Sunday, 26 October 2008

Robyn's E News 22 Oct 08

Hi All,

Many of you will be travelling down to Lake Bennett at the weekend. Make sure you allow plenty of travel time to arrive and set up prior to registration closing and so you can listen to the race brief as there are a number of changes this year. If you can arrive early and assist with road sweeping and set up it would be appreciated.


1. Gold Coast Half Ironman - 1.9km swim, 90km bike, 21.1km run

Male: David Dellow 3.58.36 Female: Lisa Marangon 4.29.33

Stu Fitch M55-59 1st 4.53.48
Ali Fitch F Pro dnf


Kerran Mudgway Memorial Club Championships
Saturday 25 October 08
4.30pm start (registration closes 4.15pm sharp)
1km swim, 30km bike, 8km run (short option 500m swim, 15km bike, 4km run

Race Director: Ian Norton 0409 283 448
Registration: John Thyne / Robyn Orchard
Timekeeping: BA Kerslake / Robyn Stanley
Fruit / Ice: Kylie Sheffield

Event Info: Please see E News 20 Oct 08 (posted to website if you have already deleted)


1. NEEDED URGENTLY: As part of pool hire process for upcoming events (senior and junior races on the 2 Nov, 6 Dec, 10 Jan and 1 Feb) we require the names of two people to put on the application for hiring the pool.

Persons listed must have a bronze medallion or be an Austswim teacher. If you are able to assist, please forward your name and a copy of your qualification to .

2. HIDDEN VALLEY TRAINING: Date claimer .... The Hidden Valley track has been booked for a practice/training session on Saturday 1 Nov from 6.30am – 8.30am and Monday 3 Nov from 5.30pm until 7.30pm. This is a great opportunity to familiarise yourself with the track in preparation for the Duathlon on 9 Nov 08.

3. CLUB UNIFORMS: Most of the uniforms have been distributed. Jane-Marie will have the remaining uniforms at Lake Bennett to hand out or contact her on 0429 998 722 to arrange pickup.

1. FOR SALE RACE WHEELS: Zipp 606 clincher wheel set(tyres and tubes). Complete with tyres,tubes and Shimano 10 speed cassette. The wheels have been used as demo wheels only. New $3500 Sell $1500. Contact Aaron at CycleZone 8981 4436

2. FOR SALE: Bontrager Aeolus 5.0 clincher wheel set. Brand new with tyres and tubes. They have come off a new bike. Check them out New price $3299 Sell $2200 Either wheelset will knock 30 to 60 seconds off your run time!!! Confused ask Aaron how!! Contact Aaron at Cycle Zone 8981 4436


1. Matt King is back in Darwin to recover from injuries received in a crash during the Tour of Tasmania. Matt ended up with 25 stitches in his calf.

2. NT Police have recovered 13 stolen bicycles. Good news, except they haven't been reported stolen. I'm pretty sure most of our members would notice if their bike disappeared.

3. Triathletes head for Huatulco, Mexico this weekend for the last of the 2008 BG World Cup events.

4. Thinking about heading to Adelaide for the first of the Age Group selection events for Gold Coast? The airfares are way, way over the top at present.

5. There are a few photos posted from the junior tri last weekend. If you took any at the NT Sprint Champs or other events I'd like to get those up as well. Maybe whack on a disc and I'll collect at Lake Bennett this weekend.


... you are overcommitted and don't even try to fit everything in
... you don't sweat something that is out of your control
... you can finally bring yourself to cut off that wristband

Safe training,

Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club
E News

Club website:

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