Hi All,
In response to a number of requests we have opened a
new Uniform Order online here. The order is to be
finalized by next Friday so please get your order in now.
We are offering our Men’s and Women’s Tri Suits, new
Ultra Tri Top and Tri Pants for men and women and the Men’s swimmers.
In response to numerous requests we have also included
our new running top.
We hope this covers most of your training and racing
The women’s version of the Tri Suit and the Tri Top
are lined.
The ultra tops & tri pants are an upgraded version
on those previously offered.
This is likely to be the last uniform order for 2012
Gear Q&A:
Q: What do the club uniform items look like?
A: Most of you have seen members in club gear.
Above photos feature the new running tops. Images of the items can also be
viewed as you place your online order and on our Facebook page
Q: Who is our supplier?
A: Our suppliers are Cannibal.
Q: Can I try items on to see what
size I am?
A: Sorry no.
Q: Is there more info on items?
Q: How do I know what size to order?
A: We recommend you measure yourself,
check the size chart and then order relevant sizing. Don't
Q: What if I order and it doesn't fit?
A: Happy to advertise the item for re sale
in the E News on your behalf.
Q: If I don't order now can I get what I want
A: No guarantee. If the minimum
order numbers of an item are obtained, that's all we get.
Q: Why doesn't the club hold uniform stocks?
A: A number of reasons including
deterioration in our climate, storage, administration, cost to the club and the
volunteer time involved.
Q: Why do I have to pay up front?
A: Uniform order is a voluntary service to
members & experience tells us this is the easiest way to manage.
The club also has to pay up front before delivery.
Q: If I don't order now, when will the next
order be done?
A: Not known.
Q: How much profit does the club make on this?
A: Zero. The club also pays the
freight & design costs to ensure members get quality club gear at
the lowest possible cost.
Q: Closing date is Friday 15 June, why?
A: We have been advertising for some
time that a uniform order was about to happen. To assist the
uniform order volunteer, please get your orders in asap, today would be
Q: How do I order?
A: Order online here
Q: What if minimum order numbers are not
A: If order numbers are not at or close to
minimum, your payment will be refunded.
Q: What is the turnaround time for delivery?
A: Allow about 3-4 weeks from placement of
We hope you will all take advantage of this opportunity
to order quality club design gear.
Triathlon Club