Monday, 16 January 2012

Robyn's E News 16 January 2012

Hi All,

We kick back into action for 2012 with Race 1 of our Aquathlon Series taking place this Saturday. Judging by the numbers out training, you are all full of energy after the festive season and ready to have a good hit out.

I hope you received details of our latest order for club training and racing gear that went out at the end of last week.

There have been a few email gremlins of late, so my apologies if you didn’t get your copy. Please let me know if you would like details forwarded again.


1. Telstra Tri Series, Champion Lakes, WA, 750m swim, 20km bike, 5km run

Male: Paul MacKay 59.20 Female: Felicity Sheedy-Ryan 1.04.05

Derek Cross 6th M30-34 1.10.45

2. Sam White Memorial Aquathlon, SA, 250m swim, 1.7km run x 3

Male: Toby Williamson 33.23 Female: Rebecca O’Loughlin 36.38

Rob Weatherald 1st M50-54 35.55

3. Gatorade #3 Brighton, VIC, 500m swim, 20km bike, 5km run

Elite Male: Brendan Sexton 52.23 Elite Female: Madeline Oldfield 59.25

Chad Anderson 13th Elite Male 55.24

ITU Jnr Male: Joel Tobin-White 52.38 ITU Jnr Female: Natalea Smith 1.01.29

4. TriShave Sprint Series, Kurnell, NSW, 750m swim, 20km bike, 5km run

Male: Michael Prince 58.43 Female: Laura Siddell 1.06.21

5. Gatorade QTS #2, Robina, QLD, 750m swim, 20km bike, 5km run

Male: Cameron Good 59.02 Female: Chloe Turner 1.06.23


Saturday 21 January 2011
Nightcliff Pool
Race 1 Aquathlon Series
6pm (registration closes 5.45pm)
400m swim, 3km run

Event Status: CLUB (must be member to compete)


Race Director: Daryl Stanley
Registration: Emma Winterflood / Robyn Stanley
Timekeeping: Nell Clarke / Rob Brooks

Fruit / Ice: Anna Goat


1. Entry to pool for our event is via back gate at 5.30pm. Pool closes to public at 5.15pm.

2. Don’t forget that on the run, shoes must be worn & torso must be covered (that means singlet or t shirt for the guys).

3. No ipods allowed.

4. You can assist our registration & body numbering volunteers by

(a) having correct change ($5 in note, not coins, is always appreciated)
(b) not applying sunscreen prior to body marking
(c) if participating in a team, please sign in together

5. You can assist our timekeeping volunteers by

(a) keeping the finish line area clear
(b) not chatting to our timekeeping volunteers (distractions can cause times to be missed) while the event is in progress
(c) reporting your number to timekeepers if you “did not finish” .


1. FOR SALE: TREK Tri bike: Equinox 9.9 SSL 2009 Size S. Top of the line bike: OCLV carbon red frame, Sram RED group set and brakes, USE Aerobar. Beautiful orange bike. Unmarked. $4250. Contact David 0418 807 997

2. FOR SALE: FELT B2 TT Bike, Vision Aero Bars, Dura ace gearing, 54cm/Medium. Well used but well maintained and in good condition. No seat. $1000 Contact Grant 0418 686 172

3. FOR SALE: Timex Global Trainer GPS with HR strap. Brand new; in box, never opened. $180 call Stu 0418 437 075

4. FOR SALE: Chariot Cougar for sale. Bought 4 years ago at $1500 including accessories ~ jogging wheel, bike connection, stroller wheels and baby sling. It is red & blue & is in good condition. Only real wear & tear is the elastics that hold up the covers & a little bit of fading on the internal canvas. Also included are all the manuals that detail the safety issues etc. Asking $500. Contact Aly 0439 183 266.

5. FOR SALE: Avanti Sprint 2007. M (49-52 cm). New tires, token acrobats, shimano SPD pedals. Suit beginner. $200. Contact Juliette 0417 601 097

6. FOR SALE: Moving to Mozambique sale: Setting up house?? White goods: freezer, fridge, washing machine. Timber cupboards, car (Hyundai Getz 2010 1.4L only 8000 km, black, 5 dr, reg till July). Contact Juliette 0417 601 097

7. FOR SALE: Darwin Triathlon Club Tri Suits, Tri Pants, Tri Tops & Swimmers. Order online here now.

8. Items for next E News by tomorrow 8pm please.


1. We would like to sincerely thank James, the new area manager of BCF Darwin (Jape Homemaker Village), for donating a new water esky to the club after one of ours was damaged and spare parts could not be obtained.

2. Wow, the E News really works well. A number of bikes have changed hands since last week. Happy sellers and happy new owners !!

3. BoM is predicting the return of afternoon storms this week. This unseasonal weather has provided better than normal training conditions at this time of year and it’s going to be a shock to have to go back to dodging storms again.

4. Take care out there on the roads while riding. A few of our members were squeezed for space on Dick Ward Drive over the weekend, in what appeared to be a deliberate attempt to get as close as possible to them.

5. Great to catch up with Life Member Ernie Koch over the weekend. He really misses being able to participate in our events but that doesn’t mean he is idle. Ernie was out on his bike & looking in great shape. You may remember Ernie had knee surgery which unfortunately halted his running. He keeps up to date with everyone’s progress and is thrilled to see the continued development of our club.

6. Ben Sanders is heading for New Zealand for Challenge Wanaka this weekend. Good luck Ben.

7. We encourage those of you with threadbare training gear (hold your tri pants and swimmers up to the light … if you can see through them, chances are so can the rest of the world) to purchase replacements through our current order. Timing of order should have items back prior to our MTB tri.

8. It’s going to be a big year for our members. We have people down to compete in Ironman 70.3 Sri Lanka, Ironman 70.3 Singapore, IM Melbourne, Abu Dhabi, IM Australia, Geelong, IM European Championships, Mooloolaba, IM New Zealand, Challenge Wanaka, Challenge Cairns, IM New York, Ironman 70.3 Philippines, Cairns 2.80.20 and the list goes on. Want to help track? … if you or someone you know is competing away please let us know at .

9. And meanwhile at home, as well as a whole lot of club events, we have our NT Aquathlon Championships, Ray White Darwin NT Sprint Championships, Kerran Mudgway Memorial Club Championships and NT Olympic Distance Championships all coming up before the end of June.

10. That’s going to require a lot of volunteers, so it’s great that our members are always willing to help out.


… your body chimes gel o’clock
... you can eat a banana or a vegemite sandwich .... on a long run
... the sight of broken glass on the road sends shivers up your spin

Safe Training,

Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club
E News

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