Thursday, 18 August 2011

Robyn's E News Update 18 August 2011

Hi All,

A couple of extra items for your information:

Finlay's NT Long Course Triathlon - change of closing time for entry

1. Due to a problem with online registration some of you experienced difficulty entering as individual and/or teams.

2. Entry has been reset and will remain open until 10am this morning please see link at . Apologies for any inconvenience.

3. Volunteers required: If you will be at Lake Bennett on Sunday, not racing and able to assist please contact our volunteer Race Director Jason Jones on 0439 885 797.

Fernwood All Girls Triathlon

1. Entry for Fernwood All Girls Triathlon (28 August 2011) is open at
2. Our newer members just starting in the sport &/or those returning after time out are encouraged to sign up for the remaining places (and to bring a friend). Be quick, places are limited!

3. All participants are eligible for fabulous lucky draw prizes.

Triathlon NT Lucky Draw

1. The first 150 NT members to sign up for season 2011/2012 will be included in prize draw to win a goodies pack including Chris McCormack's book "I'm Here to Win".

2. Winner will be announced at Finlay's NT Long Course Triathlon.

See you at Lake Bennett,

Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club
E News

Wednesday, 17 August 2011

Robyn's E News 17 August 2011

Hi All,

London is rapidly becoming a distant memory and I'm starting to emerge from the fog of jetlag, so guess that means it's time for an E News !

There has been such a lot happening over the past 5 weeks I won't even attempt to recap. Results from all the local events, including ours, are posted on the various websites and I've checked a number of those. Wow, our members are everywhere and often heading up the results ... well done !

A big thank you to all those who helped out at our events on 17 July and 7 August. RD's Jason Jones and Liam Johnson got good raps and they were supported hugely by a great number of volunteers. If you competed, I hope you took a couple of minutes to thank those volunteers who supported you on the day.

We have a number of new members join us already this season. Welcome, I hope you are enjoying tri-ing with us.


1. NT Duathlon C'ships, Simpsons Gap, 5km run, 20km bike, 2.5km run

Male: Ben Streeter 1.00.28 Female: Leah Glass 1.09.03

2. Ironman 70.3 Yeppoon, 1.9km swim, 90km bike, 21.1km run

Male: Ollie Whistler 3.56.44 Female: Michelle Wu 4.22.43

Steve Goat 31st M30-34 4.53.57
Grant Preddy M25-29 dnf

3. Ironman 70.3 Philippines, 1.9km swim, 90km bike, 21.1km run

Male: Pete Jacobs 3.51.43 Female: Belinda Granger 4.26.23

4. Ironman 70.3 European Championships, 1.9km swim, 90km bike, 21.1km run

Male: Andi Bocherer 4.08.36 Female: Karin Thuerig 4.45.47

5. Ironman 70.3 Lake Stevens, 1.9km swim, 90km bike, 21.1km run

Male: Luke Bell 3.56.50 Female: Tyler Stewart 4.27.31

6. Ironman 70.3 Steelhead, No swim due to adverse conditions, 90km bike, 21.1km run

Male: Tom Lowe 3.19.32 Female: Melissa Rollison 3.36.02

7. ITU 2011 Tiszaujvaros World Cup, Hungary 1.5km swim, 40km bike, 10km run

Male: Brent McMahon (CAN) 1.48.16 Female: Gwen Jorgensen (USA) 1.59.54

8. ITU Oceania Duathlon C'ships, Taupo NZ, 10km run, 40km bike, 5km run

Male: Michael Poole 1.56.21 Female: 2.12.06

9. Challenge Copenhagen, 3.8km swim, 180km bike, 42.2km run

Male: Tim Berkel 8.11.15 Female: Rebekah Keat 8.52.42


Sunday 21 August 2011
Finlay's NT Long Course Triathlon
Lake Bennett Resort (80km south of Darwin)
(Registration closes 6.30am, Race Brief 6.45am)
2km swim, 60km bike, 16km run

Race Director: Jason Jones 0439 885 797
Registration: Christine Friebel / Marcus Lisle
Timekeeping: Moira Wigley / Juliette Neve
Fruit / Ice: Kylie Gaffel


1. Online entry & event info at: To compete as an individual you must be a current 2011/2012 member. Non members do have option for participarting in a team. Entry: Individual $25 Team (all members) $50; Team (one or more non member) $60

2. ENTRY CLOSES 9PM TONIGHT, Wednesday 17 AUGUST, no late entries accepted.

3. If you are travelling down to Lake Bennett on race morning, please factor in plenty of travel time. Registration closes at 6.30am sharp, so please be on site in plenty of time to have completed racking, check in, race shirt collection, body marking etc before 6.30am. You may find a torch helpful.

4. Before you leave home, make sure you check you have all your gear packed - it's way too far to dash back for a forgotten helmet, shoes or goggles (I've lost count of the number of people who have forgotten crucial items in the past).

5. If you aren't booked at the Resort you need to park outside (we are using part of the resort carpark as transition).

6. On the way in, it will help if you pass the Resort gates before parking. Please consider the safety of fellow cyclists and runners prior to parking and ensure you park well off the road.

7. A bottle exchange table will be provided on the bike course near resort turnaround. It is the athletes responsibility to organise clearly marked bottles and to STOP and collect if you wish to exchange bottles. No outside assistance allowed.

8. Think about taking some water to Lake Bennett as some people don't like the taste of local supply.

9. Presentations are expected to take place at Lake Bennett at 12 noon. Any changes will be announced at race brief.


1. See attached for further details on our upcoming Presentation Night.

2. Tickets on sale online next week.


1. Date: Sunday 4 September 2011

2. Time: 7am

3. Location: Surf Club, Casuarina Beach

4. We are particularly seeking interested persons to take over the roles of Equipment Officer and Permits Officer. Have a chat to our President Phill Hatty or email if you are interested in taking a role on DTC committee.


1. Due to maintenance, Nightcliff swim squad as moved to Casuarina Pool for tomorrow and next Tuesday (18 & 23 August) 6am -7am

2. Swim squad resumes as normal at Nightcliff Pool Thursday 25 August.


1. FOR SALE: GIANT DEFY Shimano 105 Carbon Forks size 55, regular services approx 1.5 year old and in very good nik!!
Gears shift very smoothly; $1100 ONO including pedals and other accessories. Contact Alex: 0404 616 441

2. FOR SALE: Blue seventy reaction open water swim suit, armless size MT $200; Contact Alex: 0404 616 441

3. Items for next E News by Sunday 9pm please.


1. A limited number of general entries remain for the 2011 Ironman 70.3 Port Macquarie event, to be held in Port Macquarie, NSW on Sunday, November 6, 2011. The event is the Australian Age Group Championship, with the respective male and female winners of each age group crowned the Australian Ironman 70.3 Age Group. Further information:

2. Ironman Melbourne announcement sent a flurry of excitement through out club members. Appears we will be well represented there.

3. Got any news?, send it through.

4. E News should be back to normal (whatever that may be) next week.

Safe Training,

Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club
E News