E NEWS - 12 AUGUST 2015
Pretty sure Sunday's event is going to be remembered for a long, long
Big thanks to RD combo of Brett
Verity & Alex
Murdock for their quick thinking and relocation of
transition so that our event could go ahead.
This is one race that will be talked about fondly, given that it had some
very humorous moments, some high drama and also because it finished on
such a "feel good" note, and because it all happened on a
perfect dry season day!
It was great to welcome a number of new members who were
participating in their first event with us. We were also able to
share the enthusiasm of those completing their first ever triathlon and
also of those who took the opportunity to step up to the longer distance.
Big thumbs up to all competitors!!
Thanks again to Brett, Alex and all our other wonderful volunteers who
assisted on race day.
1. Triathlon, Lake Alexander 1.5km swim, 40km bike,
10km run
Male: Heath
Porter 2:03:51 Female: Ange Castle
2. Triathlon, Lake Alexander, 300m swim, 13km bike, 3km run
Male: Malcolm
Neville 42:17 Female: Emma Winterflood
AGM & Open Water Triathlon
Sunday 30 August 2015
600m swim, 20km bike, 6km run or 300m swim, 14km bike, 3km run
Online registration now open here
Race Director: Volunteer
Registration: Volunteers
Fruit | Ice: Kylie Scholz
Heads up juniors are at Howard Springs Pine Forest for an
evening ride | run event on 22 August 2015
1. Our volunteer roster is looking a little bare
right now.
2. Please check the Events
Calendar for vacant dates and put your hand up
for an event that suits.
3. Our immediate aim is to lock in RDs for our upcoming Open
Water event and the Super Sprint Series. We hope our more
experienced triathletes will all put up their hand for at least one RD
position during season 2015|2016.
4. The viability of our events depend on our members being willing
to volunteer for roster positions.
5. It would be great to be able to lock in names for RD,
registration and fruit|ice for the next few months so we urge you all to
please take a look and volunteer where you can.
6. Email darwintriclub@gmail.com
with your preferred date and roster position.
1. Our
club tee shirts have been well received, so much so we are already out of
some colours in a couple of sizes!
2. Tees are available at $15 each or 3 for $40.
3. Email darwintriclub@gmail.com
if you are interested.
1. We always enjoy catching up with former members,
so it was great to have Jerome Bosmans call in at the weekend.
2. Good luck to our members taking part in the Gran Fondo
events this weekend.
3. Sally
Broadley has earned, we're sure unwanted, nomination in
the Broken Spoke Award & is currently sporting very colourful
bruising & road pizza. Sally still competed in a team at the
weekend. Hats off to her and we wish her a speedy recovery from her
4. The next (rescheduled) round of Swimming NT's Open Water
Series takes place this Saturday. Good
luck to our members competing Note changed times - 8am registration for
9am start.
5. Triathlon
NT is forming a team for the upcoming NT
Athletics Championships.
6. Race
Competition Rules have recently been
7. Super
Tuesday Bike Count - 1 September 2015.
Volunteer & receive a free tshirt and nominate Darwin Triathlon
Club to receive your donation. We receive $50 for each volunteer
who nominates us when they sign up.
8. Our club is part of AMart Sports Community
Kickback Scheme. If you haven't already
got a card nominating us as your preferred sports club, please sign up
when next you shop there.
9. Mitchell
St Mile - 20 September 2015
10. On our doorstep - Triathlon for the Soul - Bali
International Triathlon 25 October 2015
11. Early bird entry for Mooloolaba
Triathlon - 13 March 2016 - opens next week.
Sun 30 Aug 15 - Open Water Triathlon
Sun 13 Sept 15 - Super Sprint Triathlon #1
Sun 27 Sept 15 - Super Sprint Triathlon #2
Sun 11 Oct 15 - Super Sprint Triathlon
Sun 25 Oct 15 - Super Sprint Triathlon
Happiness is
- completing your first triathlon - oh what a feeling!
Robyn Stanley
E News
Darwin Triathlon Club