Monday, 22 April 2013

Robyn's E News 22 April 2013

Hi All,

Our Kerran Mudgway Memorial Club Championships continues to grow and is well supported by our members and their families & judging by the comments on our  Facebook page, enjoyed by all.

Being 80 odd kilometres down the track the event takes much organising and our Race Director Shaye Hatty did a brilliant job rallying all our wonderful volunteers to ensure competitors had a great race experience.

Shaye was ably assisted by 2IC Phill & 3IC Jack and a great band of people who all chipped in to set swim courses, man drink stops, turnaround points, marshall, time keep, provide post-race refreshments, cover technical official duties and a zillion other things.  There are too many to name (for fear of inadvertently overlooking someone) but we are very grateful for their contribution on Saturday.

We can now look forward to recovering and having some fun at our annual teams event this Sunday.  If you haven’t done this before, grab a couple of fellow team members, think up a theme if you want and come on down on Sunday for some tri-ing with a difference.


1.  There has been a tidy up of the E News distribution list after a few little glitches caused by over my over active virus protection.

2.  If you have a preferred or different address please advise. 

3.  Should someone mention that they didn’t receive their E News can you please have them get in touch.

4.  Thanks for your patience & understanding when you didn’t receive or ended up with multiple copies of E News.


1.  Kerran Mudgway Memorial Club Championships, 1.3km swim, 30km bike, 8km run

Male:  Tim Green 1.35.41  Female:  Stef Puszka  1.46.24

Age Categories:

20-29  Tim Green / Stef Puszka
30-39  Brett Verity / Emma Winterflood
40-49  Ron Griep / Peta Jeggo
50-59  Tony Cox / Corinne Fabian
60-69  Graeme Parsons

Full results posted to website.

2.  Kerran Mudgway Short Option, 500m swim, 15km bike, 4km run

Male:  Andrew Hardy 58.56  Female:  Jade Williamson 1.00.05

Full results posted to website.

2.  Ironman 70.3 New Orleans, 1.9km swim, 90km bike, 21.1km run

Male:  Andreas Raelert 3.46.54  Female:  Haley Chura 4.18.20

3.  Koh Samui Triathlon, 4km swim, 122km bike, 30km run

Male:  Courtney Atkinson 6.00.18  Female:  Melissa Houschildt 6.14.49

Michelle Gailey ProF dnf


Sunday 28 April 2013
Teams Triathlon
Lake Alexander
300m swim, 6km bike, 1.5km run x 3


Race Director:  Tony Cox
Registration:     Billy Lynch / Volunteer required
Timekeeping:    Belinda Birk / Bertram Birk
Fruit / Ice:         Volunteer required


1.  Register on the day $10 per team
2.  Team themes encouraged
3.  Note later start time
4.  If you can fill one of the volunteer vacancies please email here.


1.  This weekend is the final event of the junior series for 2012/2013.

2.  It is on this Sunday 28th (typo on the jnr program) in conjunction with the senior teams triathlon.

3.  We will have the juniors racing separately from the seniors and will make up the teams from those who attend.

4.  We will conclude the junior program with a breakfast and participation awards.

5.  Juniors must have current 2012/2013 Triathlon Australia/Club membership to participate.

6.  Special offer - join now here and membership valid to 30 June 2014. The kids have a fun time and don’t need any experience to join in.


1. Will take place at Lake Alexander on Saturday 11 May 2013 at the earlier start time of 6.30am

2.  Registration is now open online here

3.  Extra volunteers are required for this event.  If you can assist please email Triathlon NT EO, Anna Goat here


1.  FOR SALE:  Zipp 'ZedTech' 404 Wheel Set. 2009 model, ceramic bearings, near new GP4000 tyres, pink Zipp stickers (fully awesome). Have probably been used about 10 times all up. Also included - brand new spare pre glued single (GP4000) and Zipp double wheel bag.  Selling because I just don't need them anymore. Asking $1500. Could be ready to race at Lake Bennett! Contact Bec on 0408 878 689

2. FOR SALE:  BIKES for sale.  Orbea Zeus 54cm alloy & carbon $800; Colnago 54cm steel $200; Max Lelli all carbon & Dura Ace $1100.  Contact Stu 0418 437 075

3.  FOR SALE:  Cervelo P3 (2011) 54cm - Ultegra running gear with dura-ace shifters. New 10spd rear cassette. Great condition and regularly serviced. No damage or scratches. Would suit person 5'8 to 5'11. Selling $2500ono. Contact Simon 0414 657 256

4.  Items for E News by Sunday 8pm please.


1.  Message from Daryl re Anzac Day Swim Squad Thursday 25 April 2013.

2.  Nightcliff Pool is booked for swim squad from 0600 to 0720 hrs.

3.  Entry will be via the back gate and cost will be $5 to Daryl (that includes pool entry).

4.  We will dedicate this training session to the men and women who serve, and have served our country.


1.  Our sincere condolences to Margaret Hatty & Phill Hatty on the loss of their husband & step dad Robert (Bob) Smith.  Bob and Margaret have been smiling faces and willing volunteers at many of our events.  RIP Bob.

2.  We wish Dee Walsh a speedy recovery.  Dee is a new member and was to compete at Lake Bennett.  Unfortunately she suffered a broken leg in a fall from her bike last week.  Now a candidate for our Broken Spoke Award.

3.  It was great to hear the satisfaction & excitement in the voices of some first time finishers at Lake B on Saturday.  It has given many the confidence to step up the distance and have a go at the NT Olympic Distance next month.

4.  In an amazing show of sportsmanship, our new club champion Tim Green waited for 2nd placed Brett Verity who had accidently collided with one of the drink station kids during their final laps of the run. As this all happened behind him Tim would have been forgiven had he continued but instead his instinct on hearing the noise, was to stop and wait in case he could help.

5. Team themes – we have had some great ones in the past.  It’s encouraged but optional.  Want to be in a team or need an extra in yours?  Post a message on our Facebook page and don’t forget to LIKE us while you are there.

6.  Got a friend who is interested in triathlon?  Now is the time to join – we currently have a membership offer that takes new members through to 30 June 2014 (15 months instead of normal 12).

7.  Current members – your membership is not due until 30 June 2013.


Robyn Stanley
Darwin Triathlon Club
E News

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