Thursday, 1 July 2010

2010 2011 Membership Now Due

Hi All,


This is to advise that 2010/2011 Membership (New and Renewing) is now open online at

Attached is a "How to" guide which may assist.

During your payment process you may see a box which reads: "Please be advised that you will be required to pay a club fee at a later date" please ignore this.

Our new season calendar is about to be released and is jam packed with events. Please note that this membership year also includes the Arafura Games Triathlon (8 May 2011). It is a condition of entry for the Arafura Games Triathlon that you are a TA member.

Some Upcoming Darwin events:

This Sunday 4 July 2010: Triathlon, 300/13/2 Lake Alexander 7.30am start
Sunday 16 July 2010: Triathlon 400/13/3 Lake Alexander 7.30am start
Sunday 1 August 2010: Triathlon, 750/20/5 or 300/13/3 Lake Alexander 7.30am start
Sunday 15 August 2010: Finlay's Stonemasonry NT Long Course Triathlon, 2/60/16 Lake Bennett 7am start
Sunday 22 August 2010: Junior Come and Try, various, Lake Alexander
Sunday 29 August 2010: Open Water Triathlon, 300/15/3 Surf Club 7.30am start
Sunday 5 September 2010: Fernwood All Girls Tri, 250/10/2.5 Lake Alexander 7.30am start

and that's just a taste of what is available over the coming year.

Membership Year: 1 July 2010 - 30 June 2011 (Your fees cover club, Triathlon NT and Triathlon Australia and include insurance for 24/7 training and racing at sanctioned events)

Fees: Individual: Senior $110 (20+) Junior $40 (5-19) Juniors 5 - 15 are now known as TRYStars
Family: 2 Seniors and up to 2 juniors $220

We all have a common interest, and it's not the World Cup, or Wimbledon – it's OUR sport of TRIATHLON. So we encourage everyone to look after themselves and our sport and join up today.

So go online now and join up.


Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club