out and about training at the moment. Arafura Games enthusiasm is also building and many have that as their target event for this year. Over the next few months members will also be competing all over Australia and internationally. It's fantastic to see this athlete development.

If you are competing away, please make E News results searches easier for me by forwarding a quick email & letting me know which event/s you are doing (saves my eyes if I know who I am looking for). If you are missed in the results, it's never intentional ... more likely I just wasn't aware you were competing! I don't mind if you dob in a shy mate.

Speaking of dobbing in, it's time to get your half way point nominations in for Dag of the Year. They will get filled away only to resurface at our presentation night. All nominations are confidential so please email those stories of daggy, dumb, funny, silly things that have happened to someone at a race or out training. Now would be a good time, send to ...


Saturday 24 Jan 09
Race 2 Aquathlon Series (incorp. NT Aquathlon Championships)
Lake Alexander
750m swim, 5km run

Race Director: Mick Outhred 0422 738 969
Registration: Volunteer required / Robyn Orchard
Timekeepers: David Crane / Owen Hales
Fruit / Ice: Volunteer required

URGENT call for volunteers: Please Mick know if you can help out at registration and/or do fruit & ice.


1. Any items or reruns for inclusion in Monday's E News by 8pm Sunday please.


1. The running route website has resurfaced. Check out Darwin runs if you are looking for inspiration or you may like to add a completely new run. Basically what you do is plot your favourite runs/rides etc on the site by using google earth and it tells you the distances, the elevations, gradient etc. Also you can create your own profile on there and it will tell you your pace, energy used etc etc etc. It keeps tabs on your milage and training for you too. You can choose to save and name your routes on there and other users are then able to see them.

2. As it's a slow news day, thought I would let our club members in on a brief history of triathlon in Darwin ...

Triathlon's had their origins in the NT in the early 1980's with mini triathlons held at Mindil Beach. The inaugural NT Championships were held in 1981 at the same location. The winner was Terry O'Leary and he was presented with the Dondas Family Perpetual Trophy.

An unincorporated triathlon association existed but it was not until 1989 that the Triathlon Association of the Northern Territory Incorporated was formed following a public meeting. Darwin Triathlon Club was also formed and incorporated at the same time.

So its officially a birthday year for Darwin Triathlon Club - we are turning 20 !

Safe training,

Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club
E News

Club website:

Robyn's E News 12 Jan 09

Hi All,

The weather on Saturday evening was a great example of why we have aquathlon format events at this time of year. Competitors splashed their way through both the swim and the run when wild weather arrived shortly after race start.

Thanks to Race Director Daryl Stanley for his efforts in staging Race 1 of the Aquathlon Series. A big thank you also to all those who assisted to make the race a huge success as our opening event for 2009.

We had timekeepers sheltering under umbrellas & aside from a couple of smudges they managed to produce a fantastic set of results.


1. Darwin Triathlon Club - Race 1 Aquathlon Series - Nightcliff Pool, 300m swim/3km run

1 Kyle Gear 14 mins 34 secs; 2 Mick Outhred 14.50; 3 Jerome Bosmans 14.57; 4 Grant Preddy 15.05; 5 Chad Anderson 15.10; 6 Ian Norton 15.13; 7 Craig Garland 15.47; 8 Lee Wilson 16.21; 9 Marcus Lisle 16.25; 10 Mark Anzin 16.31; 11 Jack Pennington 16.31; 12 Brian Gallagher 16.45; 13 Michelle Gailey 17.02; 14 Heath Porter 17.05; 15 Blue Watt 17.11; 16 Matt White 18.03; 17 David Croser 18.09; 18 Sam Lloyd 18.14; 19 Nikki Roddie 18.28; 20 Paul Tilbrook 18.28; 21 Aaron Collins 18.32; 22 Roland Edwards 18.32; 23 Briony Dixon 18.43; 24 Hollie Goodall 18.44; 25 Tim Lewis 18.50; 26 Vincent Gilly 18.53; 27 Simon Cruickshank 18.54; 28 Phil Brownscombe 18.54; 29 Scott Bevis 19.09; 30 Aaron Caden 19.11; 31 Rob Brooks 19.14; 32 Phill Hatty 19.19; 33 Emma Winterflood 19.22; 34 Rosie Sullivan 19.32; 35 Daryl Stanley 19.59; 36 Team Kylie/Paul Sheffield 20.03; 37 Lisa Quinell 20.13; 38 James Geddes 20.17; 39 Monica Stewart 20.22; 40 Stuart Young 20.23; 41 Hans Bormann 20.26; 42 Steve Denton 20.51; 43 Belinda Holt 21.06; 44 Jane Marie Kerslake 21.16; 45 Stu Taylor 21.21; 46 Brett Reedy 21.23; 47 Simon Jeggo 21.29; 48 Pete Svara 21.54; 49 Arullan Naidoo 21.56; 50 Alison Reedy 21.58; 51 Christine Friebel 22.03; 52 Dave Friebel 22.09; 53 Tara Worby 22.57; 54 Brian Murphy 23.28; 55 Richard Butler 23.44; 56 Paul Bell 23.45; 57 Michael Bass 24.18; 58 Greg Smith 24.59; 59 Nerida Godfrey 26.18; 60 Ernie Koch 27.41; 61 Kate Bradbury 29.32; 62 Lynn Berry 33.53

2. Port of Tauranga Half Ironman - 1.9/90/21.1

Male: Duncan Milne 3.56.55 Female: Sam Warriner 4.10.47

3. ACT Sprint Distance Championships - 750/20/5

Male: Josh Berry 58.34 Female: Michelle Wu 1.04.34

4. Gatorade Race 3, Sandringham - 1.5/40/10

Male: Brett Schuster 1.53.03 Female: Madeleine Oldfield 2.10.36


Saturday 24 Jan 09
Race 2 Aquathlon Series (incorp. NT Aquathlon Championships)
Lake Alexander
750m swim, 5km run

Race Director: Mick Outhred
Registration: Natasha Clements / Robyn Orchard
Timekeepers: David Crane / Owen Hales
Fruit / Ice: Natasha Clements


1. FOR SALE - 1 x women's XS DTC tri suit outer. Never worn. No matching crop top. May fit one of the older juniors. Offers. Contact Kylie on 0414 494 853.

2. FOR SALE: Trek 56cm Road/Tri bike, 16 speed, Shimano ultegra gears and brakes, Brontrager wheels, 2 water bottle holders, high pressure pump, Bike stand, size 10 shoes, blue/white, excellent condition, $1900. Contact Gary 0401 148 670

3. Items for mid week E News by 8pm tomorrow please.


1. Phill Hatty is the latest to be sporting road pizza after sliding out on a roundabout yesterday. We wish Phill a speedy recovery.

2. Have you ever had your bike blessed before a race? Have you ever had the Four Seasons host and cater your pre-race dinner? Have you ever swam in the warm waters of Jimbaran Bay, cycled through the hills of Nusa Dua, or run through Jimbaran Village? Well here’s your chance. The third running of the Bali International Triathlon will be held on June 28, 2009 in Jimbaran Bay, Bali, Indonesia. The lead sponsor is again Four Seasons, which means comfort and class throughout this Olympic distance event. Most importantly, the race will be held in one of the most beautiful and spiritual settings in the world, Bali. If you have never been there, it is an incredible place to visit, let alone to race in. Truly, triathlon for the soul.

Special race packages are available on the race web site,, and a limited number of heavily discounted Four Seasons packages are also available. So plan that vacation you always wanted to take, and stay a few extra days to explore the lush jungles, river raft, shop or get a Balinese massage. There is also a corporate challenge relay team entry, and a 5k "Fun Run" for family members who don't want to do the triathlon, but want to participate.

You can register at ;

Club members can type in BALI09 into the discount code section to get $25 US off the registration fee (good until June 10, 2009).

3. Blue Watt is nursing some nasty bruising after being swiped by a wing mirror while out riding at the weekend. As it appears to have been deliberate makes it even worse. Blue raced the aquathlon on Saturday evening but I'm betting he is feeling a bit the worse for wear now & wish him a quick recovery.

4. In a similar experience, a group riding near Robertson Barracks were almost taken out when a motorist, driving into the sun, decided to cut the corner as they were turning. This prompts a call for everyone to take care out there on the roads and stay alert for inconsiderate drivers.

5. We have a number of members seeking selection in the various Age Group World Championship Teams. Their interest is contagious and a number of you are probably considering having a shot as well. If you are thinking about this, my advice is to familiarise yourself with the Selection Criteria ( ) for the distance you are interested in.

Fees have been announced for the various teams and they include Entry Fees, athlete levies, team dinner/breakfast and athlete pack.
Fee for Olympic Distance (Gold Coast) team is $625; Sprint Distance (Gold Coast) Team $560 and Long Distance (Perth) $680. As the team is self funded athletes are required to arrange own travel and accommodation as well as purchase the compulsory team uniform.

Start your triathlon savings account now. Worth budgeting for!

6. The Triathlon Australia Challenge Series events are proving very popular. Anyone considering racing should get their entries in early.

7. Watch for wet, wet, wet photos from the weekend to be posted to Flickr shortly.

Safe training,

Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club
E News

Club website: