Monday, 22 December 2014

E News 22 December 2014

Hi All,

Darwin Triathlon Club president Tony Cox and committee would like to thank all our members who have participated at our many events this year; all our wonderful volunteers who have given up their time to help out at our events; our coaches who have assisted members to achieve their goals and our supporters who have contributed to our events … we have had another brilliant year of triathlon in 2014 and now we look forward to some down time before bringing our members more swim, bike, run & fun in 2015. 

Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year! 

Stay safe out there on the roads if you are riding (or driving), and we look forward to seeing you all again at our first event in the New Year – Race 2 of our Aquathlon Series at Lake Alexander.


Sunday 25 January 2015
Aquathlon #2
Lake Alexander

750m swim, 5km run (or short option of 250m swim, 3km run)

Online entry now open here.

Race Director:  Barry Sullivan
Registration:    Diane Napier | Emily Heames
Fruit | Ice:       Billy Lynch


1.  Order is now open online here for our club tri gear.

2.  Our new design club t shirt was a popular request, don’t miss this opportunity to order yours.

3.  Details, size chart links etc available at above link.


The final junior session for 2014, the Christmas Come and Tri, was held on Sunday at Lake Alexander. The youngsters had an obstacle course, jumping mats, rolling, running and bike skills stations for the start of the morning and then finished off with two triathlon races, BBQ and lolly bags. There were prizes for the best fancy dress and also five lucky name draws won gifts kindly donated by the team at Blue Cycles NT who also helped out on the morning.  A huge thank you to Steve Goat (DTC junior coordinator) and all those who assisted on the day.


1.  WANTED:  Room / Shared accommodation required from early January for triathlete.  Contact Luke 0418 219 203
2.  POST your items to buy, swap, sell or simply giveaway to a good home at DARWIN TRI – BUY | SWAP | SELL Facebook page. Request to join and feel free to add your posts & include photos if you wish. If your item sells, please comment sold on your post.

1.  For those of you who like to plan ahead, recent announcements that ITU Worlds heads to Mexico in 2016 and Rotterdam in 2017 will be of interest.

2.  Congrats to Tom & Louise O’Neil on the arrival of their baby daughter Amelie (3.19kgs & 51cm).  All well.

3.  Tom & family are off to Newcastle in the new year and wanted to say thanks for the last few years of racing in Darwin. Tom says, “We have had some great fun and met some lovely people during our time, I'll keep an eye out for the DTC kit at future races and say hi. I wish you all, all the best in the future with life, training and racing”.

4.  Consensus that the water feels “faster” now at Nightcliff Pool.

5.  Racing M Dot Ironman or 70.3?  List your club/team as Darwin Triathlon Club as 2015 kicks off new IM club point scores.

6.  Appreciate an email heads up if you or someone you know is racing away over the Xmas/January break.

7.  This is the last E News for 2014 – hope you have enjoyed receiving it and thanks to those who have given feedback during the year.  Any news or announcements over the holiday season will be posted to our Facebook page and website, so check in regularly.

Enjoy your Christmas & New Year,

Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club

E News