Wednesday, 16 July 2014

E News 16 July 2014

Hi All,

Our Open Water Triathlon got underway last weekend in ideal conditions out at Casuarina Beach. 

We had Tori Sherrock and David Hancock sharing the role of Race Director (first time for both) and we thank them for volunteering and for their willingness to give back to the club.   

Dave and Tori were supported by a great crew of helpers including the gang from Blue Cycles.  On behalf of the competitors, a big thank you to all those who helped out.

We hope many more of you will follow their example and put up your hand to cover the remaining positions on our calendar.  Those events on the 2014/2015 calendar still requiring RD, registration or fruit/ice volunteers can be viewed here.  

For our events to proceed we need those key positions filled so please email your preferred options asap so we can fill in the gaps.


1. Open Water Triathlon, 500m swim, 15km bike, 4.5km run

Male:  Brett Verity  Female:  Kylie Gaffel

Results not yet available.


1.  Darwin Long Course Triathlon 16 August 2014.

2.  Two distances now available 2/80/20 and 1/40/7

3.  Entry is open for individual and teams.


1.  Thank you to all those who expressed an interest in purchasing our club design tri gear.

2.  The order is now open here for MENS, WOMENS and JUNIOR tri suits, tri shorts, tri tops and a limited number of club caps.  There are also a couple of clearance items included as well.

3.  Check your tri gear and think ahead as our next order will likely not be until early 2015.

4.  All details including sizing here.


1.  FOR SALE:  Wetsuit Zone3 Women's Aspire (great reviews and great wetsuit!) Size Small.  Very good condition.  Perfect for someone approx 167cm/54kg Selling for $100.  Contact Tara.

2.  Items for next E News by Sunday 9pm please


1.  Ron Griep and Simon Cruickshank are busy conquering the Pyrenees . 

2.  Meanwhile Anthony Beven has been climbing (17%) in the Alps on a Giro stage.

3.  Katherine Ultra Challenge training has ramped up, ditto Gran Fondo, not to mention Darwin Long Course.  It’s busy, busy at popular training spots.

4.  Good luck to our members doing the Half Marathon this weekend.

5.  Reminder Tony Burn’s Bringing it Home for the Kids Charity Auction is on this Thursday at the Deck Bar from 6.30pm.  Tony is helping local kids via his role as an ambassador

6.  Super Tuesday Bike Count is on again - 2 September. Sign up early for the best spots and please add Darwin Triathlon Club as your club. 

7.  Our event on Sunday also doubled as a practical training ground for 11 new or renewing technical officials.  If you missed this course, we recommend you sign up next time it is offered by Triathlon NT. The more technical knowledge we have the better and it is a great way to learn how the rules of our sport are applied.

8.  Tim Wolf took a tumble at Sunday’s event and is now sporting some road pizza.  We wish him a speedy recovery. (Heard he was awarded 9/10 for his dive).


Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club

E News