Thursday, 21 September 2017

E News 14 September 17


Our 2017 Super Sprint Series got underway on Sunday in perfect conditions.  It was great to welcome our Come & Tri participants and good to hear we will be getting some new members in the future as all enjoyed our unique club atmosphere.

A big thank you to Lucas Hayden who took to RDing like a duck to water and did an awesome job in overseeing this event for us.  It was Lucas' first time as volunteer race director, and he received lots of help and encouragement as do all our RDs.  

Our amazing volunteers also included Moira Wigley and Emily Moran on registration, ably assisted by Claire Labowitch & Craig Rachow; Jo Duncan shopped and chopped our post race refreshments, Elliott Bolitho manned hot corner for us and Moz Bronjes was on hand for technical duties.  Thanks to Gary Wall  we got those results out in super quick time.  Thank you!

We also appreciated the efforts of everyone who helped set up and pack away.  We were done and dusted and sipping lattes by 9am!!  



1.  Super Sprint Series #1 and Come  Tri, 300m swim, 15km bike, 3km run

Male:  Luke Fronsko  36:13  Female:  Rachel Mclean 40:39

Full Results here

2.  Ironman 70.3 Sunshine Coast, 1.9km swim, 90km bike, 2.1km run

Brad George 27th M40-44 4:50:55
Jac Crofton 4th F40-44 4:57:58
Stu Fitch 5th M60-64 5:21:20

Next Event:

Super Sprint  Series #2
Sunday 24 September 2017
Lake Alexander

300m swim | 15km bike | 3km run

Info & Entry here


Race Director:  Moira Wigley
Registration:    Jo Duncan | Matt Jong
Fruit | Ice:        Tina Sanderson

Velodrome Use

1.  Please be aware that Darwin Cycling Club have athletes training for National Track Championships at the Velodrome.

2.  Their main session is currently Tuesday evenings from 4:30pm onwards, so if using the velodrome,  we'd suggest you avoid that time.  

Other News:

1.  There are a few Roster spots to be filled for our upcoming events.  We really would like to get those sorted asap.  Take a look at the Calendar and let us know where you can help.  We do ask that all members volunteer to do a Roster duty at least once each season.

2.  Hearing the number of members heading for Busso 70.3 in December has risen over the past couple of weeks.

3.  Got a couple of verbal Dag of the Year nominations from the weekend.  Email them in so we have them on file.  Confidentiality assured.

4.   Rachel Bament is among the Darwinites heading for the Sydney Marathon this weekend.  Good luck!

5.  Seems we have heaps heading over for the Tour de Timor starting next week.   Stay upright you all, and enjoy!

6.  Good luck to our members taking part in the Mitchell Street Mile and/or Criterium on Sunday.

7.  On drafting .... we know our course is a little tight, that traffic impends the flow at times, that there are a couple of sharp turns and speed bumps ... but ... how about we try and keep Super Sprint #2  draft free - safety and fairness are the aims here.

8.  Our co-ordinator Rena Walker put on a swim run activity for our juniors on Sunday and they had a ball. Thanks also to Tatiane Kelly for helping out.  Our next junior event takes place on 15 Oct 2017, pop it in your calendars.

9.  Our Instagram account is now under @darwintriclub,  you can follow us there or #darwintriclub on your posts.  Lines up nicely now with our Twitter account @darwintriclub.

10.  Most of you will have received your Triathlon Australia membership cards in the mail.  Suggestion -  Why not grab a marker and add your DAR number (needed to enter our events) and your Chip Number and have all your tri info in the one handy place.

Pic of the Week:



Robyn Stanley
E News
Darwin Triathlon Club 

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