Monday, 4 July 2011

Robyn's E News 4 July 2011

Photo: A little smokey at Lake A

Hi All,

Other than a little bit of smoke haze, conditions were ideal for our first triathlon of the 2011/2012 season at Lake Alexander.

Welcome to our new members who experienced tri for the first time, it was great to see you all out there having a go. We look forward to seeing you at many of our events this season.

A huge thank you to RD Grant Preddy for his efforts. Grant had us underway spot on 7.30am. Also a big thank you to those who assisted Grant and helped out on the day, we really appreciate your contribution. Many hands really do make light work.


1. Triathlon Lake Alexander, 400m swim, 13km bike, 3.4km run

1 Marcus Lisle 41.30; 2 Rob Weatherald 42.13; 3 Steve Goat 42.32; 4 Blue Watt 44.05; 5 Justin Tranter 44.19; 6 Pete Brady 44.49; 7 Dale Berk 45.11; 8 David Croser 45.45; 9 Brian Gallagher 45.57; 10 John Thyne 46.21; 11 Shaye Hatty 46.47; 12 Glen Scholz 47.28; 13 Jessy Young 47.31; 14 Nikki Roddie 48.19; 15 Daniel OBrien 48.37; 16 Mitch Ward 48.50; 17 Paul Bell 49.10; 18 Ryoko Jones 49.48; 19 Vicki Woodrow 49.52; 20 Paul Usher 49.53; 21 Monica Stewart 50.10; 22 Rosie Sullivan 50.46; 23 Jane Marie Kerslake 51.34; 24 Team Ari McInerney/Bella Hatty 52.07; 25 Graeme Parsons 52.08; 26 Peta Jeggo 52.43; 27 Tass Liveris 53.04; 28 Dean Cramp 53.26; 29 Clinton Luxford 53.38; 30 Col Smith 54.09; 31 Hans Bormann 54.31; 32 David Hancock 54.41; 33 Amy Pallentine 55.17; 34 Moira Wigley 55.44; 35 Louise Ogden 56.07; 36 Nathan Dwyer 56.12; 37 Jacqui Brown 59.56; 38 Priscella Lenne 1.02.46; 39 Erin Mettam 1.06.01; 40 Ari McInerney dnf; 41 Russell Peacock dnf

2. Ironman Korea, 3.8km swm, 180km bike, 42.2km run

Male: Balazs Csoke 8.48.18 Female: Kate Bevilaqua 9.39.44

Kylie Gaffel 3rd F25-29 11.40.59

3. Ironman 70.3 Korea, 1.9km swim, 90km bike, 21.1km run

Male: Cam Brown (NZL) 4.03.58 Female: Jo Lawn (NZL) 4.38.54

4. Ironman Austria, 3.8km swim, 180km bike, 42.2km run

Male: Marino Vanhoenacker 7.45.58 Female: Mary Beth Ellis 8.43.34

5. Challenge Aarhus, 1.9km swim, 90km bike, 21.1km run

Male: Rasmus Patreacus (DEN) 3.48.18 Female: Caroline Steffen (SIU) 4.04.16

6. Open Water Swims, Waterfront 3000m

Male: Jarrod Sallis 40.43 Female: Lara Whitehouse 42.44

7. Open Water Swims, Waterfront 1200m

Male: Chad Anderson 16.58 Female: Michelle Mitchell 16.44


Sunday 17 July 2011
Lake Alexander
750/26/5 or 300/13/3

Race Director: Jason Jones
Registration: Bill Piper / Vicki Woodrow
Timekeeping: Tim Ellison / Cate Killiner
Fruit / Ice: Tony Cox

Race Status: CLUB

1. Please bring copy of your 2011/2012 membership renewal with you to registration.


1. Membership for 2011/2012 is now open at and many of you have already signed up or renewed.

2. Individual and Junior members is working fine.

3. There has been a glitch discovered in the billing section of the Family Membership. A message has been placed on the website, please wait until this is removed before attempting to join as a family (TA will be on to this first thing today).

4. To encourage new and renewing members to register early in the season, Triathlon NT has a prize pack of goodies, including a copy of Chris McCormack's book "I'm Here to Win" to giveaway to one lucky member.

5. The names of the first 150 members to renew for 2011-2012 will be included in the draw which will take place at Finlay's NT Long Course Triathlon 21 August 2011.


1. Has launched their new website. Address unchanged.


1. FOR SALE: Unforeseen circumstances force sale of this 200km ridden Pinarello Dogma 60.1 road bike. Purchased May 2011 for $14,953.00 but selling for $10,000.00 o.n.o. Size medium and equiped with Campagnolo Super Record 11 sp, all carbon fibre cranks, levers. Campagnollo Euros wheels & new Continental GP Triathlon tyres, MOST TALON one piece bar and stem ($1,000.00) and MOST XLR XP seat.
Eye catching Wite, Silver and Blue colour scheme. Contact Barry: 0417 821 805

2. FOUND: Wetsuit (awhile ago). Please email if you have lost yours including where lost and type.

3. Items for next E News by Sunday 8am please


1. Watch for the tell tale red eyes, a giveaway that the person is probably a Tour de France fan ! We don't get much sleep in July.

2. After next week, E News will have a well earned but short break & we are looking into alternate ways to get our messages out. For those of you on Facebook a new PAGE has replaced the old Group and you can LIKE us there.

3. We also post directly to our News/Announcements page of our website

4. Photos from Fannie Bay swim are up on club flickr. More to come from yesterday's race.

5. The New calendar has been circulated to likely volunteers for Race Director spots. Once their responses are back it will be circulated to all.

6. There is an expectation that our members volunteer at least once. Once all responses are in, we allocate names to those spots unfilled, so suggest you pick a date/event that suits.

7. If you find you are unable to carry out your roster duty, it's up to you to find a replacement and let the RD know.

9. Thanks again to all those who volunteered on the sheet at yesterday's event. We appreciate your willingness to support our club.

Safe Training,

Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club
E News