Wednesday, 5 November 2008

Robyn's E News - 5 Nov 08

Hi All,

The rain has freshened things up. Darwin looks so much nicer when it's green.


1. Noosa Triathlon - 1.5/40/10

Jack Pennington M30-34 28th 2.16.38
Angelika Hannon F45-49 25th 2.55.53
Brian Hannon M45-49 169th 3.09.50


Sunday 9 November 08
Hidden Valley
7am (registration closes 6.45am)
5km run, 20km bike, 2.5km run


Race Director: Tim Ellison 8928 0039
Registration: Jodie McLeod / David McLeod
Timekeeping: Grant Preddy / Sandra Yee
Fruit / Ice: Peta Jeggo


1. Suggest packing insect repellent - the biteys can be ferocious at times.


1. Due to problems with the sizing of some of the women's one & two piece bathers (different lycra used) you may have arranged to return these items to be replaced by the manufacturer. Please note that the last date for returns is Wednesday 5 Nov 08. Please ensure you have returned items to myself, Jodie McLeod or Jane Marie Kerslake TODAY. No returns will be accepted after today.

2. This applies only to those items mentioned.

3. The new uniforms look great. The colours stand out and will be easy to spot at races. Nice budgie colours.

4. Let us know if you spot a DTC uniform (new or old) at an away race. If you can get a photo even better.


1. Items for this section by 8pm Sunday please.


1. You may wonder why we get a bit anal sometimes about rules of triathlon & reminding you all to stop at red lights & obey traffic rules. This from Legal Radar blog dated 2 Nov 08: " In the beginning of this year, a Montgomery County Jury awarded $350,000 to a woman involved in a crash that killed a bicyclist during a Blacksburg triathlon in the year 2000. Sharon Knight, a resident of the town had filed a lawsuit against the town and the director of the third annual Greater Blacksburg Triathlon, alleging that they had failed to warn passing vehicles that they were entering a race area. Gary Wayne Taylor, a participant of the race, crashed into Knight after passing through a red light. Knight tried to swerve away but couldn’t avoid a collision. She had initially asked for $750,000 in damages for emotional trauma and damage to her car. A jury awarded $500,000 in damages to Taylor's family in a 2002 verdict after finding that the town and Biancur were negligent in organizing the race.
The town, which sponsored the event, stated that they had asked all participants to follow traffic rules and signs before the competition began.
Beverly Biancur, the director of the race is no longer an employee of the town."

2. Hawaii Ironman champion Craig Alexander was at the Noosa triathlon last weekend. He joined retired triathletes Craig Walton and Miles Stewart in a relay team that won a celebrity race.

3. From IM Florida reports of a new low for triathlon cheats, apparently there was a guy heading into the swim acting strangely, as in keeping his hand in the water as he walked. When a wave rolled by it revealed he was trying to conceal the fins he was carrying. There is a photo around I believe. The good part is a swim marshall also noticed. The guy was allowed to start the race without them but lets hope there is some follow up. Imagine getting whacked in the face by a set of fins!

4. If you wish to do the Steps of Evolution race the Darwin Surf Club is conducting (entry form was attached to Monday's E News) I suggest you get your form & entry fee to Julie Gallagher asap. Numbers are limited and interest is high - 33 stories high.

5. The first of the duathlons happens at Hidden Valley raceway on Sunday morning. We expect to see some fast and furious racing especially from those runners who aren't normally that keen on getting wet in the swim/bike/run format.

6. Good to see the pot hole at the entrance to the Lee Point carpark has been filled in while I was away. Now if we could only get Lake Bennett to do the same to the one on their roundabout....

YOU KNOW YOU ARE A TRIATHLETE WHEN... are researching the merits of racing in compression socks have lost yet another toe nail
...your shoes have more kilometres on them than your car does

See you all at Hidden Valley raceway

Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club
E News

Club website:
Facebook Group: Darwin Triathlon Club
Facebook Event: Arafura Games Triathlon

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