Wednesday, 9 April 2014

E News 9 April 2014

Hi All,

Congrats to all our members who competed in the Ray White NT Sprint Triathlon and the junior events at the weekend.  

We are so lucky to have this top tri venue right on our doorstep.  Having traffic management in place for the weekend along with flashing lights on Sunday, made for awesome races and there is no doubt this event just keeps on getting better and better every year.  

Thanks to Korgan Hucent and the team at Ray White for their continued support of this event, which also acts as Race #3 of our Sprint Series.

A huge shout out to Triathlon NT’s event committee headed up by Anna Goat, the junior development team guided by Tim Ellison, Sprint RD John Arrigo and all the wonderful volunteers who worked their butts off over the weekend. Good job!!

We can’t name all volunteers for fear of inadvertently overlooking someone, but you are all very much appreciated.


1.  Ray White NT Sprint Distance Triathlon C’ships, Lake Alexander, 750m swim, 26km bike, 5km run

Male:  Tim Green 1.07.05  Female:  Shari Livingston 1.18.14

Results posted here.

Category Winners:

Open: Tim Green Hannah Johnston
U20:   Connor McKay |
20-24: Alex Murdock | Brooke Williams
25-29: Rob Taylor | Shari Livingston
30-34: Russell Peacock | Jo Ellis
35-39: Marcus Lisle | Emma Winterflood
40-44: Aaron Trenfield | Tara Worby
45:49: Ron Griep | Helen Bretten
50-54: Rob Brooks | Jane Powell
55-59: Brian Gallagher | Corinne Fabian
60-64: Robert Frazer | Monica Stewart

2.  NSW Club Championships, Forster, 1km swim, 30km bike, 8km run

Male:  Nuru Somi 1.26.06  Female:  Christie Sym 1.41.06

Michelle Gailey 3rd F30-34  1.44.23

3.  Buffalo Stampede, Bright, Vic, 41.4kms

Male:  Vajin Armstrong 4.25.49  Female:  Anna Frost 5.01.01

David McLeod 17th M40-49 7.41.26
Shaye Hatty 7th F40-49 7.46.16

4.  ITU WTS Auckland, 1.5km swim, 40km bike, 10km run

Male:  Javier Gomez 1.54.13  Female:  Jodie Stimpson 2.08.34

5. Ironman South Africa, 3.8km swim, 180km bike, 42.2km run

Male:  Nils Frommhold 8.26.07  Female:  Simone Brandli 9.31.54


Sunday 13 April 2014
Lake Alexander
300m swim, 13km bike, 3km run


Race Director:  Ron Griep
Registration:    Emily Heames | Lisa Heames
Fruit | Ice:       Melanie Thomas

Online entry closes midday Friday here.


1.  FOUND:  At event on Sunday First Aid Box, pump and helmet.  Contact John 0408 052 080

2 . HOUSE SITTERS AVAILABLE:  Do you need a house sitter in June? Kate Robertson's parents (Rick and Jenny Robertson) are in Darwin for 2 weeks (14.06.14 - 27.06.14) and are keen to house sit if you have a holiday planned and would like your house to be looked after. Contact Jenny 0427 577 516

3.  WANTED TO BUY:  2nd hand wireless bike computer and cleat pedals. Contact Jemima 0404 777 680 

4.  FOUND:  Sunglasses at Bin & Bertie farewell  Contact Jo 0435 826 711

5.  FOR SALE:  Pair of Bontrager Carbon Aero Race lite tubular wheels plus tyres (unfitted). 45mm deep rims. $600 Contact Allan 0410 989 066

6.  FOR SALE:  Cell Road bike; suit rider 167-172cm tall; tiagra gearing, New chain, bottom bracket and rear cogwheel recently installed. Well used but regularly cleaned and serviced Corrosion on some bolts Asking $600-$650 Contact Robert  0427 199 501

7.  WANTED:  Swimmer for team this Sunday. I will pay.  Contact Anthony 0424 345 398

8.  Items for next E News by Monday 8pm please.


1.  Disappointment for Clare Labowitch on Sunday.  Clare had mechanical problems on the first lap of the bike. Better luck next time Clare!

2.  No names, but one of our competitors got a costly rules wake up on Sunday.  We recommend all our members have a read through the Race Competition Rules.  If nothing else, regularly refresh your memory regarding General Conduct rules. 

3.  Steve Goat, Bryan Hopkins and John Arrigo head to Malaysia for Ironman 70.3 Putrajaya this weekend.  Good luck guys.

4.  Don’t forget to lend a hand with packing up after events.  Many hands make light work and everyone gets home quicker if we all help out. 

5.  On volunteering, there are a number of events coming up that require volunteers in a number of positions (in some cases, including Race Director).  For these events to go ahead we need to have the key volunteers in place.  Please check the calendar and if you can help out please let us know.


Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club

E News

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