Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Robyn's E News 26 May 2010

Hi All,

Lots of dry season work happening in and around Darwin. Many of the bike paths are being widened and Lee Point Road is also being upgraded. The bike path works also include some bubbler installations which will come in very handy - hoping they will include replacing the one at the McMillans Road roundabout. It and the one at the Lee Point Road/Vanderlin roundabout have been non functional for ages.


1. NT Olympic Distance Championships, Lake Alexander, 1.5km swim. 40km bike, 10km run

1 Chad Anderson 2.00.20; 2 Grant Preddy 2.03.10; 3 Michelle Gailey 2.03.45; 4 David Crane 2.03.54; 5 Rob Weatherald 2.05.35; 6 Luke Collopy 2.07.16; 7 Stu Fitch 2.08.36; 8 Ron Griep 2.09.31; 9 Jason Jones 2.09.53; 10 Emma Winterflood 2.12.54; 11 Roger Decurtins 2.13.34; 12 James Geddes 2.14.31; 13 Debbie Geertshuis 2.14.46; 14 Peter Brady 2.15.36; 15 John Thyne 2.17.04; 16 Shaye Hatty 2.18.21; 17 Belinda Birk 2.19.03; 18 Tim Green 2.20.27; 19 Anthony Fogarty 2.20.31; 20 Vincent Gilly 2.21.20; 21 Ben Brady 2.22.17; 22 David Croser 2.22.27; 23 Aaron Caden 2.23.36; 24 Trudy Guiney 2.24.29; 25 Justin Tranter 2.24.50; 26 Jamie Tomlinson 2.25.16; 27 Steve Goat 2.25.40; 28 Tara Worby 2.26.54; 29 Rachel De Zoete 2.27.06; 30 Daryl Stanley 2.28.42; 31 Ryoko Jones 2.29.14; 32 Tom Keeler 2.30.30; 33 Jane Marie Kerslake 2.31.09; 34 Russell Peacock 2.31.12; 35 Simon Wiese 2.31.50; 36 Brian Gallagher 2.32.40; 37 Clare Jones 2.33.50; 38 Mat Frost 2.35.40; 39 Matt Redmond 2.36.04; 40 Phill Hatty 2.36.27; 41 Peta Jeggo 2.36.43; 42 Robyn Stanley 2.42.22; 43 Karen Wilson 2.42.31; 44 Tony Cox 2.51.10; 45 Melissa Weldon 2.52.01; 46 Sasha Saherov 2.56.01; 47 Steve Tiley 2.56.22; 48 Kathleen Thomas 3.05.51; 49 Barry Sullivan 3.11.20; 50 Phil Blumberg dnf; 51 Bertram Birk dnf; 52 Lachlan McKenna dnf; 53 Zac Crofton dnf; 54 Ali Fitch dnf; 55 Bec Thyne dnf; 56 Rob Brooks dnf; 57 Korgan Hucent dnf; 58 Ian Pollock dnf; 59 Heath Porter dnf

Teams: 1 Team Johnson/Brearley/Wilson 2.00.55; 2 Team L Hatty / Richards 2.10.51; 3 Team Sullivan/Jeggo/Anzin 2.18.40; 4 Team Woodrow/Willing 2.22.52; 5 Team McKay/Hartung 2.25.55; 6 Team Perkin/ Stanley 2.46.09; 7 Team Stewart/Hatty dnf

NT Olympic Distance Champions:

Male: Chad Anderson Female: Michelle Gailey

Age Group:

20-24: Grant Preddy
25-29: Chad Anderson / Michelle Gailey
30-34: Tom Keeler / Emma Winterflood
35-39: David Croser / Shaye Hatty
40-44: Ron Griep / Trudy Guiney
45-49: Peter Brady / Belinda Birk
50-54: Rob Weatherald
55-59: Stu Fitch / Robyn Stanley
60-64: Daryl Stanley

Team: Johnson/Brearley/Wilson

2. Bintan International Triathlon, Indonesia, 1.5km swim, 40km bike, 10km run

Male: Assad Attamimi 2.05.22 Female: Alice Hector 2.23.17

Steve Denton 24th M40-44 2.37.30
Graeme Parsons 17th M50+ 3.18.45


Rowena Eastick 3rd F40-44 2.40.26

3. Noosa Century Rides, 160km

Male: Colin Dick 4.13.03 Female: Lucie Richards 4.13.09

Angelika Hannon 25th F40-49 6.42.30


Sunday 20 June 2010
Teams Race
Lake Alexander
250m swim, 6km bike, 1.5km run x 3


1. I still have a number of orders. Please phone 0448 206 121 or email to arrange to collect.


1. Items for E News by 8pm Sunday please.


1. Darwin Cycling Club report that entries for the Top End Tour (Queens B'day weekend) are very low. They say "Unfortunately we are missing one thing - competitors!! At this stage we have a total of 4 people entered, 2 from interstate. With the closing date for entries rapidly approaching (31st May) the committee will be forced to make a decision, to run the race, or to cancel it and return all the money to the sponsors. We would obviously rather run the race and build a solid foundation for years to come, so if you are either planning to enter, or sitting on the fence to see who else enters first, we would encourage you all to consider entering as soon as possible so we can gauge the level of interest in the Tour. we have decided that we need a minimum of 30 riders to run the race, any less and it will be cancelled." Further info on the event check their website.

2. Greg Bennett is deserting us. In a statement released by Triathlon Australia, said it has released Bennett, who has both a U.S. and Australian citizenship, from obligations in representing Australia. He will be supporting wife Laura in her bid to make the US team for the London Olympics.

3. Ironman action turns to Brazil this weekend. You can track all the action via

4. Bike crash and Dag of the Year nominations close soon. Tell us details of those you know of while they are still fresh in your memory. Email to and they are kept under wraps until Presentation Night.

5. Great feedback on the new club uniform. There is some very limited stock available, watch for list to be published soon.

Safe Training,

Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club
E News

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