Friday, 14 July 2017

E News 6 July 2017

E News 6 July 17

This is a very quick E News with an important reminder that season 2017 | 2018 gets underway this Sunday, with our popular Enduro format triathlon.

See you there kick starting our new Pointscore year!

Coming Up:

Sunday 9 July 2017
Lake Alexander
Enduro Triathlon

200m swim | 5km ride | 1km run X 3

Info & Entry here


Race Director:  John Thyne
Registration:     Moira Wigley | Clare Labowitch
Fruit | Ice:         Ruth Roberts


1.  This is our first event of 2017 | 2018 so get your Pointscore points off to a flying start by participating this weekend. 

Date Saver

Sunday 30 July 17
Knuckey Reserve, Brandt Road

Duathlon #1 | AGM | BBQ | 2016-2017 Awards Presentation

1.  We'll be celebrating our achievements for the past year and presenting awards to all our winners!  You are likely on the list.

2.  This is our first social event of the new season and follows the first of our Duathlon Series events. Not up to competing, we'd still love to see you there for our BBQ.   We'll have lucky draws as well as awards.

3.  Watch this space for details, but in the mean time, keep the date free.

Other News:

1.  Congratulations to Helen & Paul Bell on the birth of their second child, a daughter, Olivia.

2.  Congrats to our members who participated in the 5km & 10km Road Run C'ships at the weekend. Results

3.  Well done to all our members who braved the crocs and swam the Fannie Bay Swim classic.

4. Best placed at Fannie Bay Swim 2.1km - Male:  Luke Fronsko (7th) Female:  Rachel McLean (1st)

5.  Seems we have members swanning about all over the world and posting photos guaranteed to make you want to join them.

6.  Our Long Course Festival details just about finalised.  Encourage your tri visitors to bring their bikes if they will be here 27 August 2017.

7.  Spotted Ron Griep back for a short work related visit.

8.  New bike needed ??  Check out your local bike shop, it's Sale Time.

9.  Don't forget to check DARWIN TRI  BUY SWAP SELL WANTED  for bargains as well.

Membership Renewals Due | Great time to join up

1.  Thinking of joining our club for season 2017 | 2018?

2.  NOW is perfect timing to take out a new membership (or manual renew your lapsed membership) as our new season events kick off this Sunday.

3.  Joining is an easy online process.  You click the link here, select club member level membership and choose Darwin Triathlon Club at the relevant point in the process.

4.  If you have a question about your membership renewal (auto renew or manual), read FAQs here in the first instance or contact us if you need further assistance.

5.  A couple of things to note:  Mobile devices are not compatible with the ACTIVE membership platform and while using any other web browser, ensure that you have "enabled pop-ups".


#ThrowbackThursday to pint sized super tri supporters


See you Sunday ....


Robyn Stanley
E News
Darwin Triathlon Club



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