Friday, 27 August 2010

Robyn's E News 25 Aug 2010

Photo: Beach2Bridge start

Hi All,

We have another busy weekend coming up with our open water triathlon & AGM taking place at Casuarina Surf Club. We are requesting the assistance of members to register and rack early (by 7am) so the meeting formalities can get underway. It shouldn't take long and with your cooperation the race brief and event start should then be as scheduled.


1. Alice Springs Duathlon, 2.5km run/ 23km bike/5km run
1 Dean Nankivell 1:11:45; 2 Steve Warren 1:28:32; 3 Team Susan Brooks/Jo Meagher 1:28:59; 4 Loie Sharp 1:30:24; Sally Luchich 1:38:24
1km run/10km bike/2.5km run: 1 Kathryn Loader 49:05; 2 Allison Foster 52:20
1km run/5km bike/2.5km run: 1 Moby Edwards 28:05; 2 Kay Bailey 35:54
1km run/10km bike/2.5km run: 1 Jasper Edwards 31:52
1km run/5km bike/10km run: 1 Glen Edwards 1:22:12

2. Ironman 70.3 Philippines, 1.9km swim, 90km bike, 21.1km run

Results Correction:

Grant Preddy 1st M18-24 4.40.38


Open Water Triathlon
Sunday 29 August 2010
Casuarina Surf Club
7.30am start
300m swim, 15km bike, 3km run

Race Director: Bec Thyne
Registration: Ryoko Jones / Russell Peacock
Timekeepers: Tomas Keeler / Sue Parora
Fruit/Ice: Russell Peacock


1. Darwin Triathlon Club AGM will be held prior to this event please ensure you are racked and registered by 7am
2. This is a non drafting event.


1. We are seeking an interested member to take up the position of Secretary of the Darwin Triathlon Club.
2. If this sounds like you, please speak to current secretary Jodie McLeod (who is taking up the role of Junior Coordinator) or one of the committee members.


1. FOR SALE: 2010 Giant Defy 1 frame size is a small – in Brand new condition only been ridden 5 times (Max 40km) – would suit Junior or a Female looking to do the all girls triathlon paid $1400 will sell for $900ono. Contact Naomi 0447 925 480

2. Items for E News and requests for re runs by Sunday 8pm please


1. Mick Outhred is another recovering after coming off his bike and doing some close ground inspection.

2. Alice Springs Tri Club duathlon at the weekend was an interesting affair. They had windstorms, rainstorms and then some instant humidity to contend with.

3. I didn't hear it but I'm told Ian Norton was interviewed on tales of the tinny recently after he removed a hook from a "wife's head" that still had a mullet attached to it! ... they had to remove the mullet before the hook.

4. Media Hound: Beach2Bridge write up; NT News Preddy ready for Thailand & Tri-hards see attached

5. HG Fitness was a major sponsor of the Junior Come and Try Day. As well, Hollie Goodall was one of the water safety crew. Ditto Kathy McKay who when finally finished acting as a swim buoy needed to thaw out in the sun.

6. Fernwood All Girls Tri wait list continues to grow. Offers for the few remaining places that have become available will be distributed via email from today.

7. There are a lot of blokes out there who are saying they would like to have a bash at triathlon themselves. We are thinking that the upcoming NT Duathlon at Hidden Valley on 19 September 2010 with the 5km run/20km bike/2.5 run format will be ideal for them. Online entry will open shortly but in the meantime how about talking it up ... especially to those guys (and girls) who always say they would love to have a bash but can't swim well enough!

8. Thanks for your positive feedback on photos up on Flickr.

9. Yes that probably was Anthony Beven you saw, he's in town for a couple of days.

10. Have you marked Friday 10 September on your calendar? It's our social event of the year ... Club Presentation Dinner. Details will be out real soon.

Safe Training,

Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club
E News

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