E NEWS 11 MAY 17
We had a good turn out for our Kerran Mudgway Memorial Club C'ships at the
weekend with numbers up on last year.
As usual, it proved to be a very interesting and challenging event. It
always surprises how different an afternoon start is and there's nothing
like running into the evening sunset. Next year we may have to start a
little earlier (or issue glow sticks).
A huge thank you to RD Lisa
Payne and her boys, who were as busy as all afternoon and
well after dark. Lisa has done more than her share of RDing this season and
I hope you all thanked her before heading home.
& Matt Kelly
and their boys also deserve a big mention. They towed the trailer
down and back, shopped for fruit & ice and assisted with a zillion
other jobs needed on the day.
Clare Labowitch
and Tina Sanderson
again volunteered for check in duties, thank you both.
Lyn Farrier
managed the water station (and a lot of helpful little hands), the water
and ice cold sponges much appreciated by competitors!
A big vote of appreciation to Tom, Josh and Joel who came down to support
at the event and ended up as transition guards and eyes and ears on bike
course turnaround.
Thanks also to the Surf Life volunteers and St John Ambulance who were on
hand to ensure the safety of our participants.
1. Kerran Mudgway Memorial Club C'ships, 1km swim, 30km bike, 8km run
Male: Aaron
Trenfield 1:49:50 Female: Jac Crofton
Age Group Club Champions:
25-29 Reece
Black | Emily
30-34 Matt
Dames | Sarah
35-39 Tom
Ryan | Belinda
40-44 Aaron
Trenfield | Jac
45-49 Jon
Clark | Tara
50-54 John
Thyne | Gayle
55-59 Brian
Gallagher | Vicki
60-64 Clare
65-69 Daryl
2. Short Option, 500m swim, 15km bike, 4km run
Male: Kyle
Farrier 1:01:12 Female: Kathryn King
Full results here
3. Ironman Australia, 3.8km swim, 180km bike, 42.2km run
Matt Bishop
35th M35-39 10:44:48
Greg Bush
(Life Member) 1st M65-69 11:37:36
Kerri Thomas
8th F30-34 11:49:45
4. Ironman 70.3 Busselton, 1.9km swim, 90km bike, 21.1km run
Jamie Baldwin 11th M35-39 4:25:42
Haydn Whitty 81st M30-34
Leanne Fidler 34th F35-39
Richard Bland
138th M35-39 6:07:40
Katie Golding 65th F30-34
Noellene Bland 59th F45-49 7:24:47
Next Event:
Sunday 28 May 2017
Triathlon - inc NT Standard Distance Triathlon Championships
(supported by Ray White
Lake Bennett Resort
7am start
1.5km swim, 40km bike, 10km run
Short option: 400m swim, 15km bike, 3km run
Info & Entry here
Race Director: Korgan
Registration: Tina
Sanderson | Jo
Fruit | Ice: Volunteer required
1. We also require added volunteers for this event inc water station,
bike turnaround,
run turnaround & mount, dismount marshalls. If you, or anyone
coming down with you, can put up your hand to assist, please email darwintriclub@gmail.com
2. As this is an away event, we would appreciate early receipt of
entries to assist with organising.
Other News:
1. Great to see old school honesty in play at the weekend in the form
of Andrew Hardy
informing us he was to be DQ'd for short cutting the course not once, but
twice, after using incorrect entry into T2 and finish lines. There was a
time when we all did things like that and it helped make our sport great.
2. On the flip side of the coin, we have noticed some repeat
offenders ignoring drafting & blocking rules which are all in place for
fairness and athlete safety. So, to make sure you are all on the same
page, please take a few minutes to view this.
3. Note draft zone is 10 metres with 20 secs to pass in events up to
and including standard distance.
4. Noticed former member Bob Martin won his age group at Ironman 70.3
Port Macquarie at the weekend.
5. Dag of the Year nomination (nameless at this stage) in from
Saturday's event. It's getting close to that time of year again, so
if you have any nominations of daggy acts committed during season 2016-2017
please email darwintriclub@gmail.com.
All nominators will remain confidential.
6. Committee is still looking into a suitable course for a club event
(offroad duathlon likely format) in June to be added to the calendar.
7. Club T shirt winners - Vicki
Woodrow and Alex
8. Photos
9. Good luck to those taking part in the Careflight Kakadu Triathlon
or Duathlon at the weekend.
Smiling their way through the course at Lake Bennett
Robyn Stanley
E News
Darwin Triathlon Club