Friday, 3 September 2010

Robyn's E News 1 Sept 2010

Hi All,

The Fernwood All Girls Tri is happening at Lake Alexander on Sunday. Many of our members will be there volunteering in various capacities and please feel free to come on down (early) and encourage participants. The women I've spoken to are extremely excited about this chance to "tri" our sport.

Please note that there is road closure in place from the East Point entrance gates for the duration of this event so you may need to park along Alex Fong Lim and walk in.

Don't forget to purchase your tickets online for the Presentation Night and also enter online for the NT Duathlon (see links below).


1. Ironman Canada, 3.8km swim, 180km bike, 42.2km run

Male: Viktor Zyemtsev 8.32.28 Female: Meredith Kessler 9.13.48

2. Ironman Louisville, 3.8km swim, 180km bike, 42.2km run

Male: Paul Ambrose 8.29.59 Female: Rebekah Keat 9.33.15


Sunday 12 September 2010
Duathlon Series Race 1
Lee Point
2km run, 15km bike, 2km run
Race day entry

Race Director: Rob Brooks
Registration: Ryoko Jones / Russell Peacock
Timekeepers: Ryoko Jones / Lisa Svara
Fruit / Ice: Russell Peacock


1. Fernwood All Girls Tri 250m swim, 10km bike, 2.5km run (no race day entry, entry closed); Sunday 5 September 2010; 7.30am, Lake Alexander

2. Darwin Triathlon Club Annual Presentation Night Dinner

Darwin Surf Club, Casuarina Beach
Theme: You are encouraged to come as your "Alter Ego"
Tickets: Members $25; Guests $35; Child 5-12 $15

Tickets available online only at:
Tickets sales close: Wednesday 8 September 2010

3. Australian Duathlon Series, NT Duathlon
Sunday 19 September 2010
Hidden Valley
5km run, 20km bike, 2.5km run

This is a selection event for 2011 ITU World Duathlon Championships & NT Duathlon Championships.

Entry online now at:

1. Items for E News and requests for re runs by Sunday 8pm please.


1. Online tickets sales for next week's (Friday 10 September) Presentation Night Dinner are moving along nicely. Please note the deadline for tickets purchases is next Wednesday. We don't want anyone to miss out. Numbers are required for catering purposes and your assistance in purchasing early is requested. Keep a copy of your receipt to bring on the night.

2. Presentation Night venue, catering and theme is all in the capable hands of Ali Croser and Shaye Hatty. They are encouraging everyone to come as their "Alter Ego".

3. "Alter Ego" is a second self/ an inseparable friend / another aspect of one's self . Should be lots of fun !

4. Nominations for the Dag of the Year have been dug out of the vault and the infamous honour will be bestowed at the dinner. Could be you....

5. Announcements of the new 2011 Australian Championships Series events and the qualification events for 2011 ITU World Championship events (Long course [LC], Olympic Distance [OD] and Sprint [SD]) will be posted to TA website shortly.

6. Our recent OD and LC events & our SD in March next year are included. If you are interested in nominating for the Beijing age group team and you did the OD here at the end of May, you are off to a good start points wise. Selection policies will be posted to TA website this month.

7. WTC has announced the cause of the failure of their online event tracking system over the weekend was "cyberattack" Whatever the cause, it certainly frustrated the life out of those taking an interest in IM Canada and Louisville.

8. Don't forget to encourage your non-swimmer cycling and/or running mates to enter our NT Duathlon. It's part of the new Australian Duathlon Series and a qualifier for ITU World Duathlon Championships next year.

9. Check the date. Shops will be playing Jingle Bells soon !

Safe Training,

Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club
E News

Monday, 30 August 2010

Robyn's E News 30 Aug 2010

Photo: Newly elected DTC President - Phill Hatty

Hi All,

Picture perfect conditions for yesterday's Open Water Triathlon at Casuarina Beach ! Thanks to RD Bec Thyne and the other fantastic volunteers who assisted at this event, competitors enjoyed a great morning of swim, bike AND run fun.

Our very busy events period continues. Details of those COMING UP during the next few weeks are listed below. Please pay particular attention to the events requiring online registration as these also have strict cut off times to assist our volunteers with their event preparations. Your early registration will be appreciated.


1. Open Water Triathlon, 300m swim, 15km bike, 3km run

1 Grant Preddy 47 mins 42 secs; 2 Rob Wetherald 48.05; 3 Russell Peacock 49.01; 4 Ron Griep 49.12; 5 Mark Anzin 50.54; 6 Justin Tranter 51.10; 7 Chris Jessop 51.35; 8 Debbie Geertshuis 51.50; 9 David Croser 52.08; 10 Jesse Young 52.41; 11 Belinda Birk 53.02; 12 Rob Brooks 53.50; 13 Team Rowley/Brearley 53.52; 14 Steve Goat 54.06; 15 Tim Lewis 54.22; 16 Matthew Redmond 54.52; 17 Shaye Hatty 54.55; 18 Kathy McKay 55.17; 19 Team Pollock/Burchill 55.32; 20 Vicki Woodrow 55.36; 21 Simon Weise 56.22; 22 Lisa Svara 56.25; 23 Nell Clarke 56.31; 24 Jonathan Geddes 56.39; 25 James Geddes 56.40; 26 Phill Hatty 57.09; 27 Col Smith 58.08; 28 Kate Newell 58.43; 29 Bertram Birk 58.53; 30 Karen Wilson 59.03; 31 Glen Shultz 59.25; 32 Paul Tilbrook 59.33; 33 Rosie Sullivan 59.40; 34 Rowan Barrow 59.55; 35 Graeme Parsons 1.01.25; 36 Karen Lewis 1.02.27; 37 Amanda Brain 1.02.37; 38 Simon Jeggo 1.03.11; 39 Peta Jeggo 1.03.23; 40 Tass Liveris 1.03.51; 41 Robyn Orchard 1.06.18; 42 Lachlan Hatty 1.07.18; 43 Moira Wigley 1.08.50; 44 Rose Stephens 1.09.28; 45 Christine Friebel 1.10.04; 46 Clinten Luxford 1.10.52; 47 Bronwyn Rossingh 1.12.02; 48 Team Joe Mettam/Erin Mettam 1.22.48; 49 Barry Sullivan dnf

2. Ironman 70.3 Brazil, 1.9km swim, 90km bike, 21.1km run

Male: Ezequiel Morales 3.52.18 Female: Vanessa Gianinn 4.22.21


Sunday 12 September 2010
Duathlon Series Race 1
Lee Point
2km run, 15km bike, 2km run
Race day entry

Race Director: Rob Brooks
Registration: Ryoko Jones / Russell Peacock
Timekeepers: Ryoko Jones / Lisa Svara
Fruit / Ice: Russell Peacock


1. Fernwood All Girls Tri (no race day entry, entry closed); Sunday 5 September 2010; 7.30am, Lake Alexander

2. Darwin Triathlon Club Annual Presentation Night Dinner

Darwin Surf Club, Casuarina Beach
Theme: You are encouraged to come as your "Alter Ego"
Tickets: Members $25; Guests $35; Child 5-12 $15

Tickets available online only at:

To assist organising committee please purchase tickets asap.

This is the night to meet &/or catch up with fellow members in a social setting, acknowledge achievements during 2009/2010 and award our Broken Spoke and Dag of Year trophies, thank the major contributors to our club .... and then kick up your heels.

3. Australian Duathlon Series, NT Duathlon
Sunday 19 September 2010
Hidden Valley
5km run, 20km bike, 2.5km run

This is a selection event for 2011 ITU World Duathlon Championships & NT Duathlon Championships.

Entry online now at:


Darwin Triathlon Club AGM took place yesterday prior to the Open Water Triathlon

2010/2011 committee is:

President: Phill Hatty
Vice President: David Croser
Secretary: Graeme Parsons
Treasurer: Jane Marie Kerslake

Committee Members:
Robyn Stanley
Simon Wiese
Ron Griep
Vicki Woodrow

Equipment Officer: Simon Jeggo
Junior Representative: Jodie McLeod
Permits: Col Smith


1. WANTED: Replacement Race Director for Reverse Order Triathlon on 26 September 2010 (Chad will still be away). Please email if you can step in here.

2. WANTED: Replacement timekeeper for 19 September and 24 October. Email if you can either of these dates.

3. Items for E News or requests for re runs by 8pm tomorrow please.


1. Barry Sullivan had a nasty run in with a stinger yesterday and headed off to hospital for a check up. Up until then he had been enjoying the swim. Obviously it gave him a real shock but happy to report that Barry is fine. Simon Jeggo also had a close encounter.

2. Please thank those 2009/2010 committee members who stood down, Monica Stewart, Korgan Hucent, Nerida Godfrey, Damien Brown and John Thyne for the valued contribution to our club.

3. I encourage you to check the race calendar (it's online if you don't have one) to see when you are on the event roster.

4. Good to see Tass Liveris participating yesterday. Tass & Claire were taken by surprise by the very early arrival of little Andreas and life got turned upside down there for awhile.

5. If you are in Alice Springs next Sunday, how about heading to the Memo Club Car Park for the Get Physical Duathlon. You will be very welcome !

6. And still on Alice Springs, it's only five weeks until Masters Games.

7. ITU Age Group World Championships are just around the corner (12 September in Budapest) so please wish Chad Anderson, Heath Porter and Jason Jones all the best as they head off shortly. The guys have been training the house down since their team selection was announced and they are sure to represent NT and Australia well.

8. The mozzies and midges are pretty tragic at the moment. Probably a good idea for everyone to add insect repellent to their tri bag !

9. Many of you will have received your Triathlon Australia membership cards by now. Can you please check that they are accurate as there have been a couple of errors generated by the system.

10. John Thyne and Bec Thyne conducted a successful clinic on Friday for many of the women targeting the Fernwood All Girls Tri. Great to see a number of partners of members in the start list. Some of the guys are having to start their training earlier to get home in time for the girls to head out. The response for volunteers to assist event director Belinda Birk has also been fantastic and it will be a great introduction to our sport for the women and girls participating.


... Bodyslam - the full body muscle soreness the day after a race
... Yo-yoer - a person who passes and drops back and repasses and drops back and passes again during training or a race
... Illsuitor - an individual who wears their tri gear backwards or inside out (yes, really)

Safe Training,

Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club
E News