Wednesday, 13 July 2016

E News 13 July 2016

E NEWS  13 JULY 2016


How about this fantastic cooler weather for a pleasant change!  Hope you are enjoying your training sessions (& I'm sure some new pbs which always seem to happen at this time of year) while we have these great conditions.

Triathlon action centred around Lake Bennett Resort at the weekend with the NT Long Course Triathlon taking place.  A big shout out to the Triathlon NT team headed up by President James Geddes, EO Megan Pickering, RD Phill Hatty, TO Barry Sullivan who together with an awesome crew of volunteers delivered a top event on the day!


1.  NT Long Course Triathlon, 2km swim, 60km bike, 16km run

Male Open:  Heath Porter 3:12:25  Female Open:  Stef Puszka  3:21:01

Age Category Winners:

30-34:  Matthew Dames | Sarah McEachern
35-39:  Matt Bishop | Leanne Fidler
40-44:  Aaron Trenfield |  Jac Crofton
45-49:  Martin Kay

2.  Bali Ocean Swim, 1.2km

Brian Gallagher 2nd MMasters 25:36


We are kick starting our 2016 | 2017 events with a Run | Ride | Run followed by a BBQ, a quick AGM, our 2015 | 2016 Awards Presentations (with lots of spot prizes) and are now calling for volunteers to fill our roster positions.

Saturday 6 August 16
Run | Bike | Run (Duathlon #1)
Knuckeys Lagoon Recreation Reserve

2.5km run | 15km bike | 1.25km run


Race Director:  Volunteer Required
Registration:     Volunteers Required      Email:
Fruit | Ice:         Volunteer Required

Entry now open here

BBQ Catering:  An email will be sent closer to day for catering RSVPs for our BBQ (partners & family welcome).  If you can't make the event, you will be very welcome to attend the function afterwards. Save the date!


1.  NT News 13 July 2016

2.  On those 2017 TA Age Group World Championship Selection Policies - release date has been delayed until 20 July 16.

3.  Looking for an event close to home?  Challenge Iskander Puteri is coming up 13 August 16 in Jahore Malaysia (fly into Singapore).

4.  Congratulations to HPA (Helping People Achieve) and CEO Tony Burns on winning the 2016 Telstra Charity Business Award & 2016 Telstra Award.

5.  Good luck to all our members competing in the Darwin Half Marathon this Sunday (entry closes tomorrow midday).

6.  After the Half Marathon some of our members will be dashing off to the Beer Can Regatta

7.  Rio Olympic Games Countdown - 23 days.  Targeting Tokyo in 2020?  You have to wait 1475 days!

8.  Hope you caught the breakaway action of the Tour de France overnight.  Edge of seat stuff in to the finish!

9.  Corinne Fabian and Jenny & Michael Turner are currently enjoying some cycling action in Europe.

10. Vesteys Reserve community consultation

11.  For those of you currently down in the snowy south - stay warm!


Leanne & her shadow 


Robyn Stanley
E News
Darwin Triathlon Club


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