Thursday, 14 July 2011

Robyn's E News 14 July 2011

Hi All,

This is a quick E News to bring you up to date on events coming up soon.

Great to see the number of entries already in for Finlay's NT Long Course Triathlon including those from interstate. Please continue to assist our fantastic volunteers by registering early. You need to be a current TA member if you are competing as an individual at the NT Long Course.


1. Gold Coast Marathon, 42km

Male: Nicholas Kamakya 2.10.01 Female: Goitetom Tesema 2.30.08

Fran Edis 56th F40-44 3.48.31

2. ITU Edmonton, 1.5km swim, 40km bike, 10km run

Male: Bevan Docherty (NZL) 1.46.47 Female: Ashleigh Gentle (AUS) 2.00.14


1. Sunday 17 July 2011
Lake Alexander
750/26/5 or 300/13/3

Race Director: Jason Jones 0439 885 797
Registration: Bill Piper / Vicki Woodrow
Timekeeping: Volunteer required / Cate Killiner
Fruit / Ice: Tony Cox

Race Status: CLUB

1. Please bring copy of your 2011/2012 membership renewal with you to registration.

2. Sunday 7 August 2011
Lake Alexander
1.5km swim, 13km bike, 3km run or 300m swim, 13km bike, 3km run

Race Director: Liam Johnson
Registration: Marcus Lisle / David Crane
Timekeeping: Justin Tranter / Korgan Hucent
Fruit / Ice: Russell Peacock

Race Status: CLUB

1. The swim distance is correct, 1.5km swim a good swim hitout for those doing Finlay's NT Long Course Triathlon.


1. Preparations are well underway for NT Duathlon (14 August) Simpsons Gap, Alice Springs; Finlay's NT Long Course Triathlon (21 August) Lake Bennett Resort and Fernwood All Girls Tri (28 August) Lake Alexander.

2. All entries & information for those events is online at No on day registrations.


1. Thanks to all those who have renewed their membership for 2011/2012 and a huge welcome to those joining the club for the first time.

2. Please remember to bring a copy of your receipt (or your card when they arrive) to registration.

3. The first 150 members are in the running for Triathlon NT's lucky draw - a prize pack of goodies, including a copy of Chris McCormack's book "I'm Here to Win" . If you haven't already signed up online at you best hurry if you wish to be included.

4. I suggest you allow notifications to be sent to you as this includes information about early registration for members for events such as Mooloolaba, IM Australia, Australian Tri Series etc.

2011/2012 CALENDAR & ROSTER:

1. A copy of our new calendar is attached. Please save a copy so you know what's coming up and when.

2. A copy of the calendar & roster will also be posted to our website.

3. Not all events have the required number of volunteers as yet, and there are a number of you still to volunteer. We are fine for the next few events but we will be putting out another call to fill those vacancies soon.

4. Thank you to those who have already volunteered. Without your contribution our events would not be able to go ahead. Please check the roster and make a note of the event/s you are listed for.

5. As always, your help with setting up and packing up is a given and if anyone is available on the day to do marshalling, drink stations etc please just speak to the Race Director of the event. Your assistance will be very much appreciated.


1. Following the tragic death of cyclist Carly Hibberd, the Amy Gillett Foundation have created a compelling concept for a bike safety campaign. Now they need the funds to bring it to life. So please consider donating a little or a lot to this worthy campaign. Ask your friends to donate too. This campaign could save our life, or the life of a bike rider you know. Donate at View the fundraising tv commercial

2. Best placed Australians in the current ITU world rankings are Brendan Sexton (13th) and Emma Moffatt (6th).

3. Alice Springs Triathlon Club have kindly offered to find billets for anyone heading down for the NT Duathlon (14 August 2011). Contact

4. Level 1 Triathlon Coaching Course takes place in Darwin this weekend.

5. Arafura Games would like feedback on your experiences as a competitor or a volunteer. Please go to and click on the link on the left-hand side of the page: “2011 Arafura Games Survey”.

6. E News will be having a break for a few weeks. During this time any important announcements will be made via News/Announcements section of our website &/or on our Facebook Page.

Safe Training,

Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club
E News

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Robyn's E News 11 July 2011

Photo: Big sprint to the finish line at Lake Alex Tri 3 July 2011

Hi All,

Have you all been online and renewed your membership yet? It's easy just go to for the link.

Hint, you need to know your date of birth and also how old you are at 31 December 2011.

We were up near the 100 mark, so be quick if you want to be in the running for the prize draw.

Also online and open on the same website are registrations for NT Duathlon (Simpsons Gap, Alice Springs 14 August) and Finlay's NT Long Course Triathlon (Lake Bennett Resort, 21 August).

URGENT - - - - - ROSTER:

1. The volunteer roster was circulated over the weekend. A big thank you to those who have already put up their hand.

2. I've attached an updated version so you can see the remaining spots to be filled. 2 x timekeepers and 2 x registration are required at each event. All positions, particularly Race Directors are given lots of help and encouragement.

3. The blank spaces indicate volunteers required. Please email your preferred options.

4. We would like to get sign off on this today so your early response would be appreciated.


1. Gold Coast Half Marathon, 21km

Male: Jeffrey Hunt 1.04.04 Female: Lara Tamsett 1.12.19

Karen Lewis 2.09.49

2. Ironman Switzerland, 3.8km swim, 180km bike, 42.2km run

Male: Ronnie Schildknecht 8.19.51 Female: Karin Thurig 9.03.26

3. Challenge Roth, 3.8km swim, 180km bike, 42.2km run

Male: Andreas Raelert 7.41.33 Female: Chrissie Wellington 8.18.13

4. Ironman 70.3 Muncie, 1.9km swim, 90km bike, 21.1km run

Male: Ben Hoffman 3.48.14 Female: Melissa Rollison 4.08.48

5. Ironman 70.3 Rhode Island, 1.9km swim, 90km bike, 21.1km run

Male: David Kahn 4.00.52 Female: Magali Tisseyre 4.27.08

6. 5150 Triathlon, Zurich, 1.5km swim, 40km bike, 10km run

Male: Ritchi Nicolls 1.47.20 Female: Nicola Spirig 2.02.17

7. 5150 Triathlon, Boulder Peak, 1.5km swim, 40km bike, 10km run

Male: Tim O'Donnell Female: Annabel Luxford
(full results not yet available)


Sunday 17 July 2011
Lake Alexander
750/26/5 or 300/13/3

Race Director: Jason Jones
Registration: Bill Piper / Vicki Woodrow
Timekeeping: Tim Ellison / Cate Killiner
Fruit / Ice: Tony Cox

Race Status: CLUB

1. Please bring copy of your 2011/2012 membership renewal with you to registration.


1. 14 August 2011, NT Duathlon, Simpsons Gap, Alice Springs. Online registration now open at
2. 21 August 2011, Finlay's NT Long Course Triathlon, Lake Bennett, 2km swim, 60km bike, 16km run. Teams welcome. Further info & online registration now open at

3. 28 August 2011, Fernwood All Girls Tri, Lake Alexander. 250m swim, 10km bike, 2.5km run. Ideal for women 18+ who are beginners & wish to tri a triathlon. Online entry at opens Friday 29 July 2011. Expected to sell out quickly. This is a "tri it" event for novices and non members are welcome.


1. 2011-2012 Memberships are now due for renewal at

2. To encourage new and renewing members to register early in the season, Triathlon NT has a prize pack of goodies, including a copy of Chris McCormack's book "I'm Here to Win" to giveaway to one lucky member.

4. The names of the first 150 members to renew for 2011-2012 will be included in the draw which will take place at Finlay's NT Long Course Triathlon 21 August 2011.

5. Membership Fees: Individual $120; Junior (Under 19) $45; Family $235 (2 Adults & up to 2 Juniors) - Your membership include Club, your state association (Triathlon NT) and Triathlon Australia.

6. If you are joining as a NEW member or renewing & wish to participate at Sunday's event, please print a copy of your receipt and bring to registration as proof of membership.

7. Please encourage your friends and work colleagues to join now to take advantage of the full year's membership.


1. Marino Vanhoacker's iron distance record latest a week. Andreas Raelert went 7.41.33 at Roth to claim bragging rights.

2. Chrissie Wellington was 5th overall in Roth .. one report said, "the fifth man was a woman".

3. Oops, missed a result for one of our members at the Bali Tri. Matt Redmond was 8th in M35-39 in 2.51.50. Well done Matt.

4. The stork's wings are flapping again.

5. And speaking of the stork, he snuck under the radar in May, delivering baby Paddy Doyle to Belinda Holt and her partner. Belated congratulations.

6. An update from Sheffield's in Canberra ... Kylie has finally thawed out !

7. Macca was third in 5150 Zurich over the weekend. And got a draft penalty apparently.

8. Triathlon NT will be conducting a Level 1 Triathlon Coaching Course this weekend.

9. We have a few interstate entries already in for Finlay's NT Long Course Triathlon as well as local entries. Don't forget you need to be in the first 50 registered to get an event tshirt.

10. All individual competitors at Finlay's NT Long Course Triathlon must be current TA members.

11. Tour de Crash is continuing with nightly thrills and spills.


... you are overdue for a haircut
... you no longer wear nail polish
... sorbolene is your friend

Safe Training,

Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club
E News