Thursday, 1 July 2010

2010 2011 Membership Now Due

Hi All,


This is to advise that 2010/2011 Membership (New and Renewing) is now open online at

Attached is a "How to" guide which may assist.

During your payment process you may see a box which reads: "Please be advised that you will be required to pay a club fee at a later date" please ignore this.

Our new season calendar is about to be released and is jam packed with events. Please note that this membership year also includes the Arafura Games Triathlon (8 May 2011). It is a condition of entry for the Arafura Games Triathlon that you are a TA member.

Some Upcoming Darwin events:

This Sunday 4 July 2010: Triathlon, 300/13/2 Lake Alexander 7.30am start
Sunday 16 July 2010: Triathlon 400/13/3 Lake Alexander 7.30am start
Sunday 1 August 2010: Triathlon, 750/20/5 or 300/13/3 Lake Alexander 7.30am start
Sunday 15 August 2010: Finlay's Stonemasonry NT Long Course Triathlon, 2/60/16 Lake Bennett 7am start
Sunday 22 August 2010: Junior Come and Try, various, Lake Alexander
Sunday 29 August 2010: Open Water Triathlon, 300/15/3 Surf Club 7.30am start
Sunday 5 September 2010: Fernwood All Girls Tri, 250/10/2.5 Lake Alexander 7.30am start

and that's just a taste of what is available over the coming year.

Membership Year: 1 July 2010 - 30 June 2011 (Your fees cover club, Triathlon NT and Triathlon Australia and include insurance for 24/7 training and racing at sanctioned events)

Fees: Individual: Senior $110 (20+) Junior $40 (5-19) Juniors 5 - 15 are now known as TRYStars
Family: 2 Seniors and up to 2 juniors $220

We all have a common interest, and it's not the World Cup, or Wimbledon – it's OUR sport of TRIATHLON. So we encourage everyone to look after themselves and our sport and join up today.

So go online now and join up.


Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club

Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Robyn's E News 30 June 2010

Photo: Bike Blessing in Bali
Hi All,

Middle of the year already, how quick was that? Wasn't it just yesterday we were putting up tinsel? Here we are ready to be blasted by fireworks again !

One of our very popular club distance events happens at Lake Alex on Sunday morning. It's also the start of our 2010/2011 Pointscore so an ideal opportunity to start the new year off well. Hope to see you all there for three times the fun - swim, bike, run.


1. Membership for 2010/2011 opens online on Friday 2 July. Watch for email with details.
2. Membership fees: Individuals (18+) $110; Juniors $40; Family (2 seniors, 2 juniors $220); Non competing $30


1. ETU Long Distance Triathlon C'ships, Spain, 4km swim, 120km bike, 30km run

Male: Eneko Llanos 5.35.34 Female: Virginia Berastegui 6.14.46


Sunday 4 July 2010
Lake Alexander
7.30am (Registration closes 7.15am sharp)
300m swim, 13km bike, 2km run


Race Director: Nerida Godfrey
Registration: Phil Blumberg / Matt Brearley
Timekeeping: Phil Blumberg / Simone Griffiths
Fruit / Ice: Belinda Rowley


1. FOR SALE: Very limited Darwin Tri Club uniform stock. Please refer to attached size chart as not doing try on:

Men's Swimmers: 1 x M; 1 x S $32.00; Mens TriSuit: 1 x M $150; Mens Tri Singlet: 2 x M $65
Womens Tri Pants: 1 x S $66; Womens Tri Singlet: 2 x S $65; Womens 2 piece: 1 x M 1 x S $55

2. FOR SALE: Racing saddle - ISM Adamo Racing - original model, red .Good condition. New price $300, sell $80. Contact Stu 0418 437 075

3. FOR SALE: Women's Orca 3.8 Wetsuit, only worn about 5 times, size small, $450 ono. Contact Michelle 0414 513 375
4. FOR SALE: Zipp 404, clincher wheel set including GP4000 tyres. Proven performers, blessed in Bali. $2000 Contact Mitch 8931 2000

5. FOR SALE: GIANT TCR AERO 1- $1000 ono Medium alloy frame. Ultegra 9sp. Includes- Aerobars, cage, pedals. Just serviced with new cables and handle bars fitted.The bike has done minimal work and would be a great bike for someone starting out. Contact Kyle 0437 814 892 or at Cyclezone 8981 4436

6. FOR SALE: 2009 Giant TCR Advanced SL0 Road Bike (small). Full Carbon, Dura-ace, Mavis Ksyrium SL wheel set, cages, pedals, 18 months old: $4000; Contact Bec 0408 878 689

7. FOR SALE: 2007 Giant XTC 1 Mountain Bike (small). Doesn't get ridden much, still in very good condition: $1500. Contact Bec 0408 878 689

8. FOR SALE: 2010 Cervelo P3 Time Trial Bike (51/small). Parts are 12 months old, frame brand new: $4500. Contact Bec 0408 878 689

9. Items for next E News or requests for re runs by Sunday 8pm please


1. Date Claimer: Technical Officials course will be conducted Friday 23 July 2010. (Time, venue to be confirmed).
2. We hope to see a huge crowd at this course. We would love to see an increase our pool of available Technical Officials.
3. Current athletes most welcome. You never know when you could be injured or having some down time and therefore be available to be a draft official, help in transition, swim etc
4. Current Technical Officials encouraged to attend for refresher course.
5. If your partner, spouse, friend, family member is interested in becoming a Technical Official please also encourage them to attend.


1. 2012 ITU Worlds will be in NZ. Triathlon New Zealand has confirmed that Auckland will host the ITU World Championship Series Final 18-22 October 2012. NZ Government are backing the event to the tune of almost $1m.

2. Minus 7 in Canberra yesterday morning. Imagine having to go for a run in that !

3. Vicki Woodrow gave up after using three tubes to fix a flat at the weekend.

4. Who was it who thought their better half had bought them a dud pair of fins? Turns out they hadn't removed the plastic packing inserts.

5. Entries for the junior Come and Try day 22 August 2010 are coming in. You will notice flyers out around town. Please encourage any kids you know to take part.

6. Fannie Bay Swim is on Sunday with race start 9.30 am Pre registration is Friday 5.30 to 7.30 @ Trailer Boat Club

7. The Leah Cullen swim relay is on Sat 24 July 2010 at Palmerston Aquatic Centre. Teams of 10 $100. I have flyer if anyone is interested in further details, please email and request. Winning team gets $500.

8. Ride to Work Day is 13 October 2010. Register now at

9. Media Hound: Ian Norton was pictured in NT News yesterday leaning on a different set of wheels and Nikki Roddie featured in TV news bulletins wielding a large pair of scissors.

10. Did anyone else see the 20+ skydivers jump yesterday evening? Where did they land? Cas Beach maybe??

MORE TRI SPEAK (pinched from various sources for your enjoyment):

... Invisibuoy – The disappearance of the huge orange or yellow buoy on the swim if it is rough or if the sun is in your eyes

... Spreader – An individual who takes up too much space in transition and encroaches on your area

... Robothlete - The individual you see running with music player, headphones, heart rate monitor, pace watch with GPS, and a fuel belt decked out with goodies and gadgets that make it look similar to Batman's utility belt. Additional style points added if the sunglasses somehow resemble the Terminator!

Hope to catch up with you Sunday,

Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club
E News

Robyn's E News 28 June 2010

Hi All,

Lots happening on the NT triathlon front and it's busy, busy behind the scenes.

It's great to see so many people out there enjoying our fabulous weather and taking advantage of perfect training conditions.


1. Teams Event, Lake Alexander

1 Team Russell Peacock/Grant Preddy/Ryoko Jones 49 mins 46 secs; 2 Team James Geddes/Alison Croser/David Croser 49.47; 3 Team Rob Weatherald/Blue Watt/Bob Martin 53.33; 4 Team Brian Hannon/Jodie McLeod/Angelika Hannon 55.15; 5 Team Kathy McKay/Sue Parora/Jane Marie Kerslake 56.23; 6 Team Karen Lewis/Phil Lewis/Vicki Woodrow 56.33; 7 Team Peta Jeggo/Rosie Sullivan/Phil Brownscombe 56.51; 8 Team Sally Martin/Stuart Young/Fiona Kepert 1.00.30; 9 Team Andrew Castle/Kristan Armstrong/Amanda Brain 1.002.17; 10 Team Shelley Earle/Jane Brewer/Nikki HIggins 1.04.53

2. Ironman France, Nice, 3.8km swim, 180km bike, 42.2km run

Male: Marcel Zamora 8.25.28 Female: Tine Deckers 9.21.29

3. Ironman 70.3 Buffalo Springs, 1.9km swim, 90km bike, 21.1km run

Male: Chris Lieto 3.55.27 Female: Magali Tisseyre 4.23.21

4. Ironman Coeur d'Alene, 3.8km swim, 180km bike, 42.2km run

Male: Andy Potts 8.24.40 Female: Lindsay Corbin 9.17.54


Sunday 4 July 2010
Lake Alexander
300m swim, 13km bike, 2km run


Race Director: Nerida Godfrey
Registration: Phil Blumberg / Matt Brearley
Timekeeping: Phil Blumberg / Simone Griffiths
Fruit / Ice: Belinda Rowley


1. Online membership renewal for 2010/2011 season opens Friday 2 July 2010

2. Fees $110 Senior (18+); $40 Juniors (17 years & Under); $220 Family (2 Senior, & up to 2 Juniors)

3. Further details on renewal / joining in Wednesday's E News.


1. FOR SALE: Women's Orca 3.8 Wetsuit, only worn about 5 times, size small, $450 ono. Contact Michelle 0414 513 375
2. FOR SALE: Zipp 404, clincher wheel set including GP4000 tyres. Proven performers, blessed in Bali. $2000 Contact Mitch 8931 2000

3. FOR SALE: GIANT TCR AERO 1- $1000 ono Medium alloy frame. Ultegra 9sp. Includes- Aerobars, cage, pedals. Just serviced with new cables and handle bars fitted.The bike has done minimal work and would be a great bike for someone starting out. Contact Kyle 0437 814 892 or at Cyclezone 8981 4436

4. FOR SALE: 2009 Giant TCR Advanced SL0 Road Bike (small). Full Carbon, Dura-ace, Mavis Ksyrium SL wheel set, cages, pedals, 18 months old: $4000; Contact Bec 0408 878 689

5. FOR SALE: 2007 Giant XTC 1 Mountain Bike (small). Doesn't get ridden much, still in very good condition: $1500. Contact Bec 0408 878 689

6. FOR SALE: 2010 Cervelo P3 Time Trial Bike (51/small). Parts are 12 months old, frame brand new: $4500. Contact Bec 0408 878 689

7. Items for next E News or requests for re runs by tomorrow 8pm please


1. News is that the stork is busy preparing for Ironchild deliveries.

2. Appears that one of our committee members needs to brush up their mtb skills a little.

3. Graeme Parsons is enjoying the extra speed of his new TT bike.

4. Ali Fitch looking and feeling 100% but still has a way to go with recovery following recent surgery.

5. News in from "down south" is that the weather is very chilly and everyone wishes they were still in Darwin !!

6. Hope you are all encouraging your non tri female friends to start a bit of swim, bike, and run training in preparation for the Fernwood All Girls Tri on 5 September 2010.

7. There are some very strong comeback rumours out there for a couple of guys who have been missing from start lines for the last season (or so).

8. Last chance to let us know Dag of the Year info and bike crash details for the 09/10 season. Please email to All nominations are confidential and are kept under wraps until Presentation Night.

9. Thanks to Paparazzi Sue, photos from the Teams event are up on Flickr.


... Overage (Adding a few kilometres to your run or bike ride beyond what was programmed)
... Yo-yoer ( A person who passes and drops back and repasses and drops back and passes again during training or a race)
... Agenvy (The feeling other tri-friends get when you tell them you just aged-up.)

Safe Training,

Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club
E News

Robyn's E News 23 June 2010

Hi All,

A tad sleep deprived as not long off the plane from Bali, so this is a quick E News.

I hear the teams event went well on Sunday with about 10 teams participating, some costumes (any photos out there??) and a quick run as the Lake hadn't yet reopened.

Thanks to RD John Thyne and all the volunteers who helped out with this popular annual event.


1. Teams Event, Lake Alexander

Results to come

2. Bali International Triathlon, 1.5/42/10

Male: Jens Wilken 2.27.22 Female: Michelle Mitchell 2.29.45

Michelle Mitchell 1st F25-29 2.29.45
Ron Griep 1st M45-49 2.35.11
Rob Brooks 3rd M45-49 2.43.24
Roger Decurtins 5th M45-49 2.44.20
Shaye Hatty 1st F35-39 2.51.10
Daryl Stanley 2nd M60+ 3.07.37
Phill Hatty 8th M40-44 3.10.01
Robyn Stanley 1st F55-59 3.18.28

Renee Baker 2nd F25-29 2.51.47
Mark Bateman 5th M40-44 3.01.26

3. Dili Marathon, 42.2km

Male: Philmon Rotich 2.34.57 Female: Lucie Hardiman 3.03.32

Rose Stephens 4.47.43

Dan Uden 3.33.15
James Anderson 3.55.32

4. Ironman 70.3 UK, 1.9km swim, 90km bike, 21.1km run

Male: Fraser Cartmell 4.17.03 Female: Bella Bayliss 4.53.52


Sunday 4 July 2010
Lake Alexander
300m swim, 13km bike, 2km run


Race Director: Nerida Godfrey
Registration: Phil Blumberg / Matt Brearley
Timekeeping: Phil Blumberg / Simone Griffiths
Fruit / Ice: Belinda Rowley


1. 15 August 2010: Finlay's Stonemasonry NT Long Course Triathlon, Lake Bennett, 2km swim, 60km bike, 16km run

2. 22 August 2010: Junior Come and Try, Lake Alexander, various

3. Level 1 Technical Officials course (watch for date announcements)


1. FOR SALE: GIANT TCR AERO 1- $1000 ono Medium alloy frame. Ultegra 9sp. Includes- Aerobars, cage, pedals. Just serviced with new cables and handle bars fitted.The bike has done minimal work and would be a great bike for someone starting out. Contact Kyle 0437 814 892 or at Cyclezone 8981 4436

2. FOR SALE: 2009 Giant TCR Advanced SL0 Road Bike (small). Full Carbon, Dura-ace, Mavis Ksyrium SL wheel set, cages, pedals, 18 months old: $4000; Contact Bec 0408 878 689

3. FOR SALE: 2007 Giant XTC 1 Mountain Bike (small). Doesn't get ridden much, still in very good condition: $1500. Contact Bec 0408 878 689

4. FOR SALE: 2010 Cervelo P3 Time Trial Bike (51/small). Parts are 12 months old, frame brand new: $4500. Contact Bec 0408 878 689

5. WANTED: Entry level road bike, small/medium; suit female about 162cm tall. Price range: $350-$400 Contact Helen 0430 991 8864

6. FOR SALE: Time Trial race helmet. Spiuk brand KRONOS sperm-type helmet, perfect condition rarely used (2 races) size M/L (fits smaller head). Very light 390g; new price in Australia $349 - sell for $149. Contact Stu: 0418 437 075

7. Items for next E News or requests for re runs by 9pm Sunday please


1. Lake Alexander has reopened for swimming.

2. Media Hound: 1. Bali triathlon report:; 2. Dili Marathon & Bali Triathlon

3. The small orange bike mentioned last week as stolen, has been returned thanks to a member of the public handing into police station, police officer reading E News and calling up Phill. Way to go E News!

4. I hear there is some strategic team matching happening already for the Finlay's Stonemasonry NT Long Course Triathlon.

5. It's almost that time of year again when we will be clued to SBS for the Tour de France.

6. Mike Reilly will be calling Ironman WA this year. It's a real buzz to have your finish called by the "voice of Ironman".

7. Word is UK is building it's triathlon "team" around Alistair Brownlee for London 2012 Olympic Games.

8. USAT have finally voted to implement the 5 mm thickness rules for wetsuits. The report says this will come into force 1 Jan 2013 and that the adoption of this rule is designed to eliminate any competitive advantage gained by enhancements in wetsuit technology in recent years. Studies have shown there is a marked and measurable performance benefit to the use of certain wetsuits, specifically added buoyancy effectively reducing passive drag. These performance benefits have led to an increased, and artificially induced, reduction in physical demand required during the swim leg of a triathlon and an increase in speed.

9. TA Race Competition Rules don't allow any part of a wetsuit to be thicker than 5mm, I wonder what has taken USAT so long and why it has to give such a long lead in period??

10. Our club uniform stands out really well ! Lots of admiring comments and good feedback happening. I have a few odd pieces in stock, watch for list next week.


... your bike has been blessed in Bali
... you finish a hard training session and drink a recovery drink in the shower
... 6.30am is a sleep in

Safe Training,

Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club
E News