Monday, 4 November 2013

Robyn's E News 4 November 2013

Hi All,

Our Enduro is always exciting and as much a mental, as  a physical undertaking. 

And yes, it happened.  One of the guys was spotted running in his bike helmet – no names but he was very tall, is a firie and was third overall.

A big thank you to our one armed RD Luke Hansen (due to recent shoulder surgery) and to all the helpers who made this event happen.  We have fantastic volunteers and, as always, appreciate their willingness to contribute their time to assist.

We also sincerely thank those who pitched in to help clear rubbish made by overnight party goers.  It was disappointing to find one of our prime public areas in that condition due to the selfishness of the minority.

We are now calling for volunteers for the remainder of the events on our calendar and ask that all members volunteer at least once a season. 

If you are yet to put your hand up, there are plenty of opportunities coming up in the New Year.  Please check our events calendar and email your preferred event and roster position.


1.  Enduro, Lake Alexander, 250m swim, 5km bike, 1km run x 3

Male:  Marcus Lisle 54.23  Female:  Emma Cook 1.03.34

Results not yet available.

2.  Noosa Triathlon, 1.5km swim, 40km bike, 10km run

Male:  Aaron Royle 1.46.11  Female:  Emma Moffatt 1.58.41

Trent Jensen 40th M35-39 2.17.08
Oliver Cook 8th M20-24 2.17.14
Shellie Ratahi 23rd F35-39 2.35.31
Angelika Hannon 20th F50-54 2.57.05

3.  XTERRA World Championships, Maui, 1.5km rough water swim, 30.4km MTB, 9.5km trail run

Male:  Ruben Rafaza 2.34.34  Female:  Nicky Samuels 2.57.48

Geri Ford  13th F25-29 4.42.37

4.  Cape to Cape MTB, 4 stages over 4 days

Male:  Andy Blair 8.13.36  Female:  9.22.03

Emma Winterflood 21st OpenF 12.28.23


Friday 15 November 2013
Splash N Dash
200m swim, 2km run x 3


Race Director:  Russell Peacock
Registration:    Louise Ogden | Graeme Parsons
Timekeeping:   Monica Stewart | Christine Friebel
Fruit | Ice:       Tori Sherrock


1.  WANTED: House Sitter January for comfortable elevated in Tri training Nirvana - Rapid Creek from 2nd to 28th Jan.  House has pool, air con and lots of bike space, 3 minutes run to the Nightcliff foreshore and Pool, comes complete with energetic training partner with 4 legs bushy tail and long tongue.  Also 3 erratic protein dispensers (feathered variety) and cyclone food supply in the shape of 3 hamsters. Contact Simon 0401 118 360

2.  Items for E News by 8pm Sunday.


1.  Congrats to Geri Ford for her efforts at XTERRA Maui last weekend.  We are thinking Geri is the first from DTC to have competed at this event.  Can anyone recall any other Darwin representatives?

2.  Commiserations to Tass Liveris who has succumbed to a tibia fracture which, after months of training, put him out of the Athens Marathon.  We wish him a speedy recovery.  Enjoy that holiday anyway Tass!

3.  You may have noticed Rob Brooks hobbling around on crutches.  Rob had some surgery on his foot recently.  Our wishes for a speedy recovery also go to Rob.

4.  Just a reminder – if you are intending to participate in our events you must be registered, body marked, racked and ready to listen to the race brief which takes place 5-10 mins prior to start time.  We have had to disappoint a couple of late comers recently.  Registration closes 15 mins before start time.  Remember those on registration are volunteers and may well be racing themselves.

5.  We had some of the NT junior development squad participating in teams yesterday.  They were very enthusiastic and knew what they were doing due to some creative colour coding.

6.  Very soon the splash and dash season will be upon us with the first race coming up at the Waterfront on Friday 15 November 13.  To prepare for these events coach John Thyne is planning to run training sessions at the Waterfront on Wednesday 6 and 13 of November. Start time will be 5.30pm and will go for about 45 minutes. So if you are keen to have a practice at this multiple run swim format then come along to the training.

This session is open to everyone (12 year and older) who is wanting to do the races, is new to triathlon or is thinking about getting involved and would like to come along and see what it is like.
Bring your goggles, swimmers, running shoes and drink bottle. No charge just come along and get involved.  Contact John on 0423 797 401 if you would like more information.

7.  A dag of the year nomination coming up for the athlete who was stuck in one gear yesterday as she forgot to replace the battery of her electronic gears after removing it to recharge.

8.  Life member Greg Bush also competed at Noosa yesterday.  His result: 1st M60-64 2.21.09

9.  Those heading west for Ironman 70.3 Mandurah include Jana Van Voorthuizen, Corinne Fabian, Cath Meng and Stu Fitch.  We wish them good tri-ing!

10.  We also have a number of athletes competing in the Australian Age Group Long Course Championships (Murray Man) in SA this weekend including Amy Pallentine, Graeme Parsons, Steve Goat, Justin Tranter, Lucy Thompson, Tim Green, Stef Puszka, Daryl Stanley, Phil Blumberg and Dionne Walsh. Go, go, go!


Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club

E News

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