The rain stayed away for the first of our Off Road Triathlons held on
Sunday at East Point. This resulted in participants going
home much cleaner than in previous years. I think some found
this disappointing!
Race Director Aaron
Caden, assisted by the guys from Cycle Zone, set a
challenging but fun course and there was a collective air of achievement
present at the finish line!
Big shout out to Aaron,
Kevin Wells, Nic
French, Emma
Winterflood, Shaye
Hatty, Tina
Sanderson, Graeme
Parsons, Kylie
Scholz, Benita Bitner, as well as all those other
fantastic volunteers who assisted at this event. We really appreciate the
time & effort put in by all our volunteers which enables our members
to continue to enjoy our events.
1. Off Road Triathlon #1, 300m swim, 15km mtb, 3km run
Male: Brett
Verity 53:41 Female: Kia King
2. Ironman 70.3 Geelong, 1.9km swim 90km bike 21.1km run
Heath Porter 22nd M35-39 4:38:02
Marcus Lisle
31st M35-39 4:43:29
Luke Fronsko
22nd M25-29 4:43:51
Rachel McLean 3rd F25-29 4:51:17
Nick Hubbard 99th M30-34 5:49:42
Sarah Collins 6th F55-59 5:51:44
Phil Blumberg 15th M60-64 6:16:12
Corinne Fabian dnf
3. Coles Classic 2km swim Sydney
Labowitch 9th F60-64 36:09
4. Brighton Jetty Classic 1.5km swim Adelaide
Tim Green
1st 30-39 21:19
Sunday 21 February 2016
Off Road Triathlon #2
Lake Alexander
300m swim, 15km mtb, 4km run (approx)
Online entry now open here
Race Director: Luke
Registation: Helen
Stuart | Kathryn
Fruit | Ice: Volunteer required
1. Some bargains and even some freebies have been posted to the DARWIN TRI
- BUY SWAP SELL WANTED Facebook page
recently. Check it out and ask to join if you haven't already done
2. Great news following the Geelong event at the weekend - Rachel McLean
has a slot for Ironman 70.3 World Championships. Congrats Rachel!
3. Don't forget juniors can use their Sport Vouchers to purchase
tri gear. Check with Mel
Lind re available junior stock.
4. We managed to reunite a backpack & phone with their owner
following our event on Sunday. Please always check you have all
your gear before you leave the venue after our events.
5. Check out upcoming local cycling events.
6. Are you missing the lollies? We have made a conscious
effort to provide healthier options at our events this year. Your
feedback on post race refreshments is always welcome.
7. We are still on the look out for a person (or persons) to assist
with the Equipment Officer role. Please email if you can help out
with this.
8. Pointscore has been updated.
9. We need a volunteer for fruit | ice for our next event.
Please email if you can help out. Members are asked to keep
receipts for reimbursement.
Synchronized cycling
Robyn Stanley
E News
Darwin Triathlon Club
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