Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Robyn's E News 26 May 2010

Hi All,

Lots of dry season work happening in and around Darwin. Many of the bike paths are being widened and Lee Point Road is also being upgraded. The bike path works also include some bubbler installations which will come in very handy - hoping they will include replacing the one at the McMillans Road roundabout. It and the one at the Lee Point Road/Vanderlin roundabout have been non functional for ages.


1. NT Olympic Distance Championships, Lake Alexander, 1.5km swim. 40km bike, 10km run

1 Chad Anderson 2.00.20; 2 Grant Preddy 2.03.10; 3 Michelle Gailey 2.03.45; 4 David Crane 2.03.54; 5 Rob Weatherald 2.05.35; 6 Luke Collopy 2.07.16; 7 Stu Fitch 2.08.36; 8 Ron Griep 2.09.31; 9 Jason Jones 2.09.53; 10 Emma Winterflood 2.12.54; 11 Roger Decurtins 2.13.34; 12 James Geddes 2.14.31; 13 Debbie Geertshuis 2.14.46; 14 Peter Brady 2.15.36; 15 John Thyne 2.17.04; 16 Shaye Hatty 2.18.21; 17 Belinda Birk 2.19.03; 18 Tim Green 2.20.27; 19 Anthony Fogarty 2.20.31; 20 Vincent Gilly 2.21.20; 21 Ben Brady 2.22.17; 22 David Croser 2.22.27; 23 Aaron Caden 2.23.36; 24 Trudy Guiney 2.24.29; 25 Justin Tranter 2.24.50; 26 Jamie Tomlinson 2.25.16; 27 Steve Goat 2.25.40; 28 Tara Worby 2.26.54; 29 Rachel De Zoete 2.27.06; 30 Daryl Stanley 2.28.42; 31 Ryoko Jones 2.29.14; 32 Tom Keeler 2.30.30; 33 Jane Marie Kerslake 2.31.09; 34 Russell Peacock 2.31.12; 35 Simon Wiese 2.31.50; 36 Brian Gallagher 2.32.40; 37 Clare Jones 2.33.50; 38 Mat Frost 2.35.40; 39 Matt Redmond 2.36.04; 40 Phill Hatty 2.36.27; 41 Peta Jeggo 2.36.43; 42 Robyn Stanley 2.42.22; 43 Karen Wilson 2.42.31; 44 Tony Cox 2.51.10; 45 Melissa Weldon 2.52.01; 46 Sasha Saherov 2.56.01; 47 Steve Tiley 2.56.22; 48 Kathleen Thomas 3.05.51; 49 Barry Sullivan 3.11.20; 50 Phil Blumberg dnf; 51 Bertram Birk dnf; 52 Lachlan McKenna dnf; 53 Zac Crofton dnf; 54 Ali Fitch dnf; 55 Bec Thyne dnf; 56 Rob Brooks dnf; 57 Korgan Hucent dnf; 58 Ian Pollock dnf; 59 Heath Porter dnf

Teams: 1 Team Johnson/Brearley/Wilson 2.00.55; 2 Team L Hatty / Richards 2.10.51; 3 Team Sullivan/Jeggo/Anzin 2.18.40; 4 Team Woodrow/Willing 2.22.52; 5 Team McKay/Hartung 2.25.55; 6 Team Perkin/ Stanley 2.46.09; 7 Team Stewart/Hatty dnf

NT Olympic Distance Champions:

Male: Chad Anderson Female: Michelle Gailey

Age Group:

20-24: Grant Preddy
25-29: Chad Anderson / Michelle Gailey
30-34: Tom Keeler / Emma Winterflood
35-39: David Croser / Shaye Hatty
40-44: Ron Griep / Trudy Guiney
45-49: Peter Brady / Belinda Birk
50-54: Rob Weatherald
55-59: Stu Fitch / Robyn Stanley
60-64: Daryl Stanley

Team: Johnson/Brearley/Wilson

2. Bintan International Triathlon, Indonesia, 1.5km swim, 40km bike, 10km run

Male: Assad Attamimi 2.05.22 Female: Alice Hector 2.23.17

Steve Denton 24th M40-44 2.37.30
Graeme Parsons 17th M50+ 3.18.45


Rowena Eastick 3rd F40-44 2.40.26

3. Noosa Century Rides, 160km

Male: Colin Dick 4.13.03 Female: Lucie Richards 4.13.09

Angelika Hannon 25th F40-49 6.42.30


Sunday 20 June 2010
Teams Race
Lake Alexander
250m swim, 6km bike, 1.5km run x 3


1. I still have a number of orders. Please phone 0448 206 121 or email to arrange to collect.


1. Items for E News by 8pm Sunday please.


1. Darwin Cycling Club report that entries for the Top End Tour (Queens B'day weekend) are very low. They say "Unfortunately we are missing one thing - competitors!! At this stage we have a total of 4 people entered, 2 from interstate. With the closing date for entries rapidly approaching (31st May) the committee will be forced to make a decision, to run the race, or to cancel it and return all the money to the sponsors. We would obviously rather run the race and build a solid foundation for years to come, so if you are either planning to enter, or sitting on the fence to see who else enters first, we would encourage you all to consider entering as soon as possible so we can gauge the level of interest in the Tour. we have decided that we need a minimum of 30 riders to run the race, any less and it will be cancelled." Further info on the event check their website.

2. Greg Bennett is deserting us. In a statement released by Triathlon Australia, said it has released Bennett, who has both a U.S. and Australian citizenship, from obligations in representing Australia. He will be supporting wife Laura in her bid to make the US team for the London Olympics.

3. Ironman action turns to Brazil this weekend. You can track all the action via

4. Bike crash and Dag of the Year nominations close soon. Tell us details of those you know of while they are still fresh in your memory. Email to and they are kept under wraps until Presentation Night.

5. Great feedback on the new club uniform. There is some very limited stock available, watch for list to be published soon.

Safe Training,

Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club
E News

Monday, 24 May 2010

Robyn's E News 24 May 2010

Hi All,

Who would have thought we would be dodging puddles for the NT Olympic Distance Championships in May?? It's not unknown though, as it did bucket on an Arafura Games morning a few years ago.

The wet weather played havoc in the field yesterday with punctures galore happening & taking out a number of competitors not carrying spares.

Thanks to RD Col Smith for his efforts. Volunteers were plentiful and competitors really appreciated their efforts, particularly those on the drink station at far reaches of the run course & those who stepped in at the last minute due to unforeseen circumstances. Thanks to all for making this such a successful event.

The girls from Nhulunbuy were warmly welcomed. Interest in forming a triathlon club in Gove is high and judging by the efforts of the girls yesterday could become a reality.

Our apologies to our trophy and medal winners that the presentation was unable to go ahead after the event. Due to the high number of dnfs results need to be rechecked and queries sorted. Trophies and medals will be distributed soon. Congratulations to all our winners.


1. NT Olympic Distance Championships

Results not yet available.

2. Ironman Lanzarote, 3.8kkm swim, 180km bike, 42.2km run

Male: Eneko Llanos 8.37.42 Female: Catriona Morrison 10.03.52

3. Great Ocean Road Marathon, 45km

Male: Mark Tucker 2.29.41 Female: Lucie Hardiman 3.07.40

Lucie Hardiman 1st F35-39 3.07.40
Craig Garland 50th M40-44 4.35.05


Tim Hardiman 17th M40-44 3.47.40
Fran Edis 5th F40-44 3.58.39


1. MTB Challenge 6 June 2010 has been cancelled (City2Surf also that morning)


1. Orders are back. Those people still to collect please email to arrange time to call in.


1. FOR SALE: Running shoes Women's size 9 Newton stability trainer shoes. Worn twice. Bargain at $85. Contact Robyn 0448 206 121

2. FOR SALE: 10% off entry level road bikes up to $1500. NEW 2010 Giant and EMC2 road bikes from $899, Lifetime frame warranty, FREE 1st Service, Great bikes for starting out in Triathlon or Cycling. Call into Cycle Zone to check out the range. 6/41 Cavenagh St, Opposite Darwin City Post Office. Contact 8981 4436

3. HOUSESITTER AVAILABLE: Member available for house sitting in the Darwin area . Will look after garden pets, etc short or longer periods . Refs available Contact Vicki 0411 155 282

4. FOUND: Running shoes after yesterday's event. Contact Ron 0407 117 448

5. Items for E News or requests for re runs by 8pm tomorrow please.


1. Media Hound: Olympic Distance pre wrap:

2. Graeme Parsons, Steve Denton and Rowie Eastick were in action at the Bintan Triathlon in Indonesia at the weekend. Results aren't yet available.

3. Alice Springs had their first duathlon yesterday.

4. Peta Jeggo knows how to celebrate a significant "0" birthday ~ in action over Olympic Distance.

5. New Zealand's Challenge Wanaka triathlon (15 January 2011) received a good increase in entries and interest last week. With news that Taupo and major iron distance events in Australia are at capacity, many are looking to doing Challenge Wanaka’s spectacular course. Organisers have secured some excellent travel benefits for international and domestic travellers, further details google Challenge Wanaka.

6. Bicycle NT's 'sharing the road with cyclists' television commercial can now be seen on the home page of their website at


... asked how old you are, you answer "I go up an age group next season"

... you are wanting directions or assistance you approach the first person you see in a tri t-shirt or cap or carrying a water bottle.

... nobody believed you when you said "never again" yesterday

Safe Training,

Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club
E News

Late E News 21 May 2010

Hi All,


1. Lake Alexander has reopened this afternoon just in time for our Olympic Distance event on Sunday.


1. Reminder that individual entry fees are $10 (members) and $25 (non members)


1. Uniform orders are back. If you would like to call in and pick up at Nightcliff between 4.30 - 5.30pm this afternoon please email and I will have your gear ready and give you my address.

Safe Training,

Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club
E News

Robyn's E News - 19 May 2010

Hi All,

No need to grab the coffee, it's a quick E News today.

Lake Alex remained closed yesterday but with improving test results. DCC fully expect to have the Lake reopened by the weekend so we are proceeding with normal arrangements for the NT Olympic Distance event.

We are expecting some out of town and interstate visitors for the event and I know you will make them very welcome as always.

Please note race fee for this event is $10 for individuals ($25 for non members - individual or in a team).


Sunday 23 May 2010
NT Olympic Distance Championships
Registration: 7am Registration closes 6.45am sharp
Race Fee Individuals: $10 (members) $25 (non members)
Lake Alexander
1.5km swim, 40km bike, 10km run

Race Director: Col Smith 0408 830 411
Registration: Ron Griep / Roger Decurtins
Timekeeping: Bill Piper / Bronwyn Rossingh
Fruit / Ice: Robyn Kennedy


1. Entry fees NT Olympic Distance Championships: Individual Members $10; Non Member $25;

Team containing all Members $20; (Any non member competing in a team $25 each)

2. This is a non drafting event.

3. Extra volunteers are always needed for an event this size. If you can assist please call Col 0408 830 411 or email.


1. A reminder that the 5 June 2010 MTB Challenge has been cancelled.


1. Items for E News or requests for re run of advts by Sunday 8pm please.


1. Entry to Ironman New Zealand 2011 sold out in 13 days !

2. Media Hound: See attached - Stu Fitch got a write up and pic in the Fannie Bay Electorate News; ITU Highlights from Round 2 or on One HS at 3.30pm today; Chad Anderson, Shaye Hatty and Sue Parora's Bark Hut efforts get a mention in NT News today.

3. Watch for news of developments centred around the Canberra Half Ironman.

4. 2009 Winners of the NT Olympic Distance Triathlon/Arafura: Male: Tim Ellison Female: Long Hoi. And the 2009 NT Champions were Male: Tim Ellison Female: Michelle Gailey

5. Homes have been found for most items of lost property left after last race. Probably a good time to issue a reminder to make sure you check that you have all your gear before leaving this Sunday.

6. Lots of birthdays happening in May including Peta Jeggo who celebrates a significant "0" birthday on Sunday ! Peta is a bit miffed that she has to wait until the 1 July to go up an age group.

7. More photos from last event are now up on Flickr.

See you all on Sunday,
Until then, Safe Training,

Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club
E News