Sunday, 18 January 2009

Robyn's E News 14 Jan 09

Hi All,

It's great to see so many people out and about training at the moment. Arafura Games enthusiasm is also building and many have that as their target event for this year. Over the next few months members will also be competing all over Australia and internationally. It's fantastic to see this athlete development.

If you are competing away, please make E News results searches easier for me by forwarding a quick email & letting me know which event/s you are doing (saves my eyes if I know who I am looking for). If you are missed in the results, it's never intentional ... more likely I just wasn't aware you were competing! I don't mind if you dob in a shy mate.

Speaking of dobbing in, it's time to get your half way point nominations in for Dag of the Year. They will get filled away only to resurface at our presentation night. All nominations are confidential so please email those stories of daggy, dumb, funny, silly things that have happened to someone at a race or out training. Now would be a good time, send to ...


Saturday 24 Jan 09
Race 2 Aquathlon Series (incorp. NT Aquathlon Championships)
Lake Alexander
750m swim, 5km run

Race Director: Mick Outhred 0422 738 969
Registration: Volunteer required / Robyn Orchard
Timekeepers: David Crane / Owen Hales
Fruit / Ice: Volunteer required

URGENT call for volunteers: Please Mick know if you can help out at registration and/or do fruit & ice.


1. Any items or reruns for inclusion in Monday's E News by 8pm Sunday please.


1. The running route website has resurfaced. Check out Darwin runs if you are looking for inspiration or you may like to add a completely new run. Basically what you do is plot your favourite runs/rides etc on the site by using google earth and it tells you the distances, the elevations, gradient etc. Also you can create your own profile on there and it will tell you your pace, energy used etc etc etc. It keeps tabs on your milage and training for you too. You can choose to save and name your routes on there and other users are then able to see them.

2. As it's a slow news day, thought I would let our club members in on a brief history of triathlon in Darwin ...

Triathlon's had their origins in the NT in the early 1980's with mini triathlons held at Mindil Beach. The inaugural NT Championships were held in 1981 at the same location. The winner was Terry O'Leary and he was presented with the Dondas Family Perpetual Trophy.

An unincorporated triathlon association existed but it was not until 1989 that the Triathlon Association of the Northern Territory Incorporated was formed following a public meeting. Darwin Triathlon Club was also formed and incorporated at the same time.

So its officially a birthday year for Darwin Triathlon Club - we are turning 20 !

Safe training,

Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club
E News

Club website:

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