Thursday, 19 December 2013

Robyn's E News 19 December 2013

Hi All,

Our Christmas Splash N Dash is always fun and it was great that so many were also able to stay afterwards and enjoy our end of year sausage sizzle.

A huge thank you to RD Rob Weatherald, Junior Coordinator Luke Hansen and to the many volunteers who contributed to the success of this joint senior/junior event.

As the year draws to a close and many depart Darwin for all corners of the globe, President Steve Goat and your Darwin Triathlon Club committee would like to thank all our members, from the youngest to oldest who have raced this year, all our wonderful volunteers who have given of their time, our coaches who have continued to assist members to achieve their goals and our sponsors who have contributed to our events - together we have had another fantastic year of triathlon and we look forward to bringing you more of the same in 2014.  Have a safe and happy festive season.


1.  Christmas Splash N Dash, 1km run, 200m swim, 1km run, 200m swim, 1km run

Male:  Rowan Beggs-French  Female:  Hannah Johnston

Times are posted to website.

2.  Ironman 70.3 Canberra, 1.9km swim, 90km bike, 21.1km run

John Arrigo 20th M30-34 4.41.20
Russell Peacock 26th M30-34 4.47.20
Stef Puszka 2nd F25-29 4.56.59
Justin Tranter 44th M25-29 5.16.24
Pieter Jordaan 62nd M35-39 5.24.58
Trevor Moses 67th M25-29 5.35.42
Graeme Parsons 2nd F60-64 5.46.08
Daryl Stanley 1st M65-59 6.18.17
Haydn Whitty dnf
Tim Green dns
Nathan Dwyer dns


Saturday 18 January 2014
Aquathlon #1
Lake Alexander

400m swim, 4km run


Race Director:  Daryl Stanley
Registration:    Helen Stuart | Robyn Stanley
Fruit | Ice:       Katie Kelly


1.  From 2014 all events will have online entry.  No race day registrations will be accepted.

2.  Online entry for Aquathlon #1 is now open here.

3.  Entry closes midday Friday 17 January 2014.


1.  Track Session:  Coach Lee Wilson advises Friday (20 Dec) will be the final track session for the year and will resume on Friday 10 January.  Monday track for my squad will resume when school goes back on the 6 February.

2.  Swim Squad:  Coach Daryl Stanley advises Nightcliff swim squad (Tues & Thurs 6-7am) will resume on Tuesday 7 Jan 2014.


1.  We have been advised that our junior tri gear order has been dispatched. 

2.  Hoping for a delivery today/tomorrow and once sorted we will email regarding collection arrangements.


1. FOR SALE:  $180.00  - Prorace soft bike bag with steel frame base to lock bike in.  The bag has 4 castor wheels on the bottom so easy to roll when bike is packed.  Contact Jane 0429 998 722

2.  FOR SALE:  Bell TT/Triathlon helmet. Medium. Black/White/Red colour. Comes with visor option and new padding. $40 Contact Tim 0410 188 534

3.  FOR SALE:  Zipp 808 firecrest tubular rear wheel. Ceramic bearings. Tubular already attached and in good condition. $400. Contact Tim 0410 188 534

4. FOR SALE:  JetBlack ergo. All road/TT bikes fit. Perfect for indoor training in the cyclone season. $40. Contact Tim 0410 188 534


1.  We wish Haydn Whitty a speedy recovery from injuries sustained at IM 70.3 Canberra.  A motorist drove onto the closed bike course and collided with Haydn and another competitor.  The female competitor was released from hospital a few hours later but Haydn was detained overnight for scans and observation.  Haydn would be first to recommend wearing of bike helmets anytime you are riding a bike.

2.  Bad luck for Tim Green who was a dns at IM 70.3 Canberra due to food poisoning.

3.  Former DTC president Kylie Sheffield and Shef send their regards to members. 

4.  Welcome back Julian Weller.

5.  Farewells continue, among the most recent, Michael Varga and Liz Mackie who have headed south this week.

6.  Christmas and New Year is traditionally time to make race decisions.  If you are entering an away race we thoroughly recommend putting your suburb as “Darwin” and your postcode.  Most race announcers recognise “Darwin” but are inclined to skip over suburbs.  Also helps to let people know that we have a thriving tri community in the Top End.

7.  Don’t forget we go to online registration for all our events in the New Year.  This will reduce workload for volunteers, enable us to know how many competitors we need to cater for and also save our members from raiding the kid’s money boxes to find change for race entry fees. 

8.  Our fees have also had a small increase to help cover the cost of water safety, St John Ambulance attendance at events, permits etc.  Fees include online processing charge.

9.  Racing away over the next month or so?  Do let us know where you (or someone you know) will be lining up.

10.  This is the last E News for 2013 – do hope you have enjoyed receiving it.  Any news or announcements over the holiday season will be posted to our Facebook page and website, so check in regularly.

Wishing you all a very happy Christmas,

Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club

E News