Thursday, 19 December 2013

Robyn's E News 19 December 2013

Hi All,

Our Christmas Splash N Dash is always fun and it was great that so many were also able to stay afterwards and enjoy our end of year sausage sizzle.

A huge thank you to RD Rob Weatherald, Junior Coordinator Luke Hansen and to the many volunteers who contributed to the success of this joint senior/junior event.

As the year draws to a close and many depart Darwin for all corners of the globe, President Steve Goat and your Darwin Triathlon Club committee would like to thank all our members, from the youngest to oldest who have raced this year, all our wonderful volunteers who have given of their time, our coaches who have continued to assist members to achieve their goals and our sponsors who have contributed to our events - together we have had another fantastic year of triathlon and we look forward to bringing you more of the same in 2014.  Have a safe and happy festive season.


1.  Christmas Splash N Dash, 1km run, 200m swim, 1km run, 200m swim, 1km run

Male:  Rowan Beggs-French  Female:  Hannah Johnston

Times are posted to website.

2.  Ironman 70.3 Canberra, 1.9km swim, 90km bike, 21.1km run

John Arrigo 20th M30-34 4.41.20
Russell Peacock 26th M30-34 4.47.20
Stef Puszka 2nd F25-29 4.56.59
Justin Tranter 44th M25-29 5.16.24
Pieter Jordaan 62nd M35-39 5.24.58
Trevor Moses 67th M25-29 5.35.42
Graeme Parsons 2nd F60-64 5.46.08
Daryl Stanley 1st M65-59 6.18.17
Haydn Whitty dnf
Tim Green dns
Nathan Dwyer dns


Saturday 18 January 2014
Aquathlon #1
Lake Alexander

400m swim, 4km run


Race Director:  Daryl Stanley
Registration:    Helen Stuart | Robyn Stanley
Fruit | Ice:       Katie Kelly


1.  From 2014 all events will have online entry.  No race day registrations will be accepted.

2.  Online entry for Aquathlon #1 is now open here.

3.  Entry closes midday Friday 17 January 2014.


1.  Track Session:  Coach Lee Wilson advises Friday (20 Dec) will be the final track session for the year and will resume on Friday 10 January.  Monday track for my squad will resume when school goes back on the 6 February.

2.  Swim Squad:  Coach Daryl Stanley advises Nightcliff swim squad (Tues & Thurs 6-7am) will resume on Tuesday 7 Jan 2014.


1.  We have been advised that our junior tri gear order has been dispatched. 

2.  Hoping for a delivery today/tomorrow and once sorted we will email regarding collection arrangements.


1. FOR SALE:  $180.00  - Prorace soft bike bag with steel frame base to lock bike in.  The bag has 4 castor wheels on the bottom so easy to roll when bike is packed.  Contact Jane 0429 998 722

2.  FOR SALE:  Bell TT/Triathlon helmet. Medium. Black/White/Red colour. Comes with visor option and new padding. $40 Contact Tim 0410 188 534

3.  FOR SALE:  Zipp 808 firecrest tubular rear wheel. Ceramic bearings. Tubular already attached and in good condition. $400. Contact Tim 0410 188 534

4. FOR SALE:  JetBlack ergo. All road/TT bikes fit. Perfect for indoor training in the cyclone season. $40. Contact Tim 0410 188 534


1.  We wish Haydn Whitty a speedy recovery from injuries sustained at IM 70.3 Canberra.  A motorist drove onto the closed bike course and collided with Haydn and another competitor.  The female competitor was released from hospital a few hours later but Haydn was detained overnight for scans and observation.  Haydn would be first to recommend wearing of bike helmets anytime you are riding a bike.

2.  Bad luck for Tim Green who was a dns at IM 70.3 Canberra due to food poisoning.

3.  Former DTC president Kylie Sheffield and Shef send their regards to members. 

4.  Welcome back Julian Weller.

5.  Farewells continue, among the most recent, Michael Varga and Liz Mackie who have headed south this week.

6.  Christmas and New Year is traditionally time to make race decisions.  If you are entering an away race we thoroughly recommend putting your suburb as “Darwin” and your postcode.  Most race announcers recognise “Darwin” but are inclined to skip over suburbs.  Also helps to let people know that we have a thriving tri community in the Top End.

7.  Don’t forget we go to online registration for all our events in the New Year.  This will reduce workload for volunteers, enable us to know how many competitors we need to cater for and also save our members from raiding the kid’s money boxes to find change for race entry fees. 

8.  Our fees have also had a small increase to help cover the cost of water safety, St John Ambulance attendance at events, permits etc.  Fees include online processing charge.

9.  Racing away over the next month or so?  Do let us know where you (or someone you know) will be lining up.

10.  This is the last E News for 2013 – do hope you have enjoyed receiving it.  Any news or announcements over the holiday season will be posted to our Facebook page and website, so check in regularly.

Wishing you all a very happy Christmas,

Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club

E News

Thursday, 12 December 2013

Robyn's E News 12 Dec 2013

Hi All,

Grab the tinsel, jingle bells, reindeer ears, Christmas tees and/or Santa suits and head on down for our final event of 2013 – our annual Xmas Splash N Dash at Nightcliff Pool on Saturday evening.

There will be a sausage sizzle afterwards and we encourage you to BYO BBQ. Great chance to unwind and wish your fellow club members all the best for the festive season.


1.  Ironman Western Australia, 3.8km swim, 180km bike, 42.2km run

Male:  Jeremy Jurkiewicz 8.08.15  Female:  Elizabeth Lyles 8.59.43

Bryan Hopkins 7th M45-49 9.42.00
Steve Goat 63rd M30-34 10.25.37
James Geddes 49th M45-49 11.03.58


Xmas Splash N Dash
Saturday 14 Dec 2013
Nightcliff Pool
6pm (registration closes 5.45pm)

Seniors: 1km run, 200m swim, 1km run, 200m swim, 1km run

Juniors:  various distances

Junior/senior relay will also be conducted.


Race Director:  Rob Weatherald
Registration:    Anna Goat | Daniel O’Brien
Timekeepers:   Nic French | Jac Crofton 
Fruit | Ice:       Alex Wetten


1.  Pack your timing chip.

2.  Torsos must be covered on the run.

3.  Re BBQ – no glass or alcohol allowed at pool.


1.  Due to unavailability of some venues and or major event clashes, there have been a number of changes made to the calendar for 2014.  Please check website.

2.  From 2014 all club events will be online entry.  Aquathlon 1 & 2 now open.  Entry fee $10 individual, $20 teams includes processing fees.

3.  As the electronic timing system has now been fully introduced, manual timekeeping volunteers are no longer required from 2014.  We encourage you all to check the calendar and volunteer for those  registration, RD, fruit/ice positions remaining.


1.  FOR SALE:  Bell TT/Triathlon helmet. Medium. Black/White/Red colour. Comes with visor option and new padding. $40 Contact Tim 0410 188 534

2.  FOR SALE:  Zipp 808 firecrest tubular rear wheel. Ceramic bearings. Tubular already attached and in good condition. $400. Contact Tim 0410 188 534

3. FOR SALE:  JetBlack ergo. All road/TT bikes fit. Perfect for indoor training in the cyclone season. $40. Contact Tim 0410 188 534

4.  Items for next E News by Monday 9pm


1.  We congratulate Bryan Hopkins on obtaining a qualifying slot at IM WA.  Bryan will be heading for Ironman World Championships, Hawaii in October 2014.

2.  Ironman 70.3 Canberra is this weekend.  We have Graeme Parsons, Haydn Whitty, Pieter Jordaan, Russell Peacock, Tim Green, Daryl Stanley, Stef Puszka, John Arrigo and Justin Tranter among those heading south. Good luck, have fun.

3.  Have a great weekend.


Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club
E News

Monday, 2 December 2013

Robyn's E News 2 December 2013

Hi All,

We had fantastic conditions for our Splash N Dash at the Waterfront on Saturday evening. 

With a cruise ship for a back drop and dress up Christmas functions in full swing around us, it was the perfect location!

A huge thank you to RDs Stu & Ali Fitch, our equipment officer John Arrigo and the many volunteers who helped stage this event for our members, your assistance was very much appreciated by all who competed.

As if you needed any reminders … the festive season is now well and truly here.  Already many of you have donned the Santa gear, reindeer antlers or been jingling away at various Christmas functions and activities. The fun and frivolity continued at the Variety Santa Run yesterday with many of our members taking part.

We know everyone gets crazy busy at this time of year but we are hoping you have added our final event for 2013 to your social calendar.  It’s our annual Xmas Splash N Dash (details below) which is a combined junior/senior event. 

Adults do their race, juniors theirs and then it’s time for the highlight of the year – the Junior/Senior Relay!!  Competition stakes are high and we know some creative team matching is already taking place. 

Don’t forget to be Christmas themed up for this one – be as elaborate or as simple as you want.  Invite is again attached.


1.  Splash N Dash, Waterfront, 200m swim, 2km run x 3

Male:  Rowan Beggs-French 39.19  Female:  Wendy de Boer 45.32

Results & updated point score posted to our website.

2.  Challenge Phuket, 1.9km swim, 90km bike, 21.1km run

Male:  Rasmus Petreus 4.05.06  Female:  Melissa Hauschildt 4.30.29

3.  Ironman Cozumel, 3.8km swim, 180km bike, 42.2km rum

Male:  Michael Weiss 7.55.23  Female:  Rachel Joyce 8.52.28

4.  Kingscliff Triathlon Qld, 1.5km swim, 40km bike, 10km run

Male:  Ben Cook 1.47.55  Female:  Maddison Allen 2.04.29

5.  Franklin Island Triathlon SA, 750m swim, 20km bike, 5km run

Male:  Chris Wigell 58.55  Female:  Felicity Lloyd 1.09.43


Xmas Splash N Dash
Saturday 14 Dec 2013
Nightcliff Pool

Seniors: 1km run, 200m swim, 1km run, 200m swim, 1km run

Juniors:  various distances


Race Director:  Rob Weatherald
Registration:    Anna Goat | Daniel O’Brien
Timekeepers:   Nic French | Jac Crofton
Fruit | Ice:       Alex Wetten


1.  FOR SALE:  Merida Warp 6 T.T Bike (Medium Silver/Black) with trip computer. Frame: Triathlon-Smooth, Fork: Carbon Ultralite Aero, B-Lever: Tektro Carbon Triathlon, Brakes: Tektro Road Carbon Kool, B-Cable: SLR, C-Housing: SP41 seal, Chain: Shimano CN-5600, Chainwheel: FSA Gossamer Triathlon 53-42, Derailleur-F: Shimano Ultegra, Derailleur-R: Shimano Ultegra SS, Freewheel: Shimano CS-6600 12-23, Rim: FSA RD-220S wheelset, Saddle: Selle Italia NT1 Kit B, Shifter-F: Shimano BS78-2, Shifter-R: Shimano BS78-10. Excellent Condition, seldom ridden. $750 Contact Les 0439 884 772

2.  Items for next E News by Sunday 8pm please


1.  The eight member junior development team blitzed Splash N Dash again on Saturday evening. We noticed a very dapper Dave Croser was a stand in kid for one portion of the run leg. 

2.  Don’t forget that from January 2014 all our events will have online entry and you will find the link on our events page of the website. Event fee (including online fee) will be $10 in 2014.

3.  Great to see 99% remembered their timing chip for Splash N Dash.

4.  If you are one of those leaving town and know you won’t be back it would be great if you could return your timing chip.  Please hand to one of the committee.

5.  Junior tri gear order has been placed with delivery expected prior to Christmas.  If you ordered, watch for email notification.

6.  James Geddes, Steve Goat and Bryan Hopkins head for WA for a date with IM Western Australia this coming weekend.  Good luck guys!  You can follow live.

7.  Registration for the 2014 Outgames Aquathlon is open.  Further information here.  Games fee $110 and sport entry fee $50 applies.


...  you don't care where, when, or what format - if the club puts on the event you are in.
…   you can dodge those mental training hurdles
…   Santa is bringing you a “go faster” gift later this month


Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club

E News

Monday, 25 November 2013

Robyn's E News 25 Nov 13

Hi All,

Cyclone warnings aside, do hope you are all enjoying this patch of cooler weather.  Great to see many of you out there training regardless.  Hearing a lot of you were successful in dodging the rain completely.  The BoM radar is a valuable training resource at this time of year!

Are you ready for it?  Our splash n dash action returns to the Waterfront – at the very social time of  6pm - on Saturday evening.  If you are staying on for a meal at one of the many restaurants or cafes, suggest making a booking would be a good idea. There is always the wharf close by as well.

Our junior tri gear order has been extended until midday today (see details below).


1.  Challenge Forster Half, 1.9km swim, 90km bike, 21.1km run

Male:  Tim Reed 3.44.21  Female:  Rebecca Hoschke 4.17.23

Nathan Dwyer  69th M35-39 5.42.10

2.  Laguna Phuket Triathlon, 1.8km swim, 55km bike, 12km run

Male:  Ruedi Wild 2.34.41  Female:  Melissa Hauschildt 2.45.24


Saturday 30 November 2013
Splash N Dash
6pm (registration closes 5.45pm)

200m swim, 2km run x 3


Race Director: Stu & Ali Fitch
Registration:  Asha Mahasuria | Kate Richardson
Timekeeping:  Kate Richardson | Belinda Townend
Fruit | Ice:  Belinda Townend


1.  Please remember your timing chip.  NO CHIP = NO TIME = NO POINTS (other than 1 participation point)

2.  Torsos must be covered during the run.

3.  Take a look around you before leaving and make sure you have all your gear.


1.  We need a few more orders to ensure this goes ahead so online ordering has been extended until 2pm.

2.  All details, photos, order and payment can be made here.


1.  Due to some unforeseen issues with venues a number of changes have been made to our calendar.

2.  This may also impact on events you may have volunteered for.

3.  Please check the calendar here  as an event you volunteered for may have been rescheduled or may have been deleted.

4.  Volunteers are still required for a number of events.  Please email your preferred event and roster position here.   

5.  We look forward to seeing all the positions filled very soon.


1.  MOVING SALE:  For sale in Darwin until December 5th.  Cervelo p2k time trial set up 57cm. 650cc wheels. Profile design Carbon forks - ultegra group set. Red in colour. Comes complete with 6 wheels:
Zipp carbon 840 speed weaponry rear disc, Zipp carbon 400 speed weaponry front deep rim, HED carbon deep front and rear, Mavic Cosmic carbone rear deep rim, Shimano aero head front, Sella Italia seat. Nice bike to ride. Great training bike. Good condition. The wheel sets alone are worth the purchase. Offers and viewing welcome Contact Lib 0422 815 030

2. Items for next E News by Sunday 8pm please.  


1.  Ironman 70.3 World Champs for 2015 will be heading to Europe. Norway, France, Luxembourg & Austria are the finalists. Watch this space.

2.  Congratulations to Glen Scholz & Kylie Gaffel on the announcement of their engagement.

3.  Our senior tri gear order is now back.  There are still a couple of people yet to respond to email regarding collection options.

4.  Date claimer – our combined junior/senior Christmas Splash N Dash Sat 14 Dec 13 will be followed by Xmas Party and we hope many of you will be able to stay on.  

5.  On a Christmas note, if you are hoping for go faster gear from Santa, now would be a great time to pay a visit to your local bike shop.  No point in waiting until the week before finding they have to order in. Don’t be disappointed head on in now.

6.  We have a number of members on count down for departure from Darwin.  We know they will take a little of Darwin Tri Club with them, and even continue to wear their tri gear at events (.. best ice breaker around)  and keep in touch.  We love to hear how our former members are doing & their event results and with so many of us travelling interstate/overseas there is a fair chance that we will catch up again sometime soon.  All the best to those taking off.


Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club
E News

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Robyn's E News 18 Nov 2013

Hi All,

Big weekend of tri starting with our Waterfront Splash N Dash on Friday evening and back again at the lagoon on Sunday morning for the juniors who also had an aquathlon format there.

The weather was muggy, but luckily we didn’t have any storms to contend with as has previously been the norm down at the Waterfront.

A huge thank you to RD Russell Peacock & all the other volunteers for their efforts on Friday.  The course was well marked & marshalled and everything looked very professional much to the delight of the spectators.

Same again yesterday morning, when junior coordinator Luke Hansen along with John Thyne and Belinda Rowley had the kids worn out but smiling at the end of their events.  A big thank you once again to all our fantastic volunteers.


1.  Splash N Dash, Waterfront, 200m swim, 2km run x 3

Male:  Jason Cook  38.18  Female:  Emma Winterflood 43.26

Results not yet available.

2.  Ironman 70.3 Shepparton, 1.9km swim, 90km bike, 21.1km run

Male:  Terenzo Bozzone 3.50.00  Female:  Rebekah Keat 4.13.04

Emma Cook 44th F35-39 6.24.22

3.  Melbourne City2Sea 5km run

Male:  Phillip Clarke 18.47  Female:  Caitlin Hines 22.24

Bella Hatty 2nd F13-15 23.16

4.  Ironman Arizona, 3.8km swim, 180km bike, 42.2km run

Male:  Victor Del Corral 8.02.00  Female:  Julia Gajer 8.52.59


Saturday 30 November 2013
Splash N Dash

200m swim, 2km run x 3


Race Director: Stu & Ali Fitch
Registration:  Asha Mahasuria | Kate Richardson
Timekeeping:  Kate Richardson | Belinda Townend
Fruit | Ice:  Belinda Townend


1.  WANTED: House Sitter January for comfortable elevated in Tri training Nirvana - Rapid Creek from 2nd to 28th Jan.  House has pool, air con and lots of bike space, 3 minutes run to the Nightcliff foreshore and Pool, comes complete with energetic training partner with 4 legs bushy tail and long tongue.  Also 3 erratic protein dispensers (feathered variety) and cyclone food supply in the shape of 3 hamsters. Contact Simon 0401 118 360

2.  FOR SALE:  1 x pair men's Asics DS Trainer US 7.5 Euro 40.5. Lightning / Hot Blue / Black in colour and never had a foot in them. Wrongly purchased in a moment of excitement when a web site that sold asics was found. Absolute bargain at $60. Contact Rob 0438 704 224

3.  FOR SALE:  As good as new condition small/med 2012 Merida Reacto 907. Genuinely only used on the road 5 times, two of which was in competition. This bike is set-up to go. Comes with 105 pedals, 3T aero bars and Garmin 500 GPS with all the trimmings. The bike has all-round Ultegra componentry. Inspection/test ride (on turbo trainer) welcome. Price A$2,500 ono. Contact Kimberlie 0410 558 150

4.  WANTED:  2nd hand Sleeveless wetsuit, suit small female. Contact Daryl 0448 190 209

5.  Items for next E News by Sunday 9pm please.


1.  ITU Auckland has a raft of events to suit all ages and levels of experience.  If you are looking to head over the ditch early in April it may suit.  Further info hereEarly bird pricing until end of November.

2.  Bali International Triathlon date 22 June 2014.

3.  Uniform order just received.  Watch for email soon regarding collection.

4.  Junior uniform order link will be out soon.  So has to get items back prior to Christmas will be asking for orders to be in Friday.

5.  Have a great week.


Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club
E News

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Robyn's E News 14 Nov 2013

Hi All,

Apologies, E News is a little later than normal this week.

We make a timely switch to wet season formats with the first of our Splash N Dash events taking place tomorrow evening at the Waterfront.  This is a great location and always eagerly anticipated by members.  Looking forward to a big turnout for this one.

Please be aware that parking restrictions at the Waterfront precinct apply until late – we would hate any of our members to get a parking ticket.


1.  Murray Man Triathlon (Australian Age Group Long Course C'ships), 2km swim, 80km bike, 20km run

Male:  David Mainwaring 3.40.52  Female:  Lisa Marangon 4.06.21

Tim Green 5th Elite/Open 3.53.52
Steve Goat 5th M30-34 4.15.26
Justin Tranter 6th M25-29 4.27.51
Stef Puszka 8th Elite/Open 4.33.38
Lucy Thompson 5th F30-34 5.20.35
Phil Blumberg 8th M55-59 5.20.40
Daryl Stanley 2nd M65-59 5.23.42
Graeme Parsons 4th M60-64 5.34.24
Nathan Dwyer 29th M35-39 5.36.33
Dionne Walsh 9th F40-44 6.03.00

2.  Ironman 70.3 Mandurah, 1.9km swim, 90km bike, 21.1km run

Male:  Terenzo Bozonne 3.42.58  Female:  Melissa Hauschildt 4.03.45

Stu Fitch 1st M60-64  5.04.43 
Jana Van Voorthuizen 6th F18024 5.58.53
Corinne Fabian 4th F55-59 6.01.13
Cath Meng dnf


Friday 15 November 2013
Splash N Dash
200m swim, 2km run x 3


Race Director:  Russell Peacock
Registration:    Louise Ogden | Graeme Parsons
Timekeeping:   Monica Stewart | Christine Friebel
Fruit | Ice:       Tori Sherrock


1.  Next event for junior members will take place on Sunday 17 November 2013 at the Waterfront.

2.  Registration closes 7.15am for a 7.30 start.

3.  Swim / run – distances to suit ages 5+


1.  WANTED: House Sitter January for comfortable elevated in Tri training Nirvana - Rapid Creek from 2nd to 28th Jan.  House has pool, air con and lots of bike space, 3 minutes run to the Nightcliff foreshore and Pool, comes complete with energetic training partner with 4 legs bushy tail and long tongue.  Also 3 erratic protein dispensers (feathered variety) and cyclone food supply in the shape of 3 hamsters. Contact Simon 0401 118 360

2.  FOR SALE:  1 x pair men's Asics DS Trainer US 7.5 Euro 40.5. Lightning / Hot Blue / Black in colour and never had a foot in them. Wrongly purchased in a moment of excitement when a web site that sold asics was found. Absolute bargain at $60. Contact Rob 0438 704 224

3.  FOR SALE:  As good as new condition small/med 2012 Merida Reacto 907. Genuinely only used on the road 5 times, two of which was in competition. This bike is set-up to go. Comes with 105 pedals, 3T aero bars and Garmin 500 GPS with all the trimmings. The bike has all-round Ultegra componentry. Inspection/test ride (on turbo trainer) welcome. Price A$2,500 ono. Contact Kimberlie 0410 558 150

4.  Items for next E News by Sunday 9pm please.


1.  We have a call out for volunteers to fill roster positions for season 2013/2014.  If you haven’t yet put up your hand, please check the calendar here and nominate your preferred date and position by email.

2.  Heads up that from January 2014 we will be introducing online registration for all events.  

3.  Also from January 2014, our event fee will rise to $10 (includes the online service fee).  This is the first increase in event fees for almost 15 years.

4.  The increase will help offset the rising costs of conducting our events.  We are also progressing plans for a new trailer purchase as well as making shed & other equipment improvements.

5.  We are currently negotiating to have permanent buoy anchors installed at Lake Alexander.

6.  Uniform order delivery is expected over the next few days.  Watch for email detailing collection options.

7.  Planning for the final event of the year, our annual combined Christmas Splash N Dash are being finalised.  Details soon.


1.  If you missed on member priority entry for Noosa 2014, general entry opens today.

2.  We will again have a number of new members participating for the first time at our Splash N Dash.  Please give them a warm welcome and offer assistance if they are looking a little lost.

3.  Early birthday present for Stu Fitch who qualified for his 5th Hawaii berth at IM 70.3 Mandurah at the weekend.

4.  Former member Derek Cross was first age grouper home at Mandurah.  Word is Derek declined his Kona slot.

5.  Congrats to Cath Meng on her Mandurah attempt.  Unfortunately Cath was a dnf but will take positively from her experience and we won’t be surprised to see her name bob up again on a start list soon.

6.  We have a couple of members in the Disaster Response team which departed for the Philippines yesterday.  We wish them (and the team) all the best as they undertake their mammoth task of assisting the typhoon survivors.

7.  Good luck wishes to Emma Cook at Ironman 70.3 Shepparton this weekend.

8.  You know you are a Darwin triathlete when racing interstate, you cover the front of your cycle shoes with electrical tape to keep your toes warm.


Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club

E News

Monday, 4 November 2013

Robyn's E News 4 November 2013

Hi All,

Our Enduro is always exciting and as much a mental, as  a physical undertaking. 

And yes, it happened.  One of the guys was spotted running in his bike helmet – no names but he was very tall, is a firie and was third overall.

A big thank you to our one armed RD Luke Hansen (due to recent shoulder surgery) and to all the helpers who made this event happen.  We have fantastic volunteers and, as always, appreciate their willingness to contribute their time to assist.

We also sincerely thank those who pitched in to help clear rubbish made by overnight party goers.  It was disappointing to find one of our prime public areas in that condition due to the selfishness of the minority.

We are now calling for volunteers for the remainder of the events on our calendar and ask that all members volunteer at least once a season. 

If you are yet to put your hand up, there are plenty of opportunities coming up in the New Year.  Please check our events calendar and email your preferred event and roster position.


1.  Enduro, Lake Alexander, 250m swim, 5km bike, 1km run x 3

Male:  Marcus Lisle 54.23  Female:  Emma Cook 1.03.34

Results not yet available.

2.  Noosa Triathlon, 1.5km swim, 40km bike, 10km run

Male:  Aaron Royle 1.46.11  Female:  Emma Moffatt 1.58.41

Trent Jensen 40th M35-39 2.17.08
Oliver Cook 8th M20-24 2.17.14
Shellie Ratahi 23rd F35-39 2.35.31
Angelika Hannon 20th F50-54 2.57.05

3.  XTERRA World Championships, Maui, 1.5km rough water swim, 30.4km MTB, 9.5km trail run

Male:  Ruben Rafaza 2.34.34  Female:  Nicky Samuels 2.57.48

Geri Ford  13th F25-29 4.42.37

4.  Cape to Cape MTB, 4 stages over 4 days

Male:  Andy Blair 8.13.36  Female:  9.22.03

Emma Winterflood 21st OpenF 12.28.23


Friday 15 November 2013
Splash N Dash
200m swim, 2km run x 3


Race Director:  Russell Peacock
Registration:    Louise Ogden | Graeme Parsons
Timekeeping:   Monica Stewart | Christine Friebel
Fruit | Ice:       Tori Sherrock


1.  WANTED: House Sitter January for comfortable elevated in Tri training Nirvana - Rapid Creek from 2nd to 28th Jan.  House has pool, air con and lots of bike space, 3 minutes run to the Nightcliff foreshore and Pool, comes complete with energetic training partner with 4 legs bushy tail and long tongue.  Also 3 erratic protein dispensers (feathered variety) and cyclone food supply in the shape of 3 hamsters. Contact Simon 0401 118 360

2.  Items for E News by 8pm Sunday.


1.  Congrats to Geri Ford for her efforts at XTERRA Maui last weekend.  We are thinking Geri is the first from DTC to have competed at this event.  Can anyone recall any other Darwin representatives?

2.  Commiserations to Tass Liveris who has succumbed to a tibia fracture which, after months of training, put him out of the Athens Marathon.  We wish him a speedy recovery.  Enjoy that holiday anyway Tass!

3.  You may have noticed Rob Brooks hobbling around on crutches.  Rob had some surgery on his foot recently.  Our wishes for a speedy recovery also go to Rob.

4.  Just a reminder – if you are intending to participate in our events you must be registered, body marked, racked and ready to listen to the race brief which takes place 5-10 mins prior to start time.  We have had to disappoint a couple of late comers recently.  Registration closes 15 mins before start time.  Remember those on registration are volunteers and may well be racing themselves.

5.  We had some of the NT junior development squad participating in teams yesterday.  They were very enthusiastic and knew what they were doing due to some creative colour coding.

6.  Very soon the splash and dash season will be upon us with the first race coming up at the Waterfront on Friday 15 November 13.  To prepare for these events coach John Thyne is planning to run training sessions at the Waterfront on Wednesday 6 and 13 of November. Start time will be 5.30pm and will go for about 45 minutes. So if you are keen to have a practice at this multiple run swim format then come along to the training.

This session is open to everyone (12 year and older) who is wanting to do the races, is new to triathlon or is thinking about getting involved and would like to come along and see what it is like.
Bring your goggles, swimmers, running shoes and drink bottle. No charge just come along and get involved.  Contact John on 0423 797 401 if you would like more information.

7.  A dag of the year nomination coming up for the athlete who was stuck in one gear yesterday as she forgot to replace the battery of her electronic gears after removing it to recharge.

8.  Life member Greg Bush also competed at Noosa yesterday.  His result: 1st M60-64 2.21.09

9.  Those heading west for Ironman 70.3 Mandurah include Jana Van Voorthuizen, Corinne Fabian, Cath Meng and Stu Fitch.  We wish them good tri-ing!

10.  We also have a number of athletes competing in the Australian Age Group Long Course Championships (Murray Man) in SA this weekend including Amy Pallentine, Graeme Parsons, Steve Goat, Justin Tranter, Lucy Thompson, Tim Green, Stef Puszka, Daryl Stanley, Phil Blumberg and Dionne Walsh. Go, go, go!


Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club

E News

Monday, 28 October 2013

Robyn's E News 28 October 2013

Hi All,

Our juniors were in action at Lake Alexander yesterday morning and as always it was a pleasure to watch them having swim, bike, run fun.  

A big thank you to our junior coordinator Luke Hansen and other key volunteers including Belinda Rowley, John Thyne and Steve Goat. The kids loved it and it’s great to watch their skills develop.

Speaking of skills, you will need some on Sunday when we bring you our mentally & physically stimulating Enduro format. 

With all those transitions to get through, it takes a little added thought to make sure you aren’t heading for the water in your sunglasses!  Tip: Visualise your setup and transitions before race day.


1.  Nepean Triathlon, 1km swim, 30km bike, 10km run

Male:  Aaron Royle 1.26.35  Female:  Emma Moffatt 1.34.39

Nathan Dywer 78th M35-39 2.11.48


Sunday 3 November 2013
Lake Alexander

250m swim, 5km bike, 1km run x 3


Race Director:   Rob Brooks
Registration:     Stephen Blake / Lorna Blake
Timekeeping:    Pam Cameron / Simon Wiese
Fruit / Ice:        John Thyne


1.  WANTED:  Swimmer for team for the Enduro.  Contact  Anna 0424 343 528

2. WANTED:  We are after a 2nd hand bike for a 7 year old girl around 20 inch suitable for the sub juniors triathlons and general riding as it will be used to ride to school too. Contact Denise 0438 520 898

3. STOLEN-BORROWED:  Evolution Edge Multi-sport Kayak Very hard to conceal - 6.8 m in length. Fire Engine Red in colour.  Was in a green and white striped canvas cover. If you see it somewhere please contact Tim 0437 602 346.

4. Items for next E News by 8pm Sunday please.


1.  Congratulations Marcus Lisle, current world no 2 & Australian no 1 M35-39, in Ironman Overall Age Group Rankings.

2.  Congratulations Stef Puszka, current Australian no 1 F25-29, in Ironman Overall Age Group Rankings.

3.  Our uniform order has been placed.  We will email when it is back, packed & ready for collection. 

4.  Just you just hate it when someone steals your water bottle when you are out running.

5.  We have added some extra sessions to those offered by our coaches.  Please check the Training page of our website.

6.  We have Shellie Ratahi, Oliver Cook, Trent Jensen, Angelika Hannon and Brian Hannon among those on the start list for Noosa Triathlon this weekend.  We wish them good tri luck.

7.  Check our Facebook page for photos from yesterday’s junior triathlon.

8Emma Moffat donated her bonus prize money ($2000) from Nepean Triathlon to the Bushfire Appeal.


Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club

E News