Hi All,
Members were well represented among the thousands strutting their stuff at the Australia Fun Run yesterday. Some were very colourfully attired indeed. It was a huge crowd and there were people running down to Vestey's Beach while some were still way back at Mindil shuffling their way to the High School Hill. Fantastic turnout !
Attention now turns to Race 2 of the Aquathlon Series (also the NT Aquathlon Championships) on Saturday evening, hope to see you all there. If the distances are a little daunting for you come on down and team up !!
1. Ironman 70.3 Pucon, Chile, 1.9km swim, 180km bike, 21.1km run
Male: Reinaldo Colucci 3.52.38 Female: Amanda Lovato 4.36.12
2. Lanzarote International Duathlon
Male: Damien Derobert 56.35 Female: Yvonne Van Vlerken 1.02.17
Race 2 Aquathlon Series (inc. NT Aquathlon Championships)
Saturday 30 January 2010
6pm (registration closes 5.45pm sharp)
Lake Alexander
750m swim, 5km run
Race Director: Lee Wilson 0437 700 422
Registration: Lucie Hardiman / Brett Reedy
Time Keeping: Jac Crofton / Nic French
Fruit / Ice: Hollie Goodall
1. Registration opens 5pm
2. Registration closes at 5.45pm sharp. Late = NO RACE
3. Non members (ODMs) not eligible for NT Aquathlon Championship awards.
4. Torsos must be covered during run
5. As it's the wet season and cyclones do happen, please be aware that the race will be postponed if a Cyclone warning is current for Darwin. It will go ahead as scheduled if we are on cyclone watch.
1. Reminder Friday 5pm deadline to be in the running to win free entry to the Busselton Half Ironman 1 May 2010.
2. Competition open to members only and prize is not transferable.
3. Refer previous e news or see www.triathlonnt.com.au and send email to eo@triathlonnt.com.au
1. Items for E News and requests for re runs by 8pm Sunday please.
1. 2009 NT Aquathlon Champions were Grant Preddy and Michelle Gailey.
2. NT Aquathlon Championships commenced in 2006. We have only had two female winners: Hollie Goodall 2006 & 2007 and Michelle Gailey 2008 & 2009. There have been four male winners - 2006 Anthony Beven, 2007 Tim Ellison, 2008 Jerome Bosmans and 2009 Grant Preddy. The event was first conducted from the Katherine Pool.
3. Media Hound: Photo of Shaye Hatty, Ali Croser & Lee Wilson after Oz Day Fun Run in today's NT News. Ben Brady and Hollie Goodall's photos also feature. Stu Fitch gets a mention in current edition of Australian Triathlete magazine.
4. Chrissy Wellington is expected to return to racing soon after breaking her arm.
5. Oz Day form guide: Phil Hatty wore the best head flag, Aaron Caden excelled at pram pushing, Rosie Sullivan got the late award, James Lugg was the best at overtaking other competitors, Alan Culbertson (who has been MIA of late) was spotted, ditto new dad Scott Bevis and Rob Brooks was named spectator of the day !
Safe Training,
Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club
E News
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