Monday, 19 October 2009

Robyn's E News 19 Oct 09

Hi All,

It was a busy weekend for members. The juniors kicked off their season at Lake Alexander. Lots of training was happening, with those heading for Perth out and about as well as others targeting future IM events. The NT Cycling Championships also involved a number of our junior and senior members so it was pretty busy all round.

There may not be a mid week E News so please watch our website News/Announcements section for exact location of this weekend's upcoming Duathlon. Tim is finalising the run course tomorrow. Location will be easy to spot as you drive Gunn Point Road.

On the duathlon, we urgently need a couple of volunteers (one for registration and one for timekeeping). If you can assist please contact Tim direct.


Sunday 25 Oct 09
Race 2 Duathlon Series (NT Championships)
Gunn Point Road, Howard Springs
7am start (Registration closes 6.45am)

5km run, 20km bike, 2.5km run

Race Director: Tim Ellison 8928 0039
Registration: Simon Cruickshank / Volunteer Required
Timekeeping: Phil Brownscombe / Volunteer Required
Fruit / Ice: Rachel De Zoete


1. Please contact Tim direct if you are available to assist with this event. Your help will be appreciated.
2. Toilet facilities will be limited.


The Annual General Meeting of Triathlon NT will take place prior to duathlon.


1. Triathlon NT is seeking suitably qualified people to fill the paid part-time positions of Development Officer and Event Coordinator. Please see the attached job descriptions for further details.

Please note, the start date for these positions will be negotiated following the election of the incoming Management Committee at the Triathlon NT AGM on Sunday 25 October, but it is envisaged that the successful applicants will be advised by late November and commence work early in 2010.

Please email applications to Kylie Sheffield at by COB Friday 23 October.


1. FOR SALE - CLUB SWIMWEAR: Limited Orca club swimwear stock available: Ladies One Piece M (12) $55; Mens Jammers L $55; Mens swim briefs S, & L $34. Contact: .

2. FOR SALE - CLUB TRI TOPS & TRI PANTS: Limited Scody tri gear available. Unisex sizing: Tops M (Chest 97-102) & L (Chest 102-107) $88; Tri Pants S (Waist 77-82, Hip 94-99) & M (Waist 82-87, Hip 99-104) $80 Contact:

3. FOR SALE: 1. GIANT TCR Aero2 Grey, road bike size 46.5cm (small) suit around 165cm height; Shimano rims, Shimano 105 running gear, aerobars. good condition. $700; 2. Avanti Monza - Blue.. 51cm good condition $200.. good intro tri bike.; 3. Polaris Bike box, brand new (new price $750) Sale price, drive away, no more to pay .. $650. Contact Phill 0418 669 964

4. Items for next E News by Sunday 8pm


1. A number of our members were among the medallists at the NT Cycling Championships conducted over the weekend. Time trial (various distances and categories) medals were won by Will Birk (1st); Adrian Beard (3rd); Chad Anderson (2nd); Matt Brearley (3rd); Shaye Hatty (1st); Belinda Birk (2nd); Isabella Hatty (3rd); Chynna Godfrey (2nd) and Lachlan Hatty (2nd).

In the criterium categories medals went to Isabella Hatty (2nd); Chynna Godfrey (3rd); Shaye Hatty (1st) Belinda Birk (3rd); William Birk (1st) and Chad Anderson (3rd).

Road race results are not yet available.

2. The junior season is off to a great start with the first race at Lake Alex on Sunday attracting around 30 participants. Great to see both seasoned competitors (some are returning for their third or fourth season with DTC) and lots of new faces. Thanks to those seniors who came along to cheer on our up and coming triathletes, and to the usual gang of parent and DTC helpers for their efforts in running a safe and enjoyable event for all. Please note the change of venue for next race on Sunday 1 November – now to be held at Lake Alexander. For more information on the junior season contact Kylie Sheffield on 8932 3302.

3. Club members Craig Garland, Daryl Stanley, Jodie McLeod, Michelle Gailey, Mick Outhred and David McLeod are heading west this week to represent Australia in the ITU Long Distance World Triathlon Championships. Over the double Olympic distance of 3km swim, 80km bike, 20km run the event takes place on Sunday at Langley Park. We wish them all good luck in their respective age groups.

4. Looking for a MTB Challenge? Entries are now open for the 2010 Otway Odyssey (100km) on 20 Feb 2010. Further info They say this is the race that's turned grown men into quivering wrecks and it's made women exclaim that childbirth was easy in comparison !

5. Please make a note that the Christmas Splash N Dash showing on our calendar as 4 Dec has been moved to Sat 5 December 09 (same time 6pm).

6. I heard Matt King left some bark on the road at the Mindil Beach criterium. Hope not to much damage there.

7. Also on the injured list - Mitch from NT Elite Cycles is currently in hospital after a mtb crash in the Pine Forest. Our speedy recovery wishes go to him as well.

8. Dave Janmaat was in the winning team at the recent Great Southern Adventure race. Way to go Dave ! It was a pretty impressive win by over an hour.

9. The stork is busy doing some extra endurance training to be ready for the next few months. We will be welcoming a number of new little tri babies. Exciting !

10. Our triathletes keep popping up in the papers. Todd Sparrow's wedding photo was in NT News yesterday and Lee Wilson is in sports VOP today !


Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club
E News

Club website:
Facebook Group: Darwin Triathlon Club

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