Wednesday, 23 April 2014

E News 23 April 2014

Hi All,

Hope you all enjoyed your Easter break.  I know some of you are lucky enough to have escaped work this week by taking a few extra days leave and rolling in Anzac weekend as well. The weather has been awesome for those taking off on camping trips, but those who headed down south are finding a bit of a chill in the air.

Whatever you are up to this coming weekend, have fun!

Our juniors are in action at the velodrome on Sunday and the rest of us get another weekend off before we tackle our Club Champs on the 4 May 2014. Looking forward to that, always a highlight on our calendar and this year we get to do it here in town!


1.  Challenge Taiwan, 3.8km swim, 180km bike, 42.2km run

Male:  Dylan McNeice 8.23.44  Female:  Britta Martin 9.02.23

Stef Puszka 5th FPro 10.13.42

2.  Challenge Taiwan Half, 1.9km swim, 90km bike, 21.1km run

Male:  Iain Veitch 4.20.33  Female:  Kate Rutherford 4.59.46

Billy Lynch 9th M30-34 5.37.07


1.  Next event for junior members is this Sunday 27 April 2014, a mountain bike duathlon (ride/run) at the Velodrome starting 7.30am.

2.  Please be at venue at least half an hour before to ensure you are registered, numbered, racked and ready to start at listed time. 


Kerran Mudgway Memorial Club Championships
Sunday 4 May 2014
Lake Alexander
1km swim, 30km bike, 8km run

Online entry now open here.


Race Director:  Dave Glass
Registration:    Rowena Eastick | Simon Cruickshank
Fruit | Ice:       Jemima Findlay


1.  Your committee has been busy (extremely busy) all year and this has continued.  Here’s a little update to let you know some of what has been going on behind the scenes.

2.  Our permanent anchors are ready for placement in Lake Alexander thanks to the efforts of Tony Cox. If you would like to assist in positioning these this weekend please email.

3.  We have been given permission to close the carpark to traffic on race days. Tony has also had a hand in this and Steve Goat is sourcing signage quotes to facilitate the closure as well as additional signs for other key safety areas.

4.  Thanks to Steve and Robyn Stanley, we now have “how to” guides posted to our website for the volunteer positions of race director, registration and fruit/ice.  Have a read and then put up your hand sometime soon.

5.  Robyn continues to ensure our website, Facebook page and twitter are current.  Got a question? Good chance you will find the answer on our website!

6.  Planning for our annual presentation night has commenced.  Our social butterfly Belinda Townend will be dreaming up themes, choosing menus and making sure we have a fun night.  Robyn will head up the associated awards/presentations and will be on the lookout for award sponsors.  We hope to do more to recognise our wonderful volunteers as well.

7.  Work has commenced on our 2014-2015 calendar.  Tony, Justin Tranter and Robyn are getting that underway.  

8.  Thanks to John Arrigo & Steve we now have our equipment list under control.  We know what we have and where it is, or at least we think we do.  If you see any of our equipment (particularly signs) somewhere it shouldn’t be, do let us know.

9.  Simon Wiese continues to wade through our governance review in preparation for our Annual General Meeting (also in planning stages).

10.  Along with all the good news, there is a little hiccup. As we are past deadline for naming a RD and also taking into consideration the date clash with City2Surf, the committee last night had no alternative but to cancel our open water and try a tri event scheduled for 1 June 2014. This event has now been removed from our calendar.

11.  We often have people say to us that they would love to help out and that’s always music to our ears. We now ask those members keen to give back to the club in some way, to let us know your areas of interest eg if you are excel savvy and would be able to take over allocation of timing chips; if you would like to do a share effort at race directing; want to be responsible for making sure we have drinks available; might have a hankering to contribute to design and sourcing of a new club trailer; have the necessary skills to take over from our treasurer Karen who has supported us for three years and is looking for a break;  …. anything - however small, we would love to hear from you.  Now would be great!  Email us here.


1.  FOUND:  Tioga bike light,  Katherine Ultra challenge Towel, swimming googles at last race. Contact Dave 0449 808 039

2.  WANTED:  Cyclist from south (regular Dry Season visitor) is keen to participate in team for Long Course.  If anyone knows of a swimmer or runner who might be interested, Contact Graeme 0419 427 012

3.  FOR SALE:  Club caps $25 Email here

4.  Items for next E News by Monday 8pm please.


1.  We wish Life Member Col Smith a speedy recovery. Col is enduring a bit of hospital time after coming off his mountain bike. He’s not a pretty sight with 8 broken ribs, broken right clavicle, bruised lung, bruised right hip and lots of bark missing. Hope you get home soon Col!

2.  It’s on again .... Mitchell Centre Spin Bike Challenge!  This year it’s called ‘The Endurance Challenge’ due to having one Shaye Hatty running/walking on a treadmill for the 12 hour time will be huge.  Drop in between 6am-6pm and support the cause on Friday 9 May 2014.

3.  If you are up for a weekend away,  Kakadu Triathlon is taking place on 31 May 2014.

4.  Anthony and Anna Newlove line up for the Geelong Half Marathon this weekend.  We wish them cool running.

5. Jane Powell is heading for South Africa where she will compete in the standard distance ITU World Triathlon Cape Town this weekend.  Good luck Jane.

6. Time to promote the upcoming Darwin Long Course Triathlon far and wide. Going to be an awesome day (16 August 2014) right here in our own backyard. 


Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club

E News